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[Other resourceSVM-KMExample

Description: SVM example. based on SVM realize.-SVM example. Based on SVM realize.
Platform: | Size: 4034898 | Author: 颜 雁 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopSVM-KMExample

Description: 一种很容易理解的svm matlab工具箱,可用于分类,回归,并附有很多示例。
Platform: | Size: 4064459 | Author: 徐杰 | Hits:

[Other resourceSVM-KMExample

Description: 对应支持向量机的一些应用的原代码,下载存放在WORK文件夹下即可
Platform: | Size: 4034585 | Author: 小楼 | Hits:

[Other resourceSVM-KMExample

Description: MATLAB SVM KM TOOLBox de 的例子
Platform: | Size: 4042403 | Author: 张山 | Hits:


Description: SVM在MATLAB下的实现,其中有五个文件夹,分别是不同的SVM-SVM writen by matlab,include five files,and diffent each other
Platform: | Size: 1562624 | Author: zc | Hits:


Description: SVM example. based on SVM realize.-SVM example. Based on SVM realize.
Platform: | Size: 4034560 | Author: 颜 雁 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopSVM-KMExample

Description: 一种很容易理解的svm matlab工具箱,可用于分类,回归,并附有很多示例。-A very easy to understand svm matlab toolbox, can be used for classification, regression, together with many examples.
Platform: | Size: 4064256 | Author: 徐杰 | Hits:

[source in ebookSVM-KMExample

Description: 对应支持向量机的一些应用的原代码,下载存放在WORK文件夹下即可-Corresponding support vector machines some applications the original code, download stored in the WORK folder can
Platform: | Size: 4034560 | Author: 小楼 | Hits:


Description: 著名的SVM,经过某高人编写后,给加以图形界面-Well-known SVM, after an expert to prepare a post to be a graphical interface
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: 刘日达 | Hits:


Description: MATLAB SVM KM TOOLBox de 的例子-MATLAB SVM KM TOOLBox de examples
Platform: | Size: 4041728 | Author: 张山 | Hits:


Description: 支持向量机,matlab工具集。涵盖关于支持向量机的各种主要算法实现。-Support Vector Machines, matlab tools. Support Vector Machine on the cover of the main algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 4064256 | Author: 风铃 | Hits:


Description: Space Vector Modulation Method for PSIM users. Really helpful since PSIM hasn t got any block directly about SVM
Platform: | Size: 283648 | Author: Ali | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeSVM

Description: SVM在车牌识别中的应用.zip -SVM in License Plate Recognition application. Zip
Platform: | Size: 328704 | Author: 好记 | Hits:

[Windows Develop29782167SVM-KMExample

Description: 基于支持向量机的雷达高分辨距离像目标识别算法,对高分辨距离像有很高的分辨率。-Support vector machine based on high resolution range profile of radar target recognition algorithms, high resolution range with high resolution.
Platform: | Size: 4034560 | Author: 赵乃杰 | Hits:


Description: 支持向量机SVM和核函数的matlab程序集-SVM matlab
Platform: | Size: 4443136 | Author: kaoli | Hits:


Description: SVM向量机MATLAB编程实例,其中涵盖了one-against-one、one-against-all分类,回归等功能-Vector machine SVM MATLAB programming examples, which covers the one-against-one, one-against-all classification, regression and other functions
Platform: | Size: 4043776 | Author: 朱婷 | Hits:


Description: 一个matlab-SVM-kmexample程序,里面还包括几个SVM工具箱-very good
Platform: | Size: 4443136 | Author: 松林 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeSVM-KMExample

Description: 林智仁教授最新开发的libSVM工具箱的源码及程序注释,很详细的程序注释,对于学习SVM的人有很大的帮助-Professor Lin Zhiren newly developed libSVM of toolbox source code and program notes, a very detailed program notes, a great help for people learning SVM
Platform: | Size: 4448256 | Author: 笨小猪 | Hits:


Description: examples of SVM, PCA , MultiSVM, Feature extraction, kernel function
Platform: | Size: 4041728 | Author: pinku11111 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsSVM-KMExample

Description: svm-km 例子,关于svm-km工具箱的使用方法及例子(svm-km example, methods and examples of the use of the svm-km toolbox.)
Platform: | Size: 4076544 | Author: Cherry Wang | Hits:
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