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[OtherDelphi 7.1 Update 升级包

Description: Delphi 7.1 Update 升级包-Delphi 7.1 Update package.rar
Platform: | Size: 6238208 | Author: wzg | Hits:


Description: delphi编写的程序更新,查找update.ini并下载更新程序~!-delphi procedure for the preparation of updated update.ini search and download the update ~!
Platform: | Size: 198656 | Author: wanghuixiang | Hits:

[OS programupdate

Description: vc实现的一个软件程序更新的一个源程序。-vc achieve a software program to update a source.
Platform: | Size: 1392640 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 注意不要删除backup和update这两个目录。 另外server这个目录要上传到服务器端。 By -Careful not to delete backup and update these two directories. In addition to this server directory to upload to the server-side. By
Platform: | Size: 337920 | Author: 靳新晖 | Hits:


Description: 升级程序 用法:update.exe 程序名 版本 版本文件URL 例如: update.exe VolleyMail 3.0 http://www.123.com/update/update.ini-Usage of the upgrade process: update.exe program name version version of file URL for example: update.exe VolleyMail 3.0 http://www.123.com/update/update.ini
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: 栗子 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopUpdate

Description: 软件更新是现在软件的一个重要功能,这个源码演示了以FTP方式实现软件更新。-Software Update is now an important function of software, the source demonstrated a way to FTP software update.
Platform: | Size: 964608 | Author: shutao | Hits:

[Windows Developupdate

Description: 对大型企业和大型单位而言,其C/S结构下的终端机数量众多,因此,人工软件升级将是一件头痛的事情。采用自动升级模块,将极大的提高软件系统的效率。本模块的功能是,将服务器上的最新软件下载到本机,实现客户端程序的自动更新。-For large enterprises and large-scale units, its C/S structure of the large number of terminals, therefore, artificial software upgrade will be a headache. The use of automatic upgrade modules, will greatly improve the efficiency of software systems. This module is the latest server software downloaded to the machine, to achieve the client s automatic update procedure.
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: yanghui | Hits:


Description: VC++编写的update在线更新客户端程序-VC++ to prepare the update online update client program
Platform: | Size: 7446528 | Author: lin qing ping | Hits:


Description: 自动版本更新程序 原创! 自动版本更新程序 原创!-Automatic update of original version!Automatic update of original version!Automatic update of original version!
Platform: | Size: 18698240 | Author: 蛋挞 | Hits:

[Windows Developupdate

Description: VB写的网上升级程序..用于程序的自动更新.-Writing VB online upgrade process .. for the automatic update procedure.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 攀龙附凤 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developupdate

Description: 嵌入式系统用的,用C写的自动更新程序Used in embedded systems, using C to write the auto-update procedure-Used in embedded systems, using C to write the auto-update procedure
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: y | Hits:


Description: 随著软件完善,要随时更新客户端,所以本人写了一个在线更新程序,通用信很强,网络化,只要服务器端修改了,客户只要上线就有更新提示功能。-With the perfect software, it is necessary to update the client at any time, so I wrote an online update, General letter a strong network, and as long as the server-side modification, and customers on the line as long as there are prompts to update.
Platform: | Size: 218112 | Author: 徐金林 | Hits:


Description: 2440 下使用SD卡更新firmware 的方法,请参看具体代码.-2440 under the firmware update using SD card method, please refer to the specific code.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 袁慎重 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLupdate

Description: 功能完善的自动升级系统 可以支持文件升级、数据库升级、升级文件处理三种功能 文件升级是通过文件复制来更新文件 数据库升级是这SQL脚本来进行更新 升级文件处理是执行一个升级包中的工具进行处理,此文件应为是一个EXE程序,是一个无界面的WIN32程序,用户可处理任务功能,比如文件清理,INI结构处理等。 本系统还提供了一个升级包制作工具,可以将需要文件通过可视化界面生成升级包 本系统还支持版本号管理,升级工具会识别最小升级版本号。-A update system with full funtions.
Platform: | Size: 2015232 | Author: 王志峰 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopUpdate

Description: 我写的一个在线更新程序,里面包含了详细的设计和所有源代码,使用了完成端口技术-I wrote an online update, which contains the detailed design and all the source code, using the completion port technology
Platform: | Size: 1278976 | Author: muhx | Hits:

[Windows Developupdate

Description: VB写的一个在线更新系统,代码通俗易懂,想学的朋友快下载吧-VB to write an online update system, code easy to understand, a friend wanted to learn fast download bar
Platform: | Size: 418816 | Author: 邵正麟 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopUPdate

Description: 一个通过服务器对客户机上的程序进行自我升级的问题,由于我的项目也涉及到自我升级,当时我把我的解决方案提了出来,那就是做一个类似于瑞星的升级程序。在这里我也发现了很多的网友对这个问题很困惑,故我愿意把我的设计方案写出来与大家共享,大家也可以通过这个思路用其他语言进行改写。 -One through the server program on the client self-update, because it is my project also involves self-upgrade, when I put my solution mentioned, it is to do a similar to the Rising of the upgrade process. Here, I also found a lot of netizens on this issue is very confusing, so I am willing to write out my designs to share with everyone, everyone in this line of thought can also be rewritten in other languages.
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 江海 | Hits:


Description: amlogic avos auto update 开发说明-amlogic avos auto update
Platform: | Size: 1612800 | Author: Steven | Hits:


Description: C#写的软件在线自动更新代码,通过配置文件添加需要更新的文件-C# to write code to automatically update the software online, through a configuration file to add the file needs to be updated
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: shenlili | Hits:


Description: 实现程序的自动升级功能,用VC++实现,用法:update.exe 程序名 版本 版本文件URL 例如: update.exe VolleyMail 3.0 http://www.extice.com/update/update.ini-Automatic update feature to achieve the program with VC++ implementation, usage: update.exe program name version version of the file URL example: update.exe VolleyMail 3.0 http://www.extice.com/update/update.ini
Platform: | Size: 188416 | Author: GM | Hits:
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