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[Other resourcekeil uCOS_II v2.52 port

Description: embeded in keil51
Platform: | Size: 93589 | Author: 洪嘉 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopOpenTCP

Description: 适用于8位小型嵌入式系统的TCP/IP协议栈!!移植非常方便!-the tcp/ip protocol be available in 8bit embeded system!!transplant conveniency
Platform: | Size: 263382 | Author: 李江 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developudp_c

Description: 用户数据报协议的程序源码,在嵌入式开发中实现了传输协议的实现-the souce of UDP protocol,realize the transport in embeded develop
Platform: | Size: 7016 | Author: 李勇周 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopG2CGIWeb

Description: 一个用于嵌入式的Mini Web Server.大小只有200k. 非常适合用于机顶盒等.-a Mini Web Server use in embeded system,only 200k,be available in digital tv box
Platform: | Size: 494413 | Author: 蓝天 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developtcpip聊天

Description: 一个基于tcpip的小聊天程序 可用于tcpip的协议开发 少作修改后可用于嵌入式的网络通讯-a small code based tcpip.It can used for chat.It can use Embeded network system if you modify it.
Platform: | Size: 68762 | Author: 郑毅 | Hits:

[Other resource32位操作系统OS-2的MPEG播放机

Platform: | Size: 47261 | Author: 王安安 | Hits:

[Other resourceucos_fs

Description: 嵌入式文件系统 ucfs.包含全部源代码-the complete source code for embeded file system
Platform: | Size: 2935166 | Author: 敬天龙 | Hits:

[Other resourcearm_ucos

Description: 嵌入式系统设计与实例开发-基于ARM微处理器与ucosii实时操作系统(王田苗)-Embeded system design and development base in arm microprocess and ucosii RTOS(TIANMIAO WANG)
Platform: | Size: 13253316 | Author: 稀奇虫子 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopMiniGUI 编程指南-V1.3-C

Description: MiniGUI 编程指南-V1.3-C,详细描述了MiniGUI开发嵌入式图形界面的基础知识,技术资料和开发技巧。-The guide of MiniGUI programme -V1.3-C,described detailedly of background,technical information and development skills about embeded graphical interface.
Platform: | Size: 2005560 | Author: 白道贵 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developbootload(bios)的实现详解

Description: 基于ARM嵌入式系统的通用bootloader的设计与实现-the designe and actualization of bootloader on arm embeded system
Platform: | Size: 356264 | Author: 吴志 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop嵌入式系统设计(PDF)

Description: 能够知道嵌入式系统设计的整个流程和开发思路。-Document for hwo to design Embeded system, include the design flow and method.
Platform: | Size: 94242 | Author: 李莉 | Hits:


Description: GDB调试手册,嵌入初学者必备,可收藏作为参考-Handbook for GDB debugging process. It s very usful for beginner who works on embeded system. You can keep it as a reference book.
Platform: | Size: 199775 | Author: oa | Hits:

[assembly language200463161712850

Description: 頻率計程序﹐一個基于PIC單片機的頻率計程序和電路圖。 -calulating routine for frequence , which is based on both calulating routine for frequence of PIC embeded system and circuit
Platform: | Size: 21331 | Author: 孙勇 | Hits:

[Other resourceuClinux-20040408-ARMSYS

Description: uClinux-20040408-ARMSYS-A embeded uClinux system for ARM cpu family. uClinux is a embeded OS for embeded system.
Platform: | Size: 79598 | Author: 丛宇航 | Hits:

[Other resourcebusybox-20040831.tar.tar

Description: 这是嵌入式linux下busybox源代码-This is the source code of busybox under the platform of Embeded linux.
Platform: | Size: 1112255 | Author: cguo | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developlwip-0.7.1

Description: 超轻量级TCP/IP协议栈源代码,可用于嵌入式开发学习-simple TCP/IP protocol souce code,be used in embeded develop study
Platform: | Size: 325763 | Author: 随意 | Hits:


Description: 音频mp3格式文件解码库,可以任何liux/unix操作系统上运行,适合搞嵌入式开发的朋友。-MP3 encoded library, which can use on any linux/unix OS. It mostly suits embeded system developers.
Platform: | Size: 6233 | Author: 成成 | Hits:


Description: 音频wma格式文件解码库,可在嵌入式系统上运行,适合搞嵌入式开发的朋友-decode lib for wma form, can run under embeded system
Platform: | Size: 186030 | Author: 成成 | Hits:

[Other resource19_66_3

Description: 嵌入式C++开发环境 模拟器 可以帮助你调试开发环境 提高工作效率-Embeded c++ development environment simulator can help you to debug the development environment,and improve your work efficiency
Platform: | Size: 278037 | Author: net | Hits:


Description: 非常优秀的linux嵌入式http服务器,可以根据需要进行裁减-Good http server used in embeded linux. You can use it and cut it as your need.
Platform: | Size: 132275 | Author: qq | Hits:
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