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[ActiveX/DCOM/ATLATL 简单编程

Description: ATL 简单入门
Platform: | Size: 119689 | Author: laidezhang | Hits:

[GUI Develop一个简单的显示文字控件-atl版本

Description: 一个简单的显示文字控件-atl版本-A simple text version of the control-atl
Platform: | Size: 54272 | Author: | Hits:

[ActiveX/DCOM/ATLInside ATL

Platform: | Size: 1674240 | Author: 邢统坤 | Hits:

[Windows Develop用ATL写的IE插件

Description: 用ATL写的IE插件-ATL was used IE plug-in
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows Develop《用ATL实现VC插件》事例源代码

Description: 《用ATL实现VC插件》事例源代码-"with ATL VC plug" source code examples
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 小庄 | Hits:


Description: atl&mfc构造com自动化编程界面-atlmfc tectonic com automated programming interface
Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: | Hits:


Description: ATL布幔之下的秘密-ATL mayor under the secret
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: fuershe | Hits:


Description: atl 英文教程 -ATL English Guide.
Platform: | Size: 318464 | Author: 111 | Hits:


Description: ATL常见问题问答集-ATL map quiz Set
Platform: | Size: 98304 | Author: 刘水 | Hits:


Description: ATL接口映射宏详解-ATL Acer Elaborates on mapping interface
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: yyg2004 | Hits:

[GUI Develop用ATL开发和部署ActiveX控件的简单例子

Description: 用ATL开发和部署ActiveX控件的简单例子-with the development and deployment of ActiveX simple example
Platform: | Size: 303104 | Author: lwm | Hits:

[ActiveX/DCOM/ATLVC++ ATL为Microsoft Word加入功能简单的COM插件

Description: 介绍一种使用VC++ ATL(Active Template Library),利用IDTExtensibility2接口,为Microsoft Word加入功能简单的COM插件(addin),加入工具栏按钮和菜单等可视部件,并为其加入响应事件的方法,并在最后简单说明了实现与Office宏混合编程的方法-A VC ATL (Active Template Library), using IDTExtensibility2 interface for Microsoft Word functional simple plug-COM (addin) accession toolbar buttons and menus, and other visual components, and its accession to respond to the incident, and the final realization of a simple statement with the Office Acer mixed programming method
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: 代泽伟 | Hits:


Description: ATL接口映射宏的一些方法-ATL Acer interface mapping some of the ways
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 狗狗 | Hits:

[File OperateATL写的一个操作INI文件的COM组件

Description: 一个别人写的ini文件读写com控件,可以作为学习ATL编程的好例子,也可以学习ini文件读写-a written document literacy com ini control, ATL can learn as a good example of programming, but also can learn to read and write documents ini
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: wgw | Hits:

[Windows Develop用 ATL ActiveX 绘制任意平面函数的曲线

Description: 用 ATL ActiveX 绘制任意平面函数的曲线 -Drawing any plant function curve using ATL ActiveX
Platform: | Size: 114688 | Author: 李刚 | Hits:


Description: ATL彩色渐变进度条控件.颜色可变的彩色进度条控件,文档内有详细说明.-ATL gradual progress of the color controls. Color Variable Color progress of controls, the documentation is described in detail.
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: 老大 | Hits:

[ActiveX/DCOM/ATLATL 问答集

Description: ATL问答集,讲述了atl各操作。com&dcom有关说明。-ATL quiz about the operation of the ATL. Comdcom the related notes.
Platform: | Size: 98304 | Author: 陈名 | Hits:


Description: 附上《ATL开发指南(第二版)》源代码。-with "ATL Development Guide (2nd Edition)" source code.
Platform: | Size: 808960 | Author: Alex | Hits:

[Windows DevelopATL写的基于DirectX的游戏引擎

Description: 软件简介: 学着ATL,又在学DirectX,突发灵感,为何不用ATL写一个游戏引擎?!!! 呜呼,心血澎湃,于是开始写。 ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 设计原则: 提供功能性代码,相当于简化DirectX功能接口,使之更方便使用。 不提供游戏上层的逻辑关系组织。 如果将来用它来写游戏,游戏的数据、逻辑关系,都需要游戏程序里建立、保存。 ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 为何用ATL来写? 本想用DLL来封装,但是DLL的接口是函数,面太宽,一者不方便使用,再说了,写代码也麻烦。 ATL可以用接口号,比如DirectDraw用一个接口,DirectSound用一个接口.... ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 为何不用MFC的COM来写? 麻烦。 那些底层的AddRef,Release都得自己来写,太麻烦了。 ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 现在刚开始写。先写DirectDraw部分。 写了一点点,但是这部分的框架已经出来了。 ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 大家自己注册一下吧,或者重编一下程序。 我用的是DirectX7.0版本。 -software brief : ATL learn, in school DirectX and sudden inspiration, why not write an ATL game engine? ! ! ! Alas, the efforts of emotion and began to write. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Design the principle : to provide functional code, which is equivalent to simplify DirectX functional interface to make it more user friendly. No game on the upper logical organization. If it is used to write games, games of the data, logic, games need to establish procedures to preserve. Why use ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ATL to write? To use the DLL to package, but the interface is the DLL function, too much width, a person inconvenient to use, say, write code in trouble. ATL interfaces can be used, such as an interface with DirectDraw, with a DirectSound inte
Platform: | Size: 254976 | Author: dasny | Hits:


Description: 介绍ATL的,高阶好书。潘爱民先生有本书第一版的译本,这个是第二版。-ATL introduction, the high-end books. Mr. Pan Aimin have a translation of the first edition of this book, this is the second edition.
Platform: | Size: 4262912 | Author: 徐卫国 | Hits:
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