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[Windows Developbosskey

Description: 易语言写的老板键的例程 简直是完美老板键
Platform: | Size: 2554 | Author: sone | Hits:


Description: 易语言写的老板键的例程 简直是完美老板键-Easy language to write the boss key routine is the perfect boss key
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: sone | Hits:

[Windows DevelopbossKey

Description: 可以一键显示/隐藏QQ所有的窗口,包括广告弹出窗口,让你在上班使用用QQ也神不知鬼不觉。-I did know how to use English to discrib this!
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 您的姓 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopBossKey

Description: 使用treeview和listview的例子,代码比较简单,但可以正常使用。-Use TreeView and ListView controls together.
Platform: | Size: 184320 | Author: pjfangzl | Hits:


Description: 老板来了?程序来不及关了?快捷键都设乱了?你需要bosskey-BossKey is a simple virtual desktop program. Create hot-keys to switch between the desktops and have one set of windows/applications on one and a different set of windows/applications on another and flip between them instantly with a single keypress.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: bill | Hits:


Description: 易语言老板键实现方法Easy language Boss Key Implementation-Easy language Boss Key Implementation
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 科技局阿飞 | Hits:


Description: 万能的老板键,用Autoit制作。 可以隐藏特定窗口但不能静止声音播放。-Universal boss key, with Autoit production. You can hide a particular window but can not still the voice playback.
Platform: | Size: 1614848 | Author: 啊啊 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLBossKey

Description: 設置老板鍵, Delphi控制的,做參考使用,也可推廣到其他按鍵操作 -Set the boss key to Delphi control, do reference can also be extended to the other keystrokes
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: wbq | Hits:


Description: QQ老板键,一键隐藏、恢复系统托盘QQ图标和当前所有打开的QQ聊天窗口。支持自定义快捷键设置。-QQ boss key, a key to hide and restore system tray QQ icon and open the QQ chat window. Support custom shortcuts settings.
Platform: | Size: 163840 | Author: 方毅 | Hits:

[Hook apiBosskey

Description: 自制vb老板键,能够通过窗口标题,窗口类,句柄隐藏显示窗口,键盘钩子作为热键控制-Homemade vb boss key, can use window s caption, class,and the handle hides the display windows,use the keyboard hook as Hotkey Control
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: 可乐加冰 | Hits:


Description: 老板来了?程序来不及关了?快捷键都设乱了?你需要bosskey-BossKey is a simple virtual desktop program. Create hot-keys to switch between the desktops and have one set of windows/applications on one and a different set of windows/applications on another and flip between them instantly with a single keypress.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: zhong7964062 | Hits:

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