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Description: atmega系列关于从c
Platform: | Size: 10260 | Author: ha43100 | Hits:

[Develop Toolsprogisp1.72 AVR ATMEGA系列芯片的烧录工具

Description: progisp1.72版本 AVR ATMEGA系列芯片的烧录工具
Platform: | Size: 2274901 | Author: liu_jing_yang@163.com | Hits:

[Driver Developda2534

Description: AD 转换2534 access程序 atmega avr ic c 程序-2534 AD converter access procedures SPARC avr ic c procedures
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘借 | Hits:


Description: avr-atmega复位检测与看门狗范例-avr- SPARC reset detection and watchdog example
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: dfggdfh | Hits:

[Com Portavrtestjisuan

Description: 计算AVR-atmega的串行口的初始值的工具-calculated AVR- SPARC Serial the initial value of the tools
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: dfggdfh | Hits:


Description: USB Boot Loader for ATMega 8 编译器:GCCAVR/ICCAVR-USB Boot Loader for ATMega 8 compiler : GCCAVR/ICCAVR
Platform: | Size: 132096 | Author: 刘健华 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个基于颜色特征的物体识别程序,包括上位机源代码、下位机源代码和非常详细的说明文党。该程序上位机用Java写成,在windows/UNIX/Linux等系统下均可以编译和运行,而下位机代码则运行于ATMEL公司出品的AVR系列ATMega单片机,采用avr-gcc编译。该程序可以同时识别10个不同颜色不同形状的物体,达到每秒29帧的处理速度,采用OV6620 CMOS图像传感器。-This is a feature based on the color of the object recognition procedures, including PC source code, Under the plan, and the source code is described in detail in the text Party. The procedure PC using Java languages, in the windows/UNIX/Linux systems can be compiled and run, The next crew is operating in the code and produce the ATMEL AVR Series ATMega microcontroller, using avr- gcc compiler. The procedure can identify 10 different colors of different shapes of objects, 29 per second of processing speed, using OV6620 CMOS image sensor.
Platform: | Size: 632832 | Author: 刘维超 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programpwm3-ac-ctrl-motor-0_0_6

Description: avr atmega frimily 使用PWM控制交流电机,加入零点检测,防止在去磁过程中灌通上下桥而烧毁功率管。-avr atmega frimily use PWM control AC motors, to 0.1 detection, to prevent the magnetic process via next bridge burning power management.
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: wefweff | Hits:


Description: atmel公司atmega单片机bootloader的源代码-ATmega Atmel single-chip companies bootloader source code
Platform: | Size: 215040 | Author: 黄晓东 | Hits:


Description: AVR单片机ATMEGA内部自带AD转换器实例,带ICC工程,和Proteus仿真图-ATmega AVR Singlechip own internal AD converter example, with ICC works, and Proteus simulation map
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: meng | Hits:


Description: 本文档说明AVR单片机的Atmega 16对键盘按键控制的程序-This document explains AVR MCU Atmega 16 the keyboard keys to control the procedures
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: youhu | Hits:

[Software Engineeringmmc

Description: ATmega s MMC/SD card C file
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: charlie | Hits:


Description: Atmega s Test code with 1Mhz Blink LED
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: charlie | Hits:


Description: LCD.h and .c file for ATmega interface
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: charlie | Hits:


Description: AVR单片机ATMEGA系列UART接口的驱动程序。 -AVR single-chip UART interface ATMEGA series driver.
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: libao | Hits:


Description: AVR单片机ATMEGA系列内部模拟比较器的驱动程序-AVR Singlechip ATMEGA series of internal analog comparator driver
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: libao | Hits:


Description: AVR单片机ATMEGA系列SPI接口的驱动程序。-AVR Singlechip ATMEGA series SPI interface driver.
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: libao | Hits:


Description: plc软件的源代码 支持PIC ATMEGA单片机-plc software source code to support the PIC ATMEGA Singlechip
Platform: | Size: 263168 | Author: lijihong | Hits:


Description: 介绍ATmega(AVR)系列单片机ATmega8的原理和应用。-Introduction ATmega (AVR) series single-chip ATmega8 principle and applications.
Platform: | Size: 7078912 | Author: 陨星 | Hits:


Description: 使用ATmega系列芯片时可以参考本文件AVR 内部应用,将大有收获!-Use ATmega series chips can refer to this document when the AVR internal applications, will have much to gain!
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: kiss | Hits:
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