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[Windows Developgetpass-1.0

Description: 本人编写,破解纽曼加密(1.0)文件程序的源码。仅供参考,请勿用于非法用途。
Platform: | Size: 128151 | Author: djzbj | Hits:


Description: 用汇编语言写的取网页窗口密码的程序。支持框架网页及标准窗口!
Platform: | Size: 33410 | Author: 树小熊 | Hits:

[Crack HackDES

Description: DES算法的C源码 benchmark.c des.c descalc.c descert.c descycle.c getopt.c getpass.c main.c misc.c radlogin.c uudecode.c uuencode.c
Platform: | Size: 18718 | Author: beetle | Hits:

[OS programGetPass

Description: 利用鼠标键盘钩子来截获*号密码程序,劲!-use of a mouse and keyboard to hook intercepted * Password procedures, Jin!
Platform: | Size: 100325 | Author: 王子轶 | Hits:

[OS programGetPass

Description: 还原精灵6.1密码读取器源码 修改于5.5版本!
Platform: | Size: 6454 | Author: chenyan | Hits:

[Windows DevelopGetPass

Description: 软件功能是截取浏览器包括邮箱、论坛、博客等网站上的帐号和密码。本人用自己的机器测试过的有:163,126,sina,sohu的邮箱 www.51.com,www.2ccc.com,www.delphibbs.com等网站的登陆帐号密码 及本人的QQ邮箱,都能正常截取到正确的帐号密码.同时本人还测试了一下自己的广发展的网上银行,既然也取得了帐号和密码(软键盘),没有再测其它的,因为不想往这方面去发展.使用方法请参阅压缩文档里的使用说明
Platform: | Size: 49845 | Author: qnaqbgss | Hits:

[OS programv_getpass2

Description: 重新实现getpass 可以自定义最大输入密码的长度-regain getpass can define maximum password length
Platform: | Size: 1155 | Author: 杨进庆 | Hits:

[Hook apiGetPass

Description: 获取输入框密码(Windows98下通过),会在SysTray上显示一双始终盯着鼠标的眼睛,能将密码复制到剪贴板的一个例子-Access to the password input box (Windows98 through), will be displayed on SysTray always a pair of eyes staring at the mouse, the password can be copied to the clipboard, an example of
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Hook apiGetPass_Src

Description: 利用vc++开发的消息钩子,其中钩子使用dll实现的-use vc development of the hook, the hook used to achieve the dll
Platform: | Size: 72704 | Author: bbhl80 | Hits:

[OS programGetPass

Description: 利用鼠标键盘钩子来截获*号密码程序,劲!-use of a mouse and keyboard to hook intercepted* Password procedures, Jin!
Platform: | Size: 190464 | Author: 王子轶 | Hits:

[OS programv_getpass2

Description: 重新实现getpass 可以自定义最大输入密码的长度-regain getpass can define maximum password length
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 杨进庆 | Hits:

[Windows Developgetpass-1.0

Description: 本人编写,破解纽曼加密(1.0)文件程序的源码。仅供参考,请勿用于非法用途。-I am prepared to break encryption Newman (1.0) source code documentation procedures. For reference purposes only, not for illegal purposes.
Platform: | Size: 128000 | Author: djzbj | Hits:


Description: 用汇编语言写的取网页窗口密码的程序。支持框架网页及标准窗口!-Using assembly language to write web pages from the password window procedure. Framework and standards to support web page window!
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 树小熊 | Hits:

[Crack HackDES

Description: DES算法的C源码 benchmark.c des.c descalc.c descert.c descycle.c getopt.c getpass.c main.c misc.c radlogin.c uudecode.c uuencode.c-DES algorithm C source benchmark.cdes.cdescalc.cdescert.cdescycle.cgetopt.cgetpass.cmain.cmisc.cradlogin.cuudecode.cuuencode.c
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: beetle | Hits:

[OS programGetPass

Description: 还原精灵6.1密码读取器源码 修改于5.5版本!-Restore Wizard 6.1 reader source code modification in the 5.5 version!
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: chenyan | Hits:

[OS program3

Description: 几个键盘记录的源码,供大家学习使用,欢迎下载-Several keyboard record source for learning to use the U.S. are welcome to download
Platform: | Size: 2185216 | Author: haweifang | Hits:

[OS programGETPASS

Description: 以前写的一个获取星号密码的程序。可以显示鼠标所在位置的控件的CLASS,TEXT,NAME,等属性。-Ago to write an asterisk password access procedures. Can show the location of the mouse controls CLASS, TEXT, NAME, and other attributes.
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: 谈志方 | Hits:

[WEB CodeGetPass

Description: 本人是在家中上网,经常有一些BBS的密码懒得记了,就用IE的自动密码保存功能,这样一来是方便了,但却有一个麻烦,一旦机子不行了,想要重装操作系统了,这些密码却也取不出了,还得重新申请,好麻烦!因此我就写了一个工具,可以取得网页密码框的密码-I was at home Internet access, often there are some BBS not bother to remember a password, use IE s automatic password save feature, so it is convenient, but there is a trouble loom once the point of death, you want to reinstall the operating system These passwords are also not taken, and will have to re-apply, good trouble! So I wrote a tool that can obtain the password box password page
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 郭合理 | Hits:

[Hook apiGetPass

Description: 挂接键盘钩子,轻松记录各种密码的源代码,包括QQ,各种游戏帐号等。-Articulated keyboard hook to easily record the password source code, including QQ, games, etc. account.
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: jason | Hits:


Description: 一个vb写的获取access数据库密码的小程序,只能获取2003以下的mdb密码-Write a vb access database password for a small program, only the following mdb password for 2003
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: sunshinebean | Hits:
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