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[Other Embeded program大唐SDH

Description: 大唐SDH设备协议解析程序.获得设备当前状态.-agreement analytic procedures. Access to the current state of equipment.
Platform: | Size: 223232 | Author: 黄志伟 | Hits:


Description: 华为sdh技术,非常重要的技术,进一步了解网络-Huawei's SDH technology, it is very important technology, further understanding of network
Platform: | Size: 1174528 | Author: 小丑鱼 | Hits:


Description: sdh同步数字传送体系,网络基础的东西,不错的东西。-SDH synchronous digital transmission system, network-based things, good things.
Platform: | Size: 1016832 | Author: 趁里能 | Hits:

[Windows Developsdh

Description: SDH是现代光纤通信中广泛应用的数据传输格式,在SDH帧结构中,前9列为开销字节,它包含了很多重要的信息,本程序为SDH开销的接收处理,查找帧头,分频,勤务话字节E1异步fifo。可拆为三段源代码,不知道能不能抵三个程序-SDH is a modern optical fiber communication is widely used in data transmission format, in the SDH frame structure, as the former 9 overhead bytes, it contains a lot of important information, the procedures for receiving SDH overhead processing, search header, sub-frequency ,勤務if E1 asynchronous byte fifo. Removable for three source code, I do not know the three procedures can be arrived
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 韩冰 | Hits:


Description: SDH基础知识,非常适合于初学者学习通信的基础知识-Basic knowledge of SDH, very suitable for beginners to learn the basic knowledge of communication
Platform: | Size: 3231744 | Author: wuchao | Hits:


Description: SDH光端机支路单元盘开发,都是作者工程实践的经验总结,具有很高的工程指导价值和现实推广前景
Platform: | Size: 978944 | Author: ltj | Hits:


Description: 从sdh数据流中找到相应的帧,并将其帧头按照另一码率输出。-From the SDH data stream to find the corresponding frame, and another header in accordance with the output bit-rate.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 杨春 | Hits:

[Industry researchOptiXiManagerT2000(SDH)

Description: OptiXiManagerT2000(SDH).rar-OptiXiManagerT2000(SDH).rar
Platform: | Size: 3798016 | Author: eric | Hits:

[Windows DevelopSDH

Description: 他是一个SDH上行代码,有八个模块组成的,能够传输以太网的数据 -He is an SDH uplink code, there is composed of eight modules, Ethernet can transmit data
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 丁勇良 | Hits:


Description: SDH的有关介绍,包括: SDH介绍.pdf, SDH传输时隙环回定位故障.pdf, SDH传输网的时钟优化.pdf。-SDH relevant, including: SDH introduced. Pdf, SDH transmission slot Fault Circular. Pdf, SDH transmission network optimization of the clock. Pdf.
Platform: | Size: 706560 | Author: 李宏伟 | Hits:


Description: sdh帧处理过程,同步状态机设计,时钟分频设计,F1数据输出-sdh synchronization
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: cc | Hits:


Description: 关于SDH的相关知识,希望可以对想了解SDH的朋友们帮上忙-With regard to SDH-related knowledge, hope that we can want to know the friends who helped on the SDH busy
Platform: | Size: 3192832 | Author: johncheng | Hits:


Description: 这是对于sdh的一种细致的介绍,欢迎下载,多多支持-This is for a detailed description sdh, welcome to download, will support
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王惠远 | Hits:


Description: 运用51单片机,进行SDH光端机支路单元盘开发-Development of SDH Optical Tributary Unit Disk
Platform: | Size: 983040 | Author: 陈小东 | Hits:


Description: SDH开销的接收处理,要求: 1, A1和A2字节为帧头指示字节,A1为“11110110”,A2为“00101000”,连续3个A1字节后跟连续3个A2字节表示SDH一帧的开始。要求自行设计状态机,从连续传输的SDH字节流中找出帧头。 2, E2字节为勤务话通道开销,用于公务联络语音通道,其比特串行速率为64KHz(8*8K=64)。要求从SDH字节流中,提取E2字节,并按照64K速率分别串行输出E2码流及时钟,其中64K时钟要求基本均匀。(输出端口包括串行数据和64K串行时钟) -Receiving SDH overhead processing requirements: 1, A1 and A2 bytes instruction byte header, A1 is " 11110110" , A2 is " 00101000" , for three consecutive A1 bytes followed by three A2 bytes of an SDH the beginning of the frame. Asked to design a state machine, from the continuous stream of bytes in the SDH transmission header to find out. 2, E2-byte path overhead for the service, then, for the public to contact voice channels, the bit-serial rate 64KHz (8* 8K = 64). SDH byte stream request from the extraction E2 bytes, and the serial output in accordance with rates of E2 64K stream and clock, which clock requires 64K basic uniform. (Including the serial data output port and 64K serial clock)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 刘镇宇 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopSDH

Description: 华为内部资料《SDH光传输技术》,介绍SDH的基本概念,原理等。-Huawei internal information " SDH optical transmission technology," SDH introduced the basic concepts, principles and so on.
Platform: | Size: 3681280 | Author: 李明 | Hits:


Description: SDH Related Document containing SDH Details
Platform: | Size: 710656 | Author: Ahsan Shah | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsSDH-Technology

Description: this document is intended as an introductory guide to the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) multiplexing standard. use this primer as an introduction to the technology of SDH. consult the actual material from ITU-T, paying particular attention to the latest version, if more detailed information is required.
Platform: | Size: 414720 | Author: sorour | Hits:

[Software Engineeringsdh

Description: 介绍SDH的详细文档,主要从SDH的原理介绍相关内容包括:概述、复用、传输性能等八个章节-Introduction of SDH detailed documentation, the main principles of introduction from the SDH-related content include: Overview, multiplexing, transmission performance of eight chapters
Platform: | Size: 702464 | Author: lucian | Hits:


Description: 电力系统变电站侧SDH设备规范,配线架DDF、ODF(SDH equipment specification for substation side of power system)
Platform: | Size: 136192 | Author: 阿民 | Hits:
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