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Description: Java开发eclipse插件的笔记和小示例,使用SWT,打包等(Java development Eclipse Plug-in notes and small samples, packaging and so on)
Platform: | Size: 12649472 | Author: zhangzhang77878 | Hits:

[source in ebook《eclipse全程指南》

Description: JAVA 开发 使用eclipse 《eclipse全程指南》。源码(Eclipse IDE for Java EE DevelopersPackage Description Tools for Java developers creating Java EE and Web applications.)
Platform: | Size: 31433728 | Author: sunbinhua | Hits:

[Windows DevelopEclipse快捷键大全

Description: 自己整理的实用的eclipse快捷键,对myeclipse也适用(Their own practical eclipse shortcut key, also applies to the MyEclipse)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 我心飞翔123 | Hits:


Description: Android编程环境ADT环境搭建,图文并茂,适合熟悉eclipse环境开发的同学。(Android programming environment, ADT environment built, Tu Vin Unionmaw, suitable for students familiar with the development of eclipse environment.)
Platform: | Size: 168960 | Author: 纳凉的蜗牛 | Hits:


Description: 该软件包可合成至eclipse,自动生成注释代码,get、set方法。(The package can be synthesized into eclipse and automatically generated annotation code, get and set methods.)
Platform: | Size: 12407808 | Author: 程序员的一 | Hits:


Description: 掌握eclipse快捷键功能,大大的提高开发效率(Master the eclipse shortcut key function, greatly improve the development efficiency)
Platform: | Size: 366592 | Author: 菜鸟飞起 | Hits:


Description: 安装hadoop的eclipse插件,直接在eclipse下调试Mapreduce程序,会节省很多时间。(Installing the Eclipse Plug-in for Hadoop, debugging the Mapreduce program directly under eclipse saves a lot of time.)
Platform: | Size: 34583552 | Author: 方法的 | Hits:


Description: 汉化包,使用eclipse的童鞋们可以很快上手(Chinese package, the use of eclipse children's shoes can quickly get started)
Platform: | Size: 2792448 | Author: 小皇 | Hits:


Description: eclipse-licensetrim-master with opencv
Platform: | Size: 175104 | Author: JOSEN54 | Hits:


Description: 帮助初学者使用Eclipse,一款帮助开发者编程的集成开发工具(Eclipse looks better in dark than ever with all the improvements that have been made this year. All platforms have seen improvements, and among others, table headers and popup now looks way darker than before.)
Platform: | Size: 4992000 | Author: 呆呆Alone | Hits:


Description: eclipse 插件开发,开发插件的同学可以参考下(eclipse plugin development)
Platform: | Size: 54390784 | Author: JamesLzr | Hits:


Description: 基于eclipse+mysql的图书馆管理系统,可以实现读者的注册、借阅与归还,管理员对图书信息以及读者信息的管理(Based on eclipse+mysql library management system, can realize the reader's registration, borrowing and return, the administrator of the library information and reader information management)
Platform: | Size: 2910208 | Author: happiness2017 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopEclipse+GCC+CDT

Description: 免费开发工具,简单好用,还免费,推荐大家使用(Eclipse looks better in dark than ever with all the improvements that have been made this year. All platforms have seen improvements, and among others, table headers and popu...)
Platform: | Size: 1269760 | Author: rungwonghuw | Hits:


Description: eclipse的安装、汉化 。安装python插件和快捷建自己刚弄得(Installation and localization of eclipse.Install the python plugin and quickly build your own.)
Platform: | Size: 378880 | Author: oldboy | Hits:

[BooksEclipse For Dummies

Description: eclipse ide explained in an easy to read book
Platform: | Size: 6737920 | Author: neutronium | Hits:


Description: 开源的Java IDE - eclipse ,你真的熟悉他的全部使用功能么?这本书可以帮你入个门,让你知道eclipse常用功能,以及快速使用他们是自己的开发更具效率。(good book to developer)
Platform: | Size: 1011712 | Author: nick012 | Hits:


Description: 在eclipse平台集成iar之后,使用eclipse创建STM32工程,方便编辑和代码管理(Easy editing and code management.)
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: Joshour | Hits:


Description: 本书强调可读性和实用性,丰富鲜活的实例、深入浅出的讲解,帮助读者快速理解相关知识点,有效提升实际开发技能。本书共分11章,主要内容包括分别介绍了Java的背景,Java基本语法,Java的类、对象、包、继承、访问权限、接口等面向对象的知识,Java Applet,Swing组件,Java数据库连接,Java的输入和输出类,多线程机制,Java网络基础等内容。 本书内容丰富,结构完整,通俗易懂,既可以作为高等院校相关专业的教材,也适合自学者和软件开发人员参考使用。(the book of eclipse about java)
Platform: | Size: 3147776 | Author: Aou | Hits:


Description: sf.eclipse.javacc-1.5.33-plugin
Platform: | Size: 2529280 | Author: qizd | Hits:


Description: eclipse插件大全,是小编开发多年发现eclipse插件讲解最详细的一本书(Eclipse Plug-in Daquan)
Platform: | Size: 3179520 | Author: xueyuxingfeng | Hits:
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