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[Special Effects一个C++实现的SIFT算法

Description: C++实现的SIFT图像匹配算法,适用于Linux操作系统
Platform: | Size: 204300 | Author: zhenggangeric | Hits:

[Special EffectsSIFT算法


该程序可用于做SIFT特征点检测 以及图像匹配

Platform: | Size: 6268098 | Author: andypeng_yan | Hits:

[Graph programSIFT特征提取算法

Description: 经典的图像特征SIFT特征提取算法源码,SIFT特征在图像匹配和目标识别方面取得了成功的应用
Platform: | Size: 3957168 | Author: z05090329@163.com | Hits:


Description: SIFT特征提取
Platform: | Size: 104572 | Author: 344356311@qq.com | Hits:

[Special Effects图像配准 sift matlab

Description: SIFT算法是特征点寻找中比较经典也是相当精确的一种算法,原作者已经给出了相应的VC代码,这个代码包是基于matlab编写的,里面相应的有一些注释可以帮助初学者了解SIFT的操作过程。
Platform: | Size: 628057 | Author: kesiking | Hits:


Description: sift算法的中文讲解
Platform: | Size: 581139 | Author: livewell@foxmail.com | Hits:


Description: opencv的sift特征提取,visual studio 2010平台实现。
Platform: | Size: 38133450 | Author: harleych | Hits:

[Data structssift算子的vc++源代码

Description: sift算子的vc++源代码
Platform: | Size: 145828 | Author: fanxm06 | Hits:

[Graph programsift源代码

Description: VC6.0的SIFT程序,编译完全通过,自己移植
Platform: | Size: 3983870 | Author: songbaosen | Hits:

[Documents基于图像SIFT 特征的图像检索方法

Description: 基于SIFT特征提取,本文提出了一种多尺度的图像检索算法,将一幅图像转化为多个特征的集合,再通过计算两幅图像特征向量间的欧氏距离进行比较得出结果进而实现图像检索功能。实验结果说明该算法具有尺度、平移、旋转不变性,可以进行良好应用。
Platform: | Size: 812973 | Author: fannting | Hits:

[3D GraphicSIFT特征点匹配

Description: 经典的SIFT特征点匹配算法
Platform: | Size: 758933 | Author: tasteyou | Hits:


Description: SIFT的源代码
Platform: | Size: 61776 | Author: tasteyou | Hits:


Description: SIFT特征匹配算法实现图像拼接
Platform: | Size: 13282985 | Author: tengyao529727034 | Hits:

[Special Effectssift特征提取

Description: 通过sift对图像特征进行提取,并与原图像进行匹配
Platform: | Size: 619150 | Author: ramare | Hits:

[Special Effectssift-0.9.7

Description: SIFT算法C语言原程序,有需要的可以下载了,好东西哦!-sciences algorithm C language program, the need to be downloaded, the good stuff!
Platform: | Size: 2630656 | Author: gjg | Hits:

[Graph programSIFT.ZIP

Description: 一个SIFT特征检测的VC程序,SIFT特征检测在目标检测与识别中非常有用!-a physiology of the VC feature detection procedures, Detection characteristics of metabolism in target detection and identification is very useful!
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: sjtuzyk | Hits:

[3D Graphicsift-1.1.1_20061214_win

Description: visual .net 2003环境下的sift,需要gsl (for windows版本)和opencv支持。-visual. Net 2003 under the Environment sift, gsl need (for windows version) and opencv support.
Platform: | Size: 536576 | Author: 康康 | Hits:

[Special Effectssift-win-matlab72-veryold

Description: 国外一个Matlab7 下的SIFT算法演示代码,很具有参考价值-abroad under a Matlab7 sciences algorithm demo code, it is very valuable reference
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 王OO | Hits:

[Special Effectssift(E)

Description: 本文是SIFT算法的英文原文,想深入了解SIFT算法请下载-This is the physiology of the English original algorithm, in-depth understanding of physiology to download algorithm
Platform: | Size: 427008 | Author: haozihaier | Hits:

[Special EffectsSIFT

Description: 这是SIFT算法在遥感方面的一个应用,实现自动匹配识别功能。-This is the algorithm in metabolism of a remote sensing applications for automatic matching and identification functions.
Platform: | Size: 1080320 | Author: 辛若雪 | Hits:
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