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[GUI DevelopSkinCtrl_src.zip

Description: asd
Platform: | Size: 78778 | Author: | Hits:

[GUI Develop2004113017859200

Description: asd编写usb的可靠程序VxWorks 系统的 PowerPC BSP,系统开机后执行的第一个函数 romInit(),在ROM的起点,这里是使用的PowerPC汇编语言-asd prepared usb reliable procedures VxWorks BSP PowerPC systems, system boot after the implementation of a function romInit (), the ROM starting point, here is the use of the PowerPC assembly language
Platform: | Size: 82182 | Author: 王名 | Hits:

[Other resourceASD

Platform: | Size: 874 | Author: | Hits:

[Other resourceasd

Description: FPGA数字移相器,编程环境为QUIRTE2,编程语言采用硬件描述语言vhdl-FPGA Digital Phase Shifter, programming environment for QUIRTE2. programming language used VHDL hardware description language
Platform: | Size: 821942 | Author: cai | Hits:

[Game Hook Crackqs06b2

Description: sakdf askl dkas djkashd asd
Platform: | Size: 591350 | Author: | Hits:


Description: asd源码 asd源码-asd asd source source asd asd source FO
Platform: | Size: 1172622 | Author: asasddd | Hits:

[Multimedia programfs21

Description: ASD高级语言程序设计-ASD Advanced Language Program Design
Platform: | Size: 2087 | Author: 杨大 | Hits:

[GUI Develop3291985

Description: asd as asd a asd a dasd as dasd as d-a asd asd as a DASD as a DASD asd asd s d
Platform: | Size: 1829 | Author: | Hits:


Description: U盘(auto病毒)类病毒分析与解决方案,asd-U disk (auto Virus) virus analysis and solutions asd
Platform: | Size: 2613 | Author: 学习 | Hits:


Description: 该算法利用统计裁减有效减小了自动球形译码(ASD)算法 中边界节点列表的大小 s,并可通过对参数的适当设置获得误符号率性能与复杂度之间的折衷。分析与仿真表明, 当采用较高电平调制(电平数大于 4)时,在相同信噪比范围内,PASD 在几乎不损失误符号率性能的前提下, 较 ASD 节省大于 30%的比较次数。
Platform: | Size: 10877 | Author: miaocq | Hits:


Description: FPGA数字移相器,编程环境为QUIRTE2,编程语言采用硬件描述语言vhdl-FPGA Digital Phase Shifter, programming environment for QUIRTE2. programming language used VHDL hardware description language
Platform: | Size: 821248 | Author: cai | Hits:

[Graph programasd

Description: 绘图必看 自动绘制曲线,可以将起数据导入内存, 高效率重绘-Must-see curve drawing automatic drawing can be imported from data memory, efficient redraw
Platform: | Size: 4594688 | Author: 龙睿 | Hits:


Description: 基于Tchebichef不变距的图形识别.pdf 基于不变矩的前视红外图像机场目标识别.pdf 基于不变矩理论的字符串图像识别方法研究.pdf-Based on Tchebichef unchanged from the pattern recognition. Pdf Based on Moment Invariants FLIR image target recognition Airport. Pdf based on moment invariants of the string theory of image recognition method. Pdf
Platform: | Size: 868352 | Author: 赤西双 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopSoft20060210170045931

Description: basci ha vc++ as asd
Platform: | Size: 124928 | Author: 曹华 | Hits:

[DSP programasd

Description: MP3播放器是利用数字信号处理器DSP(Digital Sign Processer)-MP3 player is the use of digital signal processor DSP (Digital Sign Processer)
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: xiening | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: zhujiang | Hits:


Description: 建立一个基本分页存储管理系统的模型 首先分配一片较大的内存空间,作为程序运行的可用存储空间 建立应用程序的模型; 建立进程的基本数据结构及相应算法 建立管理存储空间的基本存储结构 建立管理分页的基本数据结构与算法。 设计存储空间的分配与回收算法; 提供信息转储功能,可将存储信息存入磁盘,也可从磁盘读入 -asd
Platform: | Size: 1037312 | Author: 余乐 | Hits:

[Special EffectsASD

Description: 自适应子空间分解(ASD)算法的程序。用于高光谱图像降维-ASD on hyperspectral
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王玉磊 | Hits:

[Technology Managementasd

Description: 旋转变压器数字转换器AD2S83在伺服系统中的应用-Resolver digital converter AD2S83 in Servo System
Platform: | Size: 203776 | Author: 光全 | Hits:

[2D GraphicAsd-pocs

Description: 一种稀疏角度下的重建算法,该算法是在matlab平台上实现的CT重建算法(A sparse angle reconstruction algorithm)
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 纳米人 | Hits:
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