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Description: combobox控件与Tree控件的整合,在commbobox控件的下拉框中实现了tree控件-Tree controls combobox control and integration of controls in the drop-down box commbobox realize the tree control
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: doy | Hits:


Description: 在list box上添加图片,在combo box上添加图片-In the list box to add a picture, in the combo box to add picture
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 于英明 | Hits:

[Printing programlistviewlistboxcomboboxtextboxprint

Description: listview、listbox、combobox、textbox的打印、保存、读取,VB源代码,还可以-listview, listbox, combobox, textbox print, save, read, VB source code can also be
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: dazuo | Hits:


Description: 该源代码实现了记住输入内容的组合框功能!即具有记忆功能的组合框!-The source code has to remember the combo box input function! That has a memory function of the combo box!
Platform: | Size: 3721216 | Author: hu | Hits:


Description: combobox中嵌入listctrl控件的例子. 易于操作和复选-embed combobox control listctrl example. easy to operate and check
Platform: | Size: 114688 | Author: JadeRiver | Hits:


Description: ComboBox中加入CTreeCtrl-ComboBox add CTreeCtrl
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: yangps | Hits:


Description: Common .NET 2.0 helper functions and custom classes. Contains useful common code that anyone can use in just about any project. Helper classes include Active Directory, Validation, IIS, File IO, Security, Computer Info, Web, XML and more. Other classes include a better TextBox and ComboBox, sending e-mail, encryption and more. -Common. NET 2.0 helper functions and custom classes. Contains useful common code that anyone can use in just about any project. Helper classes include Active Directory, Validation, IIS, File IO, Security, Computer Info, Web, XML and more. Other classes include a better TextBox and ComboBox, sending e-mail, encryption and more.
Platform: | Size: 197632 | Author: sning | Hits:


Description: VC++ combobox 例子-VC++ Combobox example
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: 阳程 | Hits:


Description: WTL简单实用的combobox控件,可实现窗口自画、响应相应消息-WTL simple and practical combobox control, can be realized since the window painting, in response to the corresponding message
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Amor | Hits:


Description: A ComboBox with a CheckedListBox as a dropdown.
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 张晓华 | Hits:

[Search EngineComboBox

Description: 类似与google搜索条的下拉列表..能模糊查找-Google search bar similar to the drop-down list .. can fuzzy search
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: caijun | Hits:


Description: 说明: 本代码基于VC2008实现对ComboBox控件的派生类MyComboBoxEx 通过重载ComboBox的addstring方式实现ComboBox的显示值与存储值分开的功能-Note: This code based on the realization of VC2008 derived class ComboBox control MyComboBoxEx overloaded ComboBox through the addstring way ComboBox display value and stored separately from the functional value
Platform: | Size: 15618048 | Author: lianzy | Hits:

[source in ebookComboBox

Description: visual C++环境下的组合框的应用-visual C++ environment combo box application
Platform: | Size: 233472 | Author: marry_xue | Hits:


Description: ext关于form表单和combobox的例子-ext on the form of examples of form and combobox
Platform: | Size: 549888 | Author: 施加雨 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopRCSeparator

Description: 改变行高 改变行颜色 可编辑subitem的listctrl subitem可编辑,插入combobox,改变行颜色,subitem的tooltip提示 (13) header 中允许多行字符串 (14) 插入combobox (15) 添加背景图片 http://www.codeguru.com/Cpp/controls/listview/backgroundcolorandimage/article.php/c4173/ http://www.codeguru.com/Cpp/controls/listview/backgroundcolorandimage/article.php/c983/ http://www.vchelp.net/vchelp/archive.asp?type_id=9&class_id=1&cata_id=1&article_id=1088&search_term= (16) 自适应宽度的listctrl (17) 改变ListCtrl高亮时的颜色(默认为蓝色) 处理 NM_CUSTOMDRAW -Change the row height to change the line color of the subitem editing listctrl subitem can edit, insert combobox, change the line color, subitem the tooltip tips (13) header to allow multi-line string (14) to insert combobox (15) Add a background picture http://www.codeguru.com/Cpp/controls/listview/backgroundcolorandimage/article.php/c4173/ http://www.codeguru.com/Cpp/controls/listview/backgroundcolorandimage/article.php/c983/ http://www .vchelp.net/vchelp/archive.asp? type_id = 9 & class_id = 1 & cata_id = 1 & article_id = 1088 & search_term = (16) Adaptive width listctrl (17) change when ListCtrl highlight color (default blue) treatment NM_CUSTOMDRAW
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: 段洪涛 | Hits:


Description: this the combobox demo for mdi applications-this is the combobox demo for mdi applications
Platform: | Size: 1591296 | Author: kumar | Hits:


Description: vc下拉列表的使用介绍,初学编程的人适合下载。-vc introduce the use of drop-down list, the person suitable for novice programmers to download.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 马小伟 | Hits:


Description: 使用MFC重写的combobox,功能很强大,有疑问的朋友可以联系我-Use MFC to rewrite the combobox, features a very powerful and have questions can contact my friends. .
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: boys17 | Hits:


Description: MFC下如何自定制ComboBox,在列表框中加入图标等定制功能,详见ODComboBox [OwnerDrawComboBox]类中的实现-MFC how customized ComboBox, add the icon in the list box, such as custom functions, see ODComboBox [OwnerDrawComboBox] category in the implementation
Platform: | Size: 397312 | Author: secret | Hits:

[GUI DevelopMultiColumnComboBoxEx12

Description: 各种超级强大的ComboBox,多列的ComboBox,带TAB的ComboBox,带图片的ComboBox,自绘的ComboBox,等等。-Super ComboBox series, multicolumn ComboBox, pictures ComboBox, tab ComboBox, etc...
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: c | Hits:
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