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[Embeded-SCM DevelopuCOS51软件包


uCOS51软件包 (包含源码、硬件原理图PCB图).zip

Platform: | Size: 639426 | Author: haiqing05 | Hits:

[Other resourcedoc(uCOS51移植心得等系列文档打包下载V1.0)

Description: doc(uCOS51移植心得等系列文档打包下载V1.0),好东西呀!-doc (uCOS51 transplantation experience a series of packaged files downloaded V1.0), the good stuff!
Platform: | Size: 107393 | Author: 胡显辉 | Hits:


Description: ucos51移植心得
Platform: | Size: 205104 | Author: skykey3 | Hits:


Description: uCOS的源码例子-uCOS example source code
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Demo程序经Keil701编译后,代码量为7-8K,可直接在KeilC51上仿真运行。 使用方法:解压后双击yy项目,点调试即可在串口仿真看到结果。 Demo程序创建了3个任务A、B、C优先级分别为2、3、4,A每秒显示一次,B每3秒显示一次,C每6秒显示一次。从显示结果看,显示3个A后显示1个B,显示6个A和2个B后显示1个C,结果显然正确。用户可以仿照范例运用更多系统API函数写出自己的程序。只要程序中有显示语句就可以用软件仿真器看结果。注意:系统提供的显示函数是并发的,他不是直接显示到串口,而是先输出到显存,用户不必担心IO慢速操作影响程序运行。串口输入也采用了同样的技术,他使得用户在CPU忙于处理其他任务时照样可以盲打输入命令。 将EXL2-shell目录下的文件覆盖yy目录下的同名文件,将word.c、yyshell.c、yyshellsub.c、mystring.c加入项目,删除yy1.c,编译后调试即可。输入help可得到在线帮助,具体命令用法见文章说明。 yangye网友推荐http://www.sics.se/~adam/lwip/网站学习TCPIP,该网站开放源代码的lwip是专为8bit和16bitMCU设计的TCPIP协议栈,已在多种CPU上移植成功,推荐大家下载。-Demo processes Keil701 compiler, code capacity of 7-8K to be directly in KeilC51 on simulation run. Use : unpacked click yy, debugging points in the serial simulation can see the result. Demo procedures for the creation of three task A, B, C priority for 2,3,4, A second shows a B every three seconds a show, C every six seconds a show. Looking at the results from the show, a show three shows a B, showed six A and two B shows a C, the result is obviously correct. Users can use more modeled on the example of system API function to write their own procedures. As long as the procedures are shown on the statement can be used simulation software for the outcome. Note : the system provides display function is complicated, and he is not a direct indication of the serial port, but before the output
Platform: | Size: 731136 | Author: 套件 | Hits:


Description: us/osII在不同平台上的移植,是网上收集到的一份资料,详细介绍了移植方法,具有参考价值-UC/OSII can be transplanted on different platforms,here is some information collected from internet,which introduces the transplanting_method in details,and bears much for reference .
Platform: | Size: 204800 | Author: 林伟 | Hits:

[SCMuCOS51软件包 (包含源码、硬件原理图PCB图)

Description: 此源代码为UC/OS-II移植到51单片机的源代码.包括OS_CPU.H,OS_CPU_C.C,OS_CPU_A.S三个主要文件-this source code for the UC/OS-II transplants to 51 SCM source code. Including OS_CPU.H, OS_CPU_C.C, OS_CPU_A.S three key documents
Platform: | Size: 638976 | Author: 龙武 | Hits:


Description: doc(uCOS51移植心得等系列文档打包下载V1.0),好东西呀!-doc (uCOS51 transplantation experience a series of packaged files downloaded V1.0), the good stuff!
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: 胡显辉 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 278528 | Author: 黄小跃 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developucos51

Description: 基于51单片机来实现UCOS用一个串口来看到实现阶段-Based on 51 single-chip implementation uCOS COME with a serial port to see the implementation stage
Platform: | Size: 226304 | Author: harry | Hits:


Description: 最近搞了一个uCOS c51的移植。在查资料的时候发现网上这方面的资料比较少,所以将我自己的笔记整理出来,希望对大家做uCOS的移植有所启发。还希望大家多多顶一顶!:)-UCOS c51 has recently carried out a transplant. In search of information found online when the information in this regard is relatively small, it will be sorted out my own notes and hope to all of us the inspiration to do uCOS transplant. Also I hope Members Dingyi Ding! :)
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: 吴青青 | Hits:


Description: (牛人写的)一个ucos在51单片机上面跑的例子,关于ucos怎样移植的问题-(Cattle were written) a ucos in MCS-51 running the example above, on how to transplant the problem ucos
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 尤里 | Hits:


Description: ucos51移植心得,可以在keil中编译-ucos51 transplant experience, you can compile in keil
Platform: | Size: 204800 | Author: wangpan | Hits:


Description: 文档内容包括:uCOS51高效内核、OS人机界面SHELL的编写、51机开发板的硬件设计、RTL8019AS网卡驱动程序、51TCP/IP协议栈设计、应用协议FTP、PPP、HTTP、SMTP、SNMP……在51上的实现技术、51OS任务划分和应用程序实例、由51软件系统向ARM的移植以及其他想到的题目。-Documents include: uCOS51 efficient kernel, OS preparation of man-machine interface SHELL, 51 machine development board hardware design, RTL8019AS network card drivers, 51TCP/IP protocol stack, application protocols FTP, PPP, HTTP, SMTP, SNMP ... ... in 51 on the implementation technology, 51OS division of tasks and application instances, from 51 software systems migration to ARM, and other topics in mind.
Platform: | Size: 178176 | Author: 章鹏 | Hits:


Description: ucos51单片机经典实例程序ucos51 classic instance of the SCM proce-ucos51 classic example of SCM procedures ucos51 classic instance of the SCM process
Platform: | Size: 98304 | Author: si | Hits:


Description: ucos 源代码,可以直接在keilc中编译,直接在单片机上跑-ucos source code, you can compile directly in keilc directly run in SCM
Platform: | Size: 75776 | Author: 小强 | Hits:


Description: 统、单片机上网、32bitCPU (如ARM 等)。其实通过uCOS51 学习完全可以掌握这些热门技术的精髓,而且学习成本低廉。为此我会陆续 将我在研发过程中的经验体会写出来与大家交流,共同进步。-System, MCU Internet, 32bitCPU (such as ARM, etc.). In fact, learning by uCOS51 can grasp the essence of these popular technologies, but also to learn low cost. To do this I will continue my experience in R & D experience in the process of written communication with you and common progress.
Platform: | Size: 195584 | Author: yanfeifei | Hits:


Description: ucosII for 51study3.1
Platform: | Size: 373760 | Author: abc | Hits:


Description: uCOS51移植心得.pdf-uCOS51 transplant experience. pdf .........
Platform: | Size: 204800 | Author: fbia | Hits:


Description: 51单片机移植UCOS源代码,两个任务: 1,跑马灯 2,给串行232口发数据 里面有详细的代码注释,这个是学习UCOS很好的资料,看注释可以很快知道UCOS是怎么工作的-51 SCM transplantation UCOS source code, the two tasks: 1, 2, Marquee, 232 issued to the serial data which has a detailed code comments, this is a very good learning UCOS information, see notes can quickly know how the work UCOS The
Platform: | Size: 285696 | Author: 王风 | Hits:
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