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[Other resource802.11i-2004

Description: IEEE 802.11i-2004 Amendment to IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edition (Reaff 2003). IEEE Standard for Information technology--Telecommunications and information exchange between system--Local and metropolitan area networks?Specific requirements--Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications--Amendment 6: Medium Access Control (MAC) Security Enhancements
Platform: | Size: 1652121 | Author: 周金喜 | Hits:

[Other resource802.11j-2004

Description: IEEE 802.11j-2004 IEEE Standard for Information technology—Telecommunications and information exchange between systems--Local and metropolitan area networks—Specific requirements—Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications—Amendment 7: 4.9 GHz–5 GHz Operation in Japan
Platform: | Size: 911740 | Author: 周金喜 | Hits:

[OpenGL programGameExchange2FileLoaderGE2ge2loader

Description: Game Exchange 2 File Loader GE2 ge2loader
Platform: | Size: 588487 | Author: liuyw | Hits:


Description: DXFReader是一个允许浏览、操作、测绘由AutoCAD系统生成的DXF文件格式的图形,同样也可以转化数据格式。 DXF 是Drawing eXchange Format的缩写。它是一种图形索引格式文件可以用来在一种CAD系统和另外一个程序之间进行转化和交互。DXF的输出和输入支持很多不同的应用程序,包括了大多数的CAD系统、文字处理程序、桌面工具等。DXF CAD格式已经变成了一个基于CAD工业的计算机标准文件,可以被众多的CAD系统读写的格式文件。 使用DXFReader 产品你可以轻松实现从图形数据文件中读取图形信息甚至每一个图形实体,并对其进行数据操作,在您的开发环境中直接分析数据。
Platform: | Size: 205826 | Author: cheng | Hits:

[Other resourcepdnmesh

Description: pdnMesh is an automatic mesh generator and solver for Finite Element problems. It will also do post-processing to generate contour plots and Postscript printouts. GUI support using GTK or MFC (Win32) is available. The problem definition can be done in any form and given to pdnMesh as an input data file. Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) files can be directly imported to pdnmesh. The quality and the coarseness of the mesh can be controlled by giving input parameters.
Platform: | Size: 2501924 | Author: 王大为 | Hits:

[WEB Codeadshark

Description: 广告条管理组件,可以管理各种内容的广告,支持简单GIF图,Java和HTM广告,交换连接和外部广告服务器-advertising of the management components, can manage the various elements of advertising, GIF support a simple map, Java and HTM advertising, link exchange and external ad server
Platform: | Size: 62197 | Author: 赛地 | Hits:


Description: 交换技术与交换网作业的文档-exchange of technology and exchange of documents network operations
Platform: | Size: 12601 | Author: 肖煜 | Hits:

[Other resource交换实验

Description: 一个交换作业的源程序-a source of exchange operations
Platform: | Size: 1772 | Author: 肖煜 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVFP环境下实时数据采集的实现

Description: VFP环境下实时数据采集的实现,用DDE实现动态数据交换-VFP environment of real-time data acquisition achieved using DDE Dynamic Data Exchange
Platform: | Size: 4589 | Author: 桂芳 | Hits:


Description: sip voip 平台测试工具,测试软交换平台注册能力-sip voip platform test tools, test software platform for the exchange of registered capacity
Platform: | Size: 2522 | Author: gu | Hits:

[File OperateGisToOracle

Description: MAPGIS 软件支持多种GIS 数据交换,且其明码数据格式较全面、清晰,易于读写。本文以MAPGIS 明码数据格式和Oracle 数据库为例,研究通过编程实现ASCII 码格式的空间数据上载Oracle Spatial 数据库的方法, 探讨各类GIS 软件与Oracle Spatial 进行空间数据交换的基本过程。-MAPGIS software supports a variety of data exchange and data format of its codes more comprehensive, clear and easy to read and write. This paper MAPGIS code data format and the Oracle database as an example, the research program through the ASCII format for spatial data available on Oracle Spatial database, to look into different aspects of GIS software with Oracle Spatial space for the basic data exchange process.
Platform: | Size: 22290 | Author: 石羽 | Hits:


Description: 此程序是我自己开发的连锁超市方案中数据交换的应用实例,所以客户端和服务端的代码有点多,但多是与通信本身无关,所实现的功能是将本地Local文件夹与远程Remote文件夹的.rs文件互相进行传送。-this program is my own development of the supermarket chain data exchange program of the application, client and server-side code a bit more, but most of the communication itself has nothing to do with, the functions of local folders Local and Remote Remote folders. Rs documents transmitted each other.
Platform: | Size: 134251 | Author: 黄忠 | Hits:


Description: MFC文本框和文本文件的数据交换-MFC text boxes and text files for data exchange
Platform: | Size: 27977 | Author: 李勃东 | Hits:

[Other resource用VC++6.0实现PC机与单片机之间的数据交换

Description: 用VC++6.0实现PC机与单片机之间的数据交换-VC 6.0 PC and SCM data exchange between the
Platform: | Size: 6167 | Author: 刘役 | Hits:


Description: 这是我在公司为整合PMDB和CQ的DB所写一个工具,能实现为N个服务器的N*N个数据库中的表建立关系.并导出为XML关系文件,提供API能将XML中关系读回成关系对象,并于数据库交换.-in there for the integration of CQ and the DB wrote a tool to achieve servers N N N * database table relationships. And exported to XML documents relationship, XML API can read back into relations between objects and database exchange.
Platform: | Size: 1160717 | Author: 李禅 | Hits:

[Other resource读写中国地球空间数据交换格式源码

Description: 读写中国地球空间数据交换格式源码-read and write Chinese geospatial data exchange format FOSS
Platform: | Size: 96514 | Author: gb | Hits:


Description: 自动交换网关, 该程序由VC6.0编写 通过调用ip helper api进行动态修改网关 适合需要经常在多个网关之间相互转换者使用-automatic exchange gateways, the program prepared by VC6.0 by calling ip helper api gateway for dynamic modification of the need for multiple gateways for switching between users
Platform: | Size: 17796 | Author: 黄扬 | Hits:


Description: 这是一篇关于p2p协议和sip协议互通的文章,他们共同作用来实现分布式的功能:语音,视频,文件等功能-This an agreement on p2p sip agreement and the exchange of articles, they work together to achieve distributed functions : voice, video, documents, etc. Function
Platform: | Size: 39598 | Author: 邱书恬 | Hits:


Description: 通过消息机制实现Exe程序间的数据交换,实现进程间的通讯的有一个方法!-information through mechanisms Exe procedures between the exchange of information, to achieve inter-process communication in a way!
Platform: | Size: 49968 | Author: 方顺豹 | Hits:

[Other resourceLMS 源程序

Description: MATLAB里面有LMS算法的程序,下面是我自己编写的LMS算法程序,供交流-MATLAB LMS algorithm inside the procedure, the following is my own preparation of the LMS algorithm procedures for the exchange of
Platform: | Size: 1356 | Author: 欧阳文森 | Hits:
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