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[Embeded-SCM DevelopADE7758

Description: ADE7758三相电能芯片读写源程序,全部采用C语言编写-ADE7758 three-phase power source chip reader, all use C language
Platform: | Size: 25526 | Author: jet | Hits:

[Other resourceADE7758

Description: ADE7758电能计量芯片的底层驱动(for MCS51)
Platform: | Size: 975 | Author: 米凯 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopADE7758

Description: ADE7758的驱动程序
Platform: | Size: 2321 | Author: sunshandong | Hits:


Description: 对ADE7758芯片进行操作的所有函数,利用单片机的I/O口模拟标准的SPI对ADE7758进行操作。
Platform: | Size: 8966 | Author: zzzhc1@126.com | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopADE7758

Description: ADE7758三相电能芯片读写源程序,全部采用C语言编写-ADE7758 three-phase power source chip reader, all use C language
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: jet | Hits:


Description: ADE7758电能计量芯片的底层驱动(for MCS51) -ADE7758 Energy Measurement of the bottom chip driver (for MCS51)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 米凯 | Hits:


Description: 关于ADE7758的读写操作(处理器采用MSP430F449)-The read and write operations on the ADE7758 (processor MSP430F449)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 安科瑞 | Hits:


Description: 本文介绍基于 ADE7758 和 PIC 系列 MCU的多相多功能电能测量电表,本文重点介绍 ADE7758 的 引脚及设计要点、内部寄存器功能和工作原理,以及 ADE7758 与 PIC16F877 的中断接口时序。 关键词:多相电能表;ADE7758;PIC -In this paper, based on the ADE7758 and PIC series MCU multi-phase multi-function meter energy measurement, this article focuses on the pin ADE7758 and design elements, the internal register functions and working principles, as well as disruption of ADE7758 with PIC16F877 interface timing. Key words: multi-phase energy meter ADE7758 PIC
Platform: | Size: 103424 | Author: | Hits:


Description: ade7758 测量三项参数初始化和计算的源代码-ADE7758 measurement and calculation of three parameters to initialize the source code
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王一 | Hits:


Description: ade7758的读写程序。包括读写程序及初始化寄存器部分。-ade7758
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: zdf | Hits:


Description: ADI公司的ADE7758全部使用原代码(包括校验)-All of the ADE7758 company ADI to use the original code (including the checksum)
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: liuzx | Hits:


Description: 基于ADE7758的复费率三相电能表设计-Based on the ADE7758 energy meter three-phase multi-rate design
Platform: | Size: 309248 | Author: 张瑜君 | Hits:


Description: ADE7758读写程序,注释比较全,程序风格好-ADE7758 reading and writing process, all compared notes, procedures, good style
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 张芮 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopADE7758

Description: ADE7758三相多功能专用电表KEIL C 驱动程序-ADE7758 drives
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: nothing | Hits:


Description: ADE77581是一款高准确度的三相电能计量芯片,带有两路 脉冲输出功能和一个串行接口。ADE7758 集成了二阶Σ-D 模数转换器, 数字积分器,基准电路,温度传感器,以及所 有进行有功,无功和视在电能计量以及有效值计量所需的 信号处理元件。-the datasheet of ADE7758
Platform: | Size: 3806208 | Author: grace | Hits:


Description: ade7758读写操作,及SPI总线操作-W&R ADE7758
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: xzf | Hits:


Description: 利用ADE7758电能芯片设计三相电能表,MCU通过该程序得到有功功率,无功功率,视在功率,电流值,电压值等。-Use ADE7758 power chip design three-phase watt-hour meter, through the program MCU get active power, reactive power, ShiZai power, current, voltage value, etc.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: wang | Hits:


Description: 基于MEGA16的硬件驱动ADE7758的代码,已调试通过-ADE7758 MEGA16 hardware drivers based on the code has been debugged
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: huangyong | Hits:


Description: ADE7758电能芯片初始化及操作程序 主要用于电量监测-Initialize the chip ADE7758 energy and operating procedures
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 吴敏 | Hits:


Description: 实现对ADE7758内部寄存器的读取操作,经过产品实测可行;(The internal register operation of ADE7758 is realized, and the product is proved feasible by actual measurement;)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: lya01 | Hits:
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