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[Game Hook Crack传奇写屏

Description: 最近玩热血江湖,想在游戏屏幕上显示自已的字符串。比如我做的江湖MM,想让她按F12时在屏幕上显示:“技能开启”字样。一般来说,在游戏中写屏是可以通过OD跟踪程序找到写屏函数的。不过,偶刚学OD啦,跟了头大也找不到。。。。。呵呵,那位大哥知道技巧告诉我啊。 只好换个容易的,利用屏幕上本身就有的字符串加入自已的东东。分析屏幕,发现显示地图坐标的字符串可以利用,嘿嘿,就拿它开刀。 我们知道,屏幕上坐标的显示格式是 [ x . y ] ,因为x、y是数值型。在内存中的调用就是[%d.%d] 。OK,废话不说,下回进入正题。 用OllyDb加载游戏执行文件,Client.exe。点插件莱单的Ultra String Refernce ,选Find ASCII 功能。开始搜索字符串(没有这个插件,请去下载)。。。。。 搜索完毕,出现一大堆字符串地址,按Ctrl + F ,填入[%d.%d] 。呵呵,一下就找到啦-Yulgang recent play, the game screen to show its own string. For example, I do quack MM, wanted by F12 when she displayed on the screen : "skills to open up" words. Generally speaking, the game was made through the screen can be found OD tracking procedures to write screen function. However, even just learning OD-- with a large head found. . . . . Oh, who knows big brother told me ah skills. But change easily, and the use of screen itself string accession own saucepan. Analysis screen, finding the map coordinates of the string can be used, laughter, Take It surgery. We know that on the screen coordinates of the display format is [x. Y], x, y is numerical. In memory of the call is [% d.% d]. OK, rubbish not being dragged into the topic. OllyDb loaded with the implementation of th
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: 高碳钢 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLrxjhdelphi

Description: 热血江湖游戏辅助工具原代码 学习delphi开发游戏外挂的好例子-Game Yulgang aids the development of the original game code to learn delphi a good example of plug-ins
Platform: | Size: 540672 | Author: numtv | Hits:

[Game Hook Crackrxjhyxfzgj

Description: 热血江湖的原码,与大家一起分享,希望能提更好的意见-Yulgang original code, work with everybody to share, hoping to put a better opinion
Platform: | Size: 1110016 | Author: xubo | Hits:

[Game Hook Cracksfdsdf

Description: 热血江湖的包包物品读取的VB代码,有兴趣的朋友研究一下吧.-Yulgang bag of items to read the VB code, are interested in friends to look at it.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wangjian | Hits:


Description: 易语言的热血江湖外挂以及登陆器代码,需要模块:外挂作坊模块破解版.ec和模拟按键.ec-Easy language Yulgang landers code plug-ins, as well as the need for modules: plug-in module workshop cracked version. Ec and analog buttons. Ec
Platform: | Size: 531456 | Author: jizhou | Hits:

[Game EngineRXJH_source

Description: 热血江湖开发所需用到的全部源代码,绝对可以编译哦-Yulgang used to develop all the necessary source code, I absolutely can compile Oh
Platform: | Size: 37594112 | Author: ansonlee | Hits:

[Game EngineRXJH

Description: 热血江湖BOSS攻城原代码端 测试可以编译-BOSS Yulgang siege client source code Test can be compiled
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: 文少 | Hits:

[Game Hook Crackrxjh

Description: 一个delphi写的热血江湖加密解密代码。-A written Yulgang delphi encryption and decryption code.
Platform: | Size: 350208 | Author: rpwt | Hits:

[Game Hook CrackCALL

Description: 热血江湖遍历工具,热血江湖外挂,遍历游戏中人物,NPC,怪物,背包-Traversal Yulgang tools
Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: selince | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopRXJHSourceCodeC++

Description: RXJH/Yulgang/Scions of Fate Source Code C-RXJH/Yulgang/Scions of Fate Source Code C++
Platform: | Size: 8246272 | Author: 2357951 | Hits:

[Game Hook Crackrxjhbn

Description: 这是我以前写的热血江湖伴侣的Delphi源代码,由于我也没玩了,很长时间也没更新,不过稍微改一下就能用了,关键是有些技术还是可以借鉴的,现免费提供给大家。-This is what I previously wrote Yulgang partner Delphi source code, because I did not play, and for a long time had not updated, but what a little change can be used, the key is that some technology or can learn, and are now free to everyone.
Platform: | Size: 88064 | Author: 刘洋 | Hits:


Description: 热血江湖 喊话加蓝和红 最新版 易语言的! 其实很简单的程序,菜鸟级别。大家分享!-Yulgang propaganda plus blue and red the latest version of Easy Language! In fact, a very simple procedure, rookie level. To share with you!
Platform: | Size: 199680 | Author: 李维斯 | Hits:


Description: Yulgang source code written in C#.
Platform: | Size: 454656 | Author: alan | Hits:

[Game Hook CrackYulgang

Description: 热血江湖源码 E 易 语言 Yulgang Source E easy language-Yulgang Source E easy language
Platform: | Size: 139264 | Author: 文辉 | Hits:


Description: 热血江湖简易外挂,当红和蓝量不够时能模拟按键盘相应的键-The Yulgang simple plug-in, the amount of a popular and blue is not enough can simulate the corresponding key keypad
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: yaoming | Hits:

[Game Hook Crack11.0(2)

Description: Server File 11 Yulgang
Platform: | Size: 5274624 | Author: timothy.inf | Hits:

[MySQLServer Yulgang 14 02

Description: Server Yulgang 14.02
Platform: | Size: 21624832 | Author: timothy.inf | Hits:


Description: editor file by yulgang
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: JTHHHH | Hits:

[Game Hook Crackrxjh_server_v11.0

Description: 热血江湖V11.0服务端,带单机登陆器。(Yulgang V11.0 service side, with a single lander.)
Platform: | Size: 4172800 | Author: 老大 | Hits:


Description: rxjh(yulgang) V8.0 gameserver
Platform: | Size: 5250048 | Author: carrousel | Hits:
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