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Description: DNS包发送与接受,具有攻击性,只能用于学习研究!
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: lixiaolong | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackdns

Description: 一套DNS解析的代码,支持同步查询和非同步查询和SVR记录。-A set of DNS parsing code, support for synchronous queries and asynchronous queries and SVR records.
Platform: | Size: 83968 | Author: 韩晓晨 | Hits:


Description: DNS全自动溢出源码版特点就是HTTP下载木马,提高了效率,源码版。有没后门不要我多说吧?嘿嘿 这个工具不要我多说~了解DNS漏洞的朋友都知道怎么用!-DNS automatic overflow feature source version of HTTP to download Trojans, improve efficiency, source version. There is no back door Well not me? Hei hei this tool do not want me to say ~ about DNS vulnerabilities friends all know how to use!
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 绝对零度 | Hits:


Description: java 编写的简单DNS 服务器。 带有SWING客户端-java write a simple DNS server. Client with the SWING
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: liu | Hits:

[OS programdns

Description: dns服务器IP获取 以提高邮件发送速度 邮件发送程序 VC编程-dns server IP in order to enhance access to e-mail program for sending mail sending speed VC Programming
Platform: | Size: 292864 | Author: shichang | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDNS

Description: 关于如何获得计算机DNS服务器地址的源码.-On how to obtain DNS server address of the computer source code.
Platform: | Size: 1472512 | Author: dora | Hits:


Description: 实现域名解析,对输入的域名进行解析,从域名转换为IP地址。-DNS
Platform: | Size: 1022976 | Author: mei | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDNS

Description: 关于DNS服务器的程序源码,比较好用!可以参考一下。-On the DNS server program source code, more easy to use! For reference.
Platform: | Size: 415744 | Author: zhang | Hits:

[Windows Developdns-server.pdf

Description: about dns, yopu can use this for setting your dns, i hope you can do it... ok-about dns, yopu can use this for setting your dns, i hope you can do it... ok...
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: indi6oblin | Hits:


Description: VB开发 DNS主机名称设计经典代码DNS host name of the VB developers design classic code -DNS host name of the VB developers design classic code
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: d | Hits:


Description: domain name system DNS power point
Platform: | Size: 158720 | Author: noor | Hits:

[Proxy Serverdns-c

Description: dns协议的c语言描述实现代码 对于dns协议编程学习的人来说很值得一看哦-dns protocol c code
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: choudoufu | Hits:


Description: 用java编写的一个DNS服务器,来实现域名解析的功能。运行该程序后,将DNS服务器地址设置为本机地址,就可以通过该程序,来实现DNS的域名解析功能。-With a DNS server written in java, to achieve the domain name resolution function.
Platform: | Size: 441344 | Author: 鲁璐 | Hits:


Description: 正对特定的DNS执行DNS查询,代码本身意义不大,但是你可以嵌入其他需要DNS查询功能的程序里使用-Is for a specific DNS DNS query, the code itself meaningful, but you need to DNS queries can be embedded in other applications using the function
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: robin | Hits:


Description: linux 下的DNS域名解析的简单小程序 适合初学者学习-DNS name resolution under linux a simple little program for beginners to learn
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 天津师范大学通过网通、电信、教育网三种介质接入网络,DNS智能解析是根据客户端请求IP的不同来源给客户端返回不同的服务器地址,本文以Redhat系统为例,通过建立VIEW视图,并配置相应功能实现DNS智能解析。
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: zxm19839@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 1:DNS设置 可以选用常用的DNS服务器,如 或者根据目标情况进行设置 查询方式如 腾讯DNS 在CMD下输入以下命令查询 nslookup(1:DNS settings You can use the commonly used DNS server, such as Or set it according to the target situation Query methods such as Tencent DNS Under CMD, enter the following command query NSLOOKUP Set type=ns Qq.com obtain Qq.com nameserver = ns2.qq.com Qq.com nameserver = ns4.qq.com Qq.com nameserver = ns1.qq.com Qq.com nameserver = ns3.qq.com)
Platform: | Size: 1527808 | Author: simpl3 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDNS

Description: DNS域名解析:建立哈希表,获取域名解析表,获取DNS请求中的域名,判断是否在表中找到DNS请求中的域名,找到返回下标,将请求ID转换为新的ID,并将信息写入ID转换表中。(DNS domain name resolution)
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: snal | Hits:


Description: DNS:从工程到学术,2016年高校网络信息安全学术年会优秀,值得推荐,深入浅出的理论引导,佐以工程中的实例加深理解(DNS: from engineering to academia, 2016 academic annual conference of university network information security is excellent. It is worth recommending, guiding theories in a simple way and deepening understanding with examples in engineering.)
Platform: | Size: 14129152 | Author: charol | Hits:


Description: w5500配置DNS服务的源代码,测试可用(w5500 Configure the DNS service source code)
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: gaowang073000 | Hits:
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