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[DirextXProgramming Role-Playing Games With Directx(Source

Description: Programming Role-Playing Games(RPG游戏) With Directx-Programming Role-Playing Games (RPG) With DirectX
Platform: | Size: 42935355 | Author: none | Hits:


Description: Russia-diamonds-games(俄罗斯方块游戏)-Russia-diamonds-games (Russian box game)
Platform: | Size: 47476 | Author: shenwei | Hits:

[Other resourceE-games(jinyuetuan)

Description: E语言游戏(劲乐团+原码),适用于e语言4.0以上版本-E. language games (King Orchestra original code), e language applicable to the above version 4.0
Platform: | Size: 76832 | Author: jz0701 | Hits:

[Develop Toolsuse Java Developing Games

Description: 使用Java开发手机游戏-use Java development for mobile phone games
Platform: | Size: 4386942 | Author: 布告苏尼 | Hits:

[Other resourcegames

Description: 名称:games,包含三个j2me开发的手机游戏:有字谜、贪吃蛇和搬运工三个经典的游戏例子代码
Platform: | Size: 33008 | Author: mark | Hits:



AI Life

By rahul_sindhu

Steering Behaviours, Genetic Algorithms, and Neural Networks in games.

Platform: | Size: 2047423 | Author: MatthewSin | Hits:


Description: 站长以前用Brew写的五子棋程序--Five in a row games written in Brew by webmaster before
Platform: | Size: 181248 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Game ProgramProgramming Linux Games-08-07-2001.tar

Description: Linux游戏编程源码--The source code of Linux game
Platform: | Size: 3164160 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[OpenGL programablazeball-scr

Description: opengl 开发的3D游戏,绝对经典-opengl development of 3D games, absolute classic
Platform: | Size: 233472 | Author: 东晋 | Hits:

[Booksuse Java Developing Games

Description: 使用Java开发手机游戏-use Java development for mobile phone games
Platform: | Size: 4386816 | Author: | Hits:

[Shot Game傻瓜飞机

Description: 一个简单的射击演示并没有任何特点,只是为了教会初学者如何写一个飞机游戏。游戏中用方向键控制飞机,CTRL开火,ESC退出。-a simple demonstration of the shooting and no features, only to the church beginners how to write an aircraft game. Games using the direction keys control aircraft, CTRL opened fire from the ESC.
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 陈春 | Hits:

[Shot Game3d射击游戏(模仿cs界面)

Description: 3D的CS游戏,做的非常好!-3D games, so very good!
Platform: | Size: 558080 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 黑白棋j2me手机游戏-reversi J2ME mobile games
Platform: | Size: 87040 | Author: 张志强 | Hits:


Description: 一个类似打地鼠的j2me手机游戏。-a similar fight to control the J2ME mobile games.
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: 张志强 | Hits:

[DirextXProgramming Role-Playing Games With Directx(Source

Description: Programming Role-Playing Games(RPG游戏) With Directx-Programming Role-Playing Games (RPG) With DirectX
Platform: | Size: 42935296 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: Phone poker games.用J2ME写的一个手机扑克小游戏.-Phone poker games. Used to write a J2ME mobile phone poker game.
Platform: | Size: 169984 | Author: NightSnow | Hits:


Description: j2me Games for example
Platform: | Size: 203776 | Author: miledson | Hits:

[Game ProgramProgramming.Role.Playing.Games.with.DirectX

Description: [游戏开发参考书-用DirectX编写RPG游戏]这是一个系列的丛书如果你都看并且懂的话你就可以你工作啦!-[Game development reference books- prepared with DirectX games RPG] This is a series of books and see if you have to understand if you can you work it!
Platform: | Size: 34708480 | Author: 李磊 | Hits:

[Game ProgramJAVA-games-a-stone-scissors-cloth.

Description: 用JAVA实现的一个石头剪子布游戏。代码简单易行,适合Java初开发者使用。-Implemented with JAVA games a stone scissors cloth.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 朱茵 | Hits:

[Game ProgramProgramming Video Games

Description: Evil Genius guide to games programming
Platform: | Size: 5648384 | Author: DragonSF | Hits:
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