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[assembly languageintel_mmx.zip

Platform: | Size: 5742 | Author: | Hits:

[assembly languageintel_mmx

Description: x86 mmx 汇编指令大全-x86 mmx compilation instructions Daquan
Platform: | Size: 6055 | Author: 张鹏 | Hits:

[Develop ToolsINTEL_MMX-Use_Optimizing_Guide(chinese).

Description: 个人整理的有关MMX开发和优化的中文文档资料,对作视频和图像处理的应该有点价值。-personal MMX finishing in the development and optimization of the Chinese document, right for video and image processing should be a bit of value.
Platform: | Size: 470290 | Author: 周国华 | Hits:

[assembly languageintel_mmx

Description: x86 mmx 汇编指令大全-x86 mmx compilation instructions Daquan
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 张鹏 | Hits:


Description: 个人整理的有关MMX开发和优化的中文文档资料,对作视频和图像处理的应该有点价值。-personal MMX finishing in the development and optimization of the Chinese document, right for video and image processing should be a bit of value.
Platform: | Size: 470016 | Author: 周国华 | Hits:

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