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[Delphi VCLDialUp

Description: DialUp,一个外国人编写的拨号的pas
Platform: | Size: 4389 | Author: lyc | Hits:

[Com PortDialup vb6

Description: vb source code dialup with msco-vb source code dialup with mscomm
Platform: | Size: 2766 | Author: testsb | Hits:

[Modem programDialUp-modem

Description: 用MODEM拨号程序-using dial-up procedures MODEM
Platform: | Size: 208896 | Author: quan | Hits:

[Modem programdialUp

Description: 手機撥接上網一個小範例希望能對大家有幫助-a small example of hope to be helpful to everyone
Platform: | Size: 4167680 | Author: 張依傑 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个可以用来实现电话拨号上网的程序源代码,很有用的。-This is a can be used to achieve the telephone dial-up source code, very useful.
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 刘亦菲 | Hits:


Description: 拨号连接:可以建立多种拨号的delphi版源码-Dial-up connection: You can create multiple dial-up version of the delphi source
Platform: | Size: 254976 | Author: sdflwlkwlkl | Hits:

[Delphi VCLDialUp

Description: DialUp,一个外国人编写的拨号的pas-DialUp, dial-up prepared by a foreigner of the pas
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: lyc | Hits:


Description: 想拨通某热线电话,只需用电话分线与电脑Model连接,该程序可自动按设置不断重拨,直至占到线,即可打通热线。在春运电话订票很管用。-Would like to dial a telephone hotline, just minutes by telephone lines and computer connections Model, the program can automatically redial settings constantly, until the total line, you can get through the hotline. Telephone reservations can be made in the spring works.
Platform: | Size: 104448 | Author: Martin | Hits:


Description: 原创: 外挂网站刷IP程序的源码 自动ADSL拨号刷新IP,可录制鼠标模拟点击自动点击操作,统计点击数,自动清除COOKIES记录-Original: Plug-site IP procedures Brush source automatically refresh ADSL dial-up IP, can be recorded automatically clicks the mouse click operation simulation, statistical clicks automatically recorded Clear COOKIES
Platform: | Size: 175104 | Author: nick xu | Hits:


Description: 此程序可以实现用电话拨号上网的功能,开发环境VC++。-This procedure can be achieved by telephone dial-up functionality, development environment VC++.
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: geniusxbg | Hits:

[Delphi VCLdialup(src)

Description: Delphi的ADSL自动拨号实现,希望对大家有用-Delphi automatically dial the ADSL implementation, in the hope that useful to everybody
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 勇者 | Hits:


Description: 通过pppoe协议进行拨号连接 文档中包含了示例文件和C++的开发源代码-Agreement through a dial-up connection pppoe document contains a sample file and the development of C++ source code
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: 蒋云海 | Hits:


Description: 使用RAS进行pppoe协议拨号的程序 附件中包含所有项目工程和演示程序-Pppoe agreement for the use of RAS dial-up procedures for all items contained in the annex to the project and demonstration program
Platform: | Size: 357376 | Author: 蒋云海 | Hits:


Description: 利用mfc实现网络拨号连接功能,输入用户名、密码即可连接到网络。-Mfc realize network using dial-up connection, enter the user name and password to connect to the network.
Platform: | Size: 1882112 | Author: zhuq | Hits:


Description: 使用VC所带的方法实现电话拨号上网,具体参见代码实现-Achieved using the VC approach carried by dial-up Internet access
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: andyandy | Hits:


Description: 配置DialUp.exe.config 这个是文本文件,有记事本就可以打开. ComCount 端口个数,默认是1,如果有多个则设置为modem个数 Com_1_PortNum 端口一的名称 一般为 COMx 在刚才看到的上有 Com_1_BaudRate 波特率,也就是最大端口速度,填上去就好. 其它几项可以不用改. 如果有多个modem,则第二个端口配置key如下: Com_x_PortNum 如 Com_2_PortNum 其它相同填写就可以了。-Configuration DialUp.exe.config This is a text file with Notepad to open. ComCount port number, default is 1, if there is more than the number set to the modem port of a name Com_1_PortNum COMx generally seen in the earlier There Com_1_BaudRate baud rate, which is the maximum port speed, write to like. several other can not be changed. If you have more than one modem, then the second port configuration key as follows: Com_x_PortNum same as Com_2_PortNum other fill on it.
Platform: | Size: 103424 | Author: 闻香识女人 | Hits:


Description: 一次偶然的机会,一个朋友要一个自动拨号断开的程序,联接指定的网页,以刷新指定网页的访问计数。使用的拨号控件是开源的DialUp.pas,只要建了一个包,加入这个文件后,就可以编译建立TDialUp控件。于是写了这个程序,内置FHRasConn数据成员,用于存放当前活动链接的句柄,主要是通过个句柄取得当前连接的IP地址。用自己家的ADSL来测试,最后,测试OK了。这个程序没有新意的地方,就拿来共享给大家了,希望能对大家有所帮助。这里包括所有的源代码。 -By chance, a friend to disconnect an automatic dialing program, join a specified web page to refresh the page to access the specified count. Using dial-up control is open source DialUp.pas, as long as the building of a package, add this file, you can compile the establishment TDialUp control. So write this program, built FHRasConn data member to hold the handle of the currently active links, mainly through a handle to obtain the IP address of the current connection. ADSL with their own home to test, and finally, test OK. This program is not new in the to bring everyone to share, I hope you can help. This includes all source code.
Platform: | Size: 187392 | Author: sidsadi | Hits:


Description: vc 电话拨号上网\Dialup的程序源码,值得一看!-vc dial-up \ Dialup program source code, worth a visit!
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 黄红英 | Hits:

[OS programDialup

Description: 电话拨号上网\Dialup,很不错的vc源码,希望能对大家有所帮助-Dial-up \ Dialup, very good vc source, I hope you can help
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: 吴万泉 | Hits:


Description: vb 编写的 ADSL 宽带连接 自动拔号 原代码-adsl dialup vb code
Platform: | Size: 254976 | Author: greatidea | Hits:
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