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[Windows DevelopCAsyncSocket

Description: 随着计算机网络化的深入,计算机网络编程在程序设计的过程中变得日益重要。由于C++语言对底层操作的优越性,许多文章都曾经介绍过用VC++进行Socket编程的方法。但由于都是直接利用动态连接库wsock32.dll进行操作,实现比较繁琐。其实,VC++的MFC类库中提供了CAsyncSocket这样一个套接字类,用他来实现Socket编程,是非常方便的。 -computer network with the in-depth, computer network programming procedures in the design process is becoming increasingly important. As the C language to the underlying operational superiority, many articles have all introduced with VC for Socket programming method. But are the direct use of Dynamic Link Library wsock32.dll operate to achieve relatively more complicated. In fact, the VC MFC provided CAsyncSocket such a socket type used him to Socket Programming, it is very convenient.
Platform: | Size: 5234 | Author: 利于名 | Hits:


Description: 基于CAsyncSocket的局域网通信程序
Platform: | Size: 42652 | Author: soul | Hits:


Description: CAsyncSocketEx,一个很好用的CAsyncSocket扩展类-CAsyncSocketEx, a very easy to use CAsyncSocket expansion class
Platform: | Size: 1035264 | Author: 吴俊 | Hits:


Description: - 利用CAsyncSocket类实现简单通信.-a simple communications program used CAsyncSocket class.
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: 李明 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopServerApp0102

Description: CAsyncSocket Sample client/server
Platform: | Size: 138240 | Author: sun | Hits:


Description: 采用CAsyncsocket类连接代理服务器-used CAsyncsocket category, Proxy Server
Platform: | Size: 1985536 | Author: 杨军 | Hits:

[Ftp ServersourceClient

Description: 很有名气的Ftp客户端开源软件,多个类像CAsyncSocket类都很经典;是很好的学习网络编程的教材-very well Ftp Client open-source software, a number of categories such as CAsyncSocket are classics; The study is a good teaching Network Programming
Platform: | Size: 582656 | Author: 袁兴 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCAsyncSocket

Description: 随着计算机网络化的深入,计算机网络编程在程序设计的过程中变得日益重要。由于C++语言对底层操作的优越性,许多文章都曾经介绍过用VC++进行Socket编程的方法。但由于都是直接利用动态连接库wsock32.dll进行操作,实现比较繁琐。其实,VC++的MFC类库中提供了CAsyncSocket这样一个套接字类,用他来实现Socket编程,是非常方便的。 -computer network with the in-depth, computer network programming procedures in the design process is becoming increasingly important. As the C language to the underlying operational superiority, many articles have all introduced with VC for Socket programming method. But are the direct use of Dynamic Link Library wsock32.dll operate to achieve relatively more complicated. In fact, the VC MFC provided CAsyncSocket such a socket type used him to Socket Programming, it is very convenient.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 利于名 | Hits:


Description: 网络聊天 继承CAsyncSocket,自己写得socket类,在xp/2000,vc7下编译,可以在局域网和internet上应用-Internet chat succession CAsyncSocket their written socket type, in XP/2000, vc7 compiler, the LAN and internet applications
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: jenson | Hits:


Description: 1.套接字编程原理 1.1 Client/server通信模型 1.2 Windows Sockets规范 1.3 套接字 1.3.1 套接字定义 1.3.2分类 1.3.3 套接字的作用 1.3.4端口与地址 1.3.5 套接口属性 2.基本的Windows Sockets API编程 2.1常用函数 2.2 TCP实例 2.3 UDP实例 2.4 Socket 通信阻塞的解决方法 3.MFC下的Socket编程的类 3.1 CAsyncSocket类 3.2 CSocket类 3.3 Windows Sockets:带存档的套接字的工作方式 3.4 流式套接字通信的操作顺序 3.5 使用 CAsyncSocket 类 3.6 从套接字类派生 3.7 套接字通知 3.8 一个使用CSocket类的网络通信实例 3.8.1 服务器端应用程序设计(ServerDemo) 3.8.2 客户端应用程序设计(项目名称ClientDemo) 4.套接字的托管实现 4.1 System::Net::Sockets 命名空间 4.2 实例:一个新邮件检查器 -1. Socket Programming Principle 1.1 Client/server communications model Soc Windows 1.2 kets norms 1.3 Socket socket definition 1.3.1 1.3.3 1.3.2 classification socket role 1.3.4 1.3.5 addresses and port interface attributes two sets. Basic programming Windows Sockets API function commonly used 2.1 2.2 2.3 TCP example UDP Socket Communications examples 2.4 blocked three solutions. MFC Socket Programming under the category of Class 3.2 3.1 CAsyncSocket CSocke t Windows Sockets 3.3 categories : filing with the way socket 340 socket communication flow sequence of operation to use 3.5 CAsyncSo cket category 3.6 derived from the socket type 3.8 3.7 socket notice the use of a network of CSocket Communication Liaison example 3.8.1 server application design (ServerDemo) 3.8.2 client Application D
Platform: | Size: 173056 | Author: gong | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackChatCAsyncSocket

Description: 网络通信CAsyncSocket编程 -communications network programming CAsyncSocket
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 王鹏 | Hits:


Description: 基于CAsyncSocket的局域网通信程序-CAsyncSocket LAN-based communication program
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: soul | Hits:


Description: MFC CAsyncSocket类 C/S-MFC CAsyncSocket Class C/S
Platform: | Size: 80896 | Author: 陶锋 | Hits:


Description: MFC CAsyncSocket类写的最基本聊天程序,一个客户端连接一个服务器端。-MFC CAsyncSocket written by the most basic type of chat program, a client of a server-side connection.
Platform: | Size: 3854336 | Author: 张伟 | Hits:


Description: CAsyncSocket完成的客户端和服务端通讯示例程序源代码-CAsyncSocket_C/SSocket
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: jerry | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCAsyncSocket

Description: CAsyncSocket是实现的聊天室,分为客户端和服务端-CAsyncSocket is to achieve a chat room, is divided into client and server-side
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: 云飞扬 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCAsyncSocket

Description: 派生 CAsyncSocket 实现文件传输 只用几句代码实现-public CAsyncSocket for file server
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 张明 | Hits:


Description: 关于mfc异步套接字的详细解释,很有用 关于mfc异步套接字的详细解释,很有用-this is about casyncsocket of mfc
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: andy | Hits:


Description: 使用CAsyncSocket进行无连接(UDP)通信-UDP SOCKET
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: 李和 | Hits:


Description: CAsyncSocket类的应用实例,帮助理解CAsyncSocket类.(Application instances of the CAsyncSocket class)
Platform: | Size: 7296000 | Author: 阿斯顿从 | Hits:
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