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Description: 著名科技公司的面试题,可以在面试的时候有所帮助-Well-known technology companies face questions can be helpful when the interview
Platform: | Size: 358400 | Author: jiangliang | Hits:


Description: 很多同学在求职时很困惑,这本书将帮你拿下所有的java面试难题。-Many students are confused when job-seekers, this book will help you with your interview of all the java problem.
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: bill | Hits:


Description: 公司面试题,研究企业内部考试题,为面试成功增加机会。-Companies face questions, study internal exams, increase opportunities for success for the interview.
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 陈阳 | Hits:


Description: 程序员面试经典,应届毕业生必备宝典,希望对大家有所帮助-Programmer interview classic, graduates must-Collection, we want to help
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: astr_1987 | Hits:

[Software Engineering1324

Description: FPGA工程师面试试题集锦,对于即将毕业的同学特别有用,可以提前准备一下面试的东西-FPGA engineer interview questions highlights, for graduate students is particularly useful, you can prepare ahead of time about what the interview
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: | Hits:


Description: JAVA面试中常碰到的题目,经过实践求得,来之不易。-JAVA interview questions often encountered, obtained through practice, hard to come by.
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: 罗葵 | Hits:


Description: 主要是一些JAVA面试的测试题,希望对大家有帮助-JAVA main areas are some of the interview test questions
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: xiejianmin | Hits:


Description: 这是微软公司的面试心得,里面有很大的源代码-This is the Microsoft interview experience, there are a great source code
Platform: | Size: 5085184 | Author: 吴先毅 | Hits:


Description: 本书是微软全国TOP3讲师孔文达编著的一本面向VC程序员面试技巧的一本书。-This book is a Microsoft National TOP3 lecturer Kong Venda edited for a VC programmer for a book on interview techniques.
Platform: | Size: 6433792 | Author: gaogao | Hits:


Description: 本文档集成了Java面试时要用到的知识,收集了各大公司在面试时经常问到的题目-This document incorporates Java interview the knowledge to use to collect the major companies in the interview frequently asked questions
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: zhou | Hits:


Description: 非常详尽的描述了作为一名程序员应该为面试准备些什么和注意些什么,也许您现在还赢不到,先看看,指不定什么时候就用上了-Very detailed description of the interview as a programmer should be prepared to pay attention to what and what, perhaps you can not win now, look, use it when Zhi Buding
Platform: | Size: 4324352 | Author: jq | Hits:

[Software Engineeringinterview

Description: 航天某研究所的应届毕业生笔试题目,c/c-Space Institute graduates of a written title, c/c++
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: slek | Hits:


Description: 来自CareerCup的150道 IT技术面试题, 主要来源于 Google, MS, Apple, Yahoo, Amazon等 顶尖公司, 资源不可多得, 赶快下载吧.... 书中还详细介绍了面试的准备等. 相当不错的英文原文书籍.. 另外我修改了pdf的权限, 大家用adobe reader 打开就可以随便注释,相当方便了....:83) -Top 150 IT technical interview questions from CareerCup, mainly from Google, MS, Apple, Yahoo, Amazon, etc. rare resources, download it .... The book also discusses the preparation of the interview. Excellent English original books .. In addition, I modified the pdf of the authority, we open with adobe reader can easily note, very convenient ....
Platform: | Size: 1340416 | Author: Turing | Hits:


Description: 大家都面临找工作的问题,希望这个面试宝典能帮助你成功拿到工作-We are faced with looking for work and I hope this interview will help you successfully get the canon of work
Platform: | Size: 546816 | Author: 曾育高 | Hits:


Description: java面试题集合 经典java面试题目-a collection of classic face questions java interview questions java
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 如果 | Hits:


Description: 微软实习面试题目。里面有微软实习职位的介绍希望对大家有用!-Microsoft internship interview questions. Internship positions inside Microsoft introduced hope to be useful!
Platform: | Size: 501760 | Author: zhangruchong | Hits:

[source in ebookjavashitiji

Description: 这是一本试题集,其中有关于Java基础知识的试题,也有包括面试经常遇到的各种题目。-This is a set of questions, including questions on basic knowledge of Java, also includes a variety of topics frequently encountered interview.
Platform: | Size: 686080 | Author: 追风 | Hits:


Description: ssh架构的优缺点,详细介绍ssh架构的优缺点,是面试的很好资料-ssh structure of the advantages and disadvantages, detailing the advantages and disadvantages ssh structure is very good interview data
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 陈有志 | Hits:


Description: This Used for prepare Exams and Prepare interview panel-This is Used for prepare Exams and Prepare interview panel
Platform: | Size: 281600 | Author: Jeganathan | Hits:


Description: javajob 一本类似于 程序员面试宝典的书籍,虽然是英文版的,但我觉得肯定要比程序员面试宝典好多了。希望对你有用-javajob an interview Collection of books similar to the programmer, though in English, but I think certainly a lot better than a computer software programmer. Hope useful to you
Platform: | Size: 3935232 | Author: xiaoliao | Hits:
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