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[OtherGame-EC 驱动模块8.1(绑定版)+注册机

Description: Game-EC 驱动模块8.1(绑定版)+注册机(Independent Regiment VIP module Game-EC)
Platform: | Size: 750592 | Author: Hangjun | Hits:

[Game Programgame

Description: source code for a example game
Platform: | Size: 150528 | Author: SquareFB | Hits:

[Game Programtest code timer game

Description: code testing timer for a game
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: SquareFB | Hits:

[OtherGame c? cá ng?a C#

Description: Game of horses C#
Platform: | Size: 649216 | Author: Bloodstone | Hits:

[OtherGame c? t??ng Chess C#

Description: Chess game program C#
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: Bloodstone | Hits:

[OtherGame c? vua C#

Description: Chess game version 2 C#
Platform: | Size: 13753344 | Author: Bloodstone | Hits:

[Game ProgramGame line 2008 C#

Description: Game line program in C#
Platform: | Size: 331776 | Author: Bloodstone | Hits:

[Game ProgramGame x?p hình Tetris C#

Description: Puzzle Tetris game C#
Platform: | Size: 103424 | Author: Bloodstone | Hits:


Description: Game theory algorithm
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: maan501 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopGame#

Description: 一个适合初学者练习的简单小游戏,9格黑白棋,command1 按钮随机产生先手。(Suitable for beginners to practice a simple little game, 9 Reversi, command1 randomly generated starting button.)
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: rusb | Hits:

[Game ProgramFoundation Game Design with ActionScript

Description: Learn the skills to design any conceivable 2D game using Flash and ActionScript.
Platform: | Size: 22423552 | Author: Horman | Hits:

[Game Programgame-master

Description: A simple game in python using pygame, some libraries heavily copied from http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2009/02/13/writing-a-game-in-python-with-pygame-part-iv/
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: ``李的 | Hits:

[WEB CodeDoz-Game-Robot-Telegram-Source-Sourceiran.com

Description: doz game php telegram bot
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: hassan agh | Hits:

[source in ebookApress-Learn-C++-for-Game-Development

Description: C++ for Game Development
Platform: | Size: 1677312 | Author: JupiterZeus | Hits:

[Game Programgame

Description: 一个简单的对战小游戏,C语言课程的大作业。(It is a very simple PVP game based on C.)
Platform: | Size: 1418240 | Author: coruscating | Hits:


Description: 216 books name for game programming learner who knows what i am saying. my english is not good.
Platform: | Size: 2313216 | Author: 诚实小王子 | Hits:

[Game ProgramProgramming Game AI by Example

Description: Programming Game AI by Example
Platform: | Size: 9010176 | Author: GG_666 | Hits:

[Game ProgramIntroduction to 3D Game Programming with DX9

Description: Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0
Platform: | Size: 4364288 | Author: GG_666 | Hits:

[3D Graphic3D Game

Description: 这是一本介绍 Direct3D 10 交互式计算机图形编程的书,主要侧重于游戏开发。它涵盖了 Direct3D 与着色器编程的基础知识,读者在掌握这些内容之后,将有能力阅读更高级的技 术书籍。本书分为 3 个主要部分。第 I 部分讲解了贯穿全书的数学工具。第 II 部分涵盖了 基本的 Direct3D 编程技术,比如初始化、定义 3D 几何体、放置摄像机、创建顶点/像素/ 几何着色器、光照、纹理映射、混合和模板。第 III 部分主要是运用 Direct3D 实现一些 有趣的技术和特殊效果,比如使用网格、地形渲染、拾取、粒子系统、环境贴图映射、法线 贴图映射、阴影和渲染到纹理.(Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 10)
Platform: | Size: 6572032 | Author: dyh | Hits:

[Game ProgramGame-Scripting-Mastery-Varanese-2002

Description: Source code from the 'Game scripting mastery' book by Alex Varanese, 2002.
Platform: | Size: 1130496 | Author: jpphn | Hits:
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