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[Audio program包含由录音到识别全过程的DTW算法源码

Description: 包含由录音到语音识别全过程的DTW算法源码,其中recognition.m为主脚本,含UI界面,便于操作。其他均为调用函数。
Platform: | Size: 54965 | Author: jiangzhenjerry | Hits:

[Graph programDTW

Description: DTW算法,非常优秀,非常好用的-DTW, very good, very useful, and,
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 江上非 | Hits:

[2D GraphicDTW算法VC++实现

Description: DTW算法VC实现 数字图像处理-DTW VC Digital Image Processing
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 杨武夷 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combine基于DTW模型的语音识别

Description: 语音识别(Speech Recognition)是让机器通过识别和理解过程把语音信号转变为相应的文本或命令的技术。在课题中,通过采用DTW(Dynamic time warping, 动态时间伸缩)算法,对实现孤立词的识别进行了初步探讨和研究,实现了在MATLAB软件环境下孤立词语的语音识别,并针对DTW的主要特点及不足做出了总结。-Speech Recognition (Speech Recognition) machines is through recognition and understanding of a process which put the voice signal into the corresponding text or command technology. The issue, through the use DTW (Dynamic time warping, dynamic time telescopic) algorithm to achieve an isolated word recognition conducted a preliminary exploration and study, the realization of the MATLAB software environment isolated words of Speech Recognition and DTW against the main features and deficiencies make summarized.
Platform: | Size: 116736 | Author: 序号 | Hits:


Description: DTW算法,比较简单。在matlab下实现的,在matlab6。5下编译通过-DTW, relatively simple. Under the Matlab, in matlab6. Compiling under through five
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 王春和 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinedtw算法源代码

Description: 一个完整的基于Matlab的DTW模型算法及高效算法程序,能快速识别数字0-9,运行testdtw即可。-An excellent MATLAB program for the algorithm as a DTW model. It can recognise the number of 0-9. Try it, just run testdtw.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 方成林 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinedtw-new

Description: DTW (Dynamic Time Warping)源程序,广泛应用于语音识别等领域,可以用于相似曲线的对齐。(用winrar进行解压)-DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) source. widely used in areas such as speech recognition, which can be used similar to the curve alignment. (Using WinRAR for decompression)
Platform: | Size: 2008064 | Author: 王选 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineVAD-DTW-HMM

Description: 端点检测和基于DTW和HMM的孤立词识别和连续语音识别-endpoint detection and DTW-based HMM and isolated word recognition and Continuous Speech Recognition
Platform: | Size: 543744 | Author: 夏洪他 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineDTW-mfcc

Description: 语音识别中提取特征向量和进行特征向量比对的DTW源代码-Speech Recognition feature extraction and feature vectors to the right than the source code DTW
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: ziritu | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinedtw]

Description: 关于dtw的书籍,电子书html格式,dtw 用于语音识别 -on the books, e-books html format, dtw for Speech Recognition
Platform: | Size: 3480576 | Author: zw | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineSpeech-recognition.dtw

Description: 采用dtw方法做的语音识别程序,可以识别简单的单个数字。-dtw methods using the voice recognition procedure, a simple recognition of individual figures.
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: 张维镇 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeDTW-method

Description: 在线签名鉴定:DTW实现算法,用C语言编写,有一定的参考价值!-online signature verification : DTW algorithm, using C language, which is the reference value!
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 罗敏 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinedtw

Description: dtw的matlab程序的实现,已经编译通过的。-dtw the realization of Matlab procedures already adopted by the compiler.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ys | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinedtw

Description: 基于语音识别系统中DTW算法改进技术研究.rar-Speech recognition system based on DTW algorithm to improve the technical studies. Rar
Platform: | Size: 268288 | Author: dddd | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinedtw

Description: DTW(Dynamic Time Warping)算法,c代码 使用: dtw infile1 infile2 outfile xsize ysize params [debug_file]-DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) algorithm, c code uses: dtw infile1 infile2 outfile xsize ysize params [debug_file]
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 陈锦 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineDTW

Description: 基于DTW的孤立词语音识别研究和算法改进,很不错的论文-DTW-based isolated word speech recognition research and algorithm improvements, very good paper
Platform: | Size: 154624 | Author: 陈吉成 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineDTW

Description: 一个可以识别连续数字语音的程序,提取mfcc,用dtw实现识别,有文档-A continuous digital speech recognition procedures, extraction mfcc, using DTW to achieve recognition, there are documents
Platform: | Size: 1826816 | Author: da | Hits:


Description: 用java写的DTW程序组合,可用于进行动态弯曲路径的计算和时间序列相似性比较-Using java to write the DTW procedure combinations that can be used for dynamic bending path calculation and comparison of time series similarity
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: shaoqing | Hits:

[Software Engineeringdtw

Description: dynamic time warping 放宽端点限制的DTW算法-dynamic time warping to relax restrictions endpoint DTW algorithm
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: 蒋云 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinedtw

Description: dtw的matlab程序 刚接触的朋友可以来学习下-matlab dtw
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: | Hits:
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