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[Graph programjitter

Description: performs jitter attack (removal/duplication) of rows or columns on a PGM gray-scale image -performs jitter attack (removal / duplica tion) of rows or columns on a PGM gray-scale imag e
Platform: | Size: 2093 | Author: 王国树 | Hits:


Description: The code summerize how to calculate the jitter (RMS) with the incoming signals, such as optical communications and clock and date recovery circuit
Platform: | Size: 882349 | Author: marcus | Hits:


Description: jitter buffer算法的源代码-jitter buffer algorithm source code
Platform: | Size: 2194 | Author: 张浦 | Hits:


Description: jitter buffer算法的源代码-jitter buffer algorithm source code
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 张浦 | Hits:


Description: jitterbug是基于matlab的工具箱,允许对在不同的时域条件下的线性系统的二次性能指标计算。用这个工具箱,可以很容易看出系统对时延、jitter和数据丢失等的响应。-jitterbug is based on Matlab Toolbox, allowing for the different time domain under the conditions of the linear quadratic system performance computing. Using this toolkit, you can easily see that system to delay, jitter and data loss, such as the response.
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: 张婷 | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopDof

Description: 本程序在窗口中显示绘制的5个茶壶图像则景深效果。 本程序是基于单文档的MFC应用程序,主要介绍如何使用accPerspective()函数和如何能够保持在焦点平面的同时抖动视图体等方向的内容。-the procedures in the window display was produced by five images were teapot depth of field effects. This procedure is based on the MFC single document applications, mainly how to use accPerspective () function and how to maintain the focus plane at the same time jitter View direction of the body, such as the contents.
Platform: | Size: 114688 | Author: 陈康 | Hits:

[DSP program简单的键盘程序

Description: 一段简单的键盘程序,具有消除抖动,和按键连续计数,附 详细的注释-a simple keyboard procedures have to eliminate jitter, and the keys for counting, with detailed annotations
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 白桦 | Hits:

[Audio programNQOS

Description: VoIP(voice over IP) 就是通过IP 网络承载语音业务,也称IP 网络电话。当网络出现拥塞或传输差错时,语音包就会产生时延、抖动甚至丢失,导致语音不连续或中断,-VoIP (voice over IP) through the IP network to carry voice traffic. also known as IP telephone network. When the network is expected to congestion or transmission errors, the packet will have a voice delay, jitter or loss, voice not lead to continuous or interrupted,
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 张路宜 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackVoIQos

Description: VoIP 业务有着严格的实时性要求,时延、抖动和丢包这3 个影响VoIP 服务质量的主要因素与承载网的性能密切相关-VoIP has strict real-time requirements, delay, This jitter and packet loss three impact the quality of VoIP services and the main factors bearing net closely related to the properties
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: 张路宜 | Hits:

[Graph programwarp

Description: 图像扭曲抖动的一个例子,能实现三种插值方法-distorted image of a jitter example, to achieve three interpolation methods
Platform: | Size: 184320 | Author: 无危 | Hits:


Description: ADS7846/7843芯片 适合用在4线制触摸屏,它通过标准SPI协议和CPU通信,操作简单,精度高,当触摸屏被按下时(即有触摸事件发生)则ADS7846向CPU发中断请求,CPU接到请求后,应延时一下再响应其请求,目的是为了消除抖动使得采样更准确-ADS7846/7843 chip suitable for use in the 4-wire Touchscreen, SPI through standard protocols and CPU communication, simple operation, high accuracy, When the touch screen is pressed (that is, touching incident) ADS7846 to the CPU interrupt request, CPU upon request, should be about responding to delay its request, the purpose of eliminating jitter make more accurate sampling
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: YMCHUNG | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMethodologyForJitter

Description: jitter analysis method
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: fido lee | Hits:

[Software EngineeringJitterMeasurements

Description: jitter measuring method
Platform: | Size: 771072 | Author: fido lee | Hits:

[Software EngineeringPCI_Express_Jitter_White_Paper_1_0_May_27_20043.zi

Description: PCIe jitter analysis method
Platform: | Size: 609280 | Author: fido lee | Hits:


Description: The code summerize how to calculate the jitter (RMS) with the incoming signals, such as optical communications and clock and date recovery circuit
Platform: | Size: 881664 | Author: marcus | Hits:


Description: 介绍了jitter基础,成因以及测量等比较全面的资料-Jitter introduced the basis of measurement, such as causes, as well as more comprehensive information
Platform: | Size: 623616 | Author: sxq | Hits:


Description: 有线网络NS2模拟时,线路的抖动计算,awk源码-NS2 simulation of a cable network, the line jitter calculation, awk source
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: shan | Hits:

[Windows DevelopJitter

Description: jitterbuffer实现网络数据流的抖动,可以有效解决网络带宽波动的时候音视频数据的丢包现象-jitterbuffer network data stream to achieve jitter, can be an effective solution to network bandwidth fluctuations, when the phenomenon of audio and video data packet loss
Platform: | Size: 9250816 | Author: KDM | Hits:

[Program docJitter-and-clock-recovery-for-periodic-traffic-in

Description: Jitter and clock recovery for periodic traffic in broadband packet networks
Platform: | Size: 858112 | Author: harsh | Hits:


Description: 基于VHDL语言下的消除键抖动程序设计,很简单易懂的-Elimination of key jitter
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: vanrry | Hits:
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