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[Other resourceSBUF

Description: 单片机与PC机串口程序,pc机用串口调试工具发送16进制数据到单片机,单片机再返回一个接受到的信号回pc机,-SCM and PC serial port procedures, PCs with serial debugging tools to send 16-band data to a single chip, the microcontroller return to a finer signal to PCs,
Platform: | Size: 12101 | Author: 狼行 | Hits:

[Com Port串口

Description: #include<reg51.h> //包含单片机寄存器的头文件 unsigned char code zifuchuan[ ]="ni hao! wo shi cai hai peng huan ying xue dan pian ji "; //流水灯控制码,该数组被定义为全局变量 /***************************************************** 函数功能:向PC发送一个字节数据 ***************************************************/ void fasong(unsigned char dat) { SBUF=dat; //发送数据 while(TI==0) //检查发送完成中断标志如果未完成就等等否则复位发送标志位以便下个数据可以发送 ; TI=0;
Platform: | Size: 26112 | Author: ruyunlong1990@163.com | Hits:


Description: 单片机与PC机串口程序,pc机用串口调试工具发送16进制数据到单片机,单片机再返回一个接受到的信号回pc机,-SCM and PC serial port procedures, PCs with serial debugging tools to send 16-band data to a single chip, the microcontroller return to a finer signal to PCs,
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 狼行 | Hits:


Description: 单片机的串口通信程序, 可以载此基础加一些功能去调试-Single-chip serial communication program, you can set this function to add some basic debugging
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: renyuanlin | Hits:


Description: VB遥控播放器红外遥控解码 #include <regX52.h> #define c(x) (x*110592/120000) sbit Ir_Pin=P3^2 sbit beep=P2^1 //sbit RELAY=P2^0 #define INBUF_LEN 4 //数据长度 unsigned char inbuf1[INBUF_LEN]={ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } //发送缓冲区 unsigned char inbuf2[50] //接收缓冲区 unsigned char count3 void init_serialcomm( void ) { SCON = 0x50 //SCON: serail mode 1, 8-bit UART, enable ucvr T2CON=0x30 TH2=0x00 TL2=0x00 RCAP2H=0xFF RCAP2L=0xDC TR2=1 } //向串口发送一个字符 void send_char_com( unsigned char ch) { SBUF=ch while (TI== 0 ) TI= 0-VB player remote control infrared remote control decoder# Include <regX52.h># Define c (x) (x* 110592/120000) sbit Ir_Pin = P3 ^ 2 sbit beep = P2 ^ 1// sbit RELAY = P2 ^ 0# define INBUF_LEN 4// data length unsigned char inbuf1 [INBUF_LEN] = (0, 0, 0, 0)// Send buffer unsigned char inbuf2 [50]// receive buffer unsigned char count3 void init_serialcomm (void) ( SCON = 0x50// SCON: serail mode 1, 8-bit UART, enable ucvrT2CON = 0x30 TH2 = 0x00 TL2 = 0x00 RCAP2H = 0xFF RCAP2L = 0xDC TR2 = 1)// to send a serial character void send_char_com (unsigned char ch ) (SBUF = ch while (TI == 0) TI = 0
Platform: | Size: 12667904 | Author: 微微 | Hits:


Description: 程序说明:本程序为读写器程序。 下面将本程序所用变量及含义定义如下: 定义SBUF(N)为串行通讯的缓冲区 定义CBUF(N)为读卡卡号的缓冲区-Procedure Description: This procedure for reading and writing program. Following this procedure will be used and the meaning of variables are defined as follows: the definition of SBUF (N) for the definition of serial communication buffer CBUF (N) for the card reader of the buffer zone
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: hello009 | Hits:


Description: 串口以查询法的方式从电脑接收16进制的数据,SBUF是8位的,所以每次接收8位进来-Serial port to check the law of the receiving computer 16 from the data-band, SBUF is 8, so each received 8 in.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 姜利 | Hits:

[Other Embeded program121212

Description: 实现了简单的串口通信,通过外部中断,使SBUF发送出去-To achieve a simple serial communication, via an external interrupt, so that sent SBUF
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: ljf | Hits:


Description: 单片机与PC机串口程序,pc机用串口调试工具发送16进制数据到单片机-MCU and serial PC, programs, pc machine serial debugging tools to send data to the MCU 16 hex
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: te | Hits:

[Software Engineeringchuanxing

Description: 串行通信MCS-51单片机内部有一个全双工的串行通信口,即串行接收和发送缓冲器(SBUF),这两个在物理上独立的接收发送器,既可以接收数据也可以发送数据。但接收缓冲器只能读出不能写入,而发送缓冲器则只能写入不能读出,它们的地址为99H。这个通信口既可以用于网络通信,亦可实现串行异步通信,还可以构成同步移位寄存器使用。-MCS-51 microcontroller serial communication within the a full-duplex serial communication port, that is, the serial receive and send buffer (SBUF), these two physically separate receiver transmitter, both can receive data can be sent data. Only read by the receiving buffer can not write, but can only write to send the buffer is not allowed to deliver, their address is 99H. The communication port can be used for both network communications, can also achieve the serial asynchronous communication, but also constitute a synchronous shift register to use.
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 王杰杰 | Hits:


Description: 51单片机 特殊功能寄存器 SBUF使用方法,51单片机波特率选择-51 single-chip special function register SBUF, 51 single-chip baud rate selection
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: sun | Hits:


Description: 基于单片机AT89S52的按键串口控制基本程序-Basic procedures based on the MCU AT89S52 key serial control
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 刘传煌 | Hits:


Description: HM628128的读写功能,初始化T1为定时功能,是模式2,可以将将读到的数据写入SBUF,启动串行发送-HM628128 read and write functions, initialization T1 timing function, mode 2, will read the data can be written to SBUF, start serial transmission
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: | Hits:


Description: static void sbappendsb(struct sbuf sb, struct mbuf m) .
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: jongmohai | Hits:


Description: 单片机串口程序,实现主从机的通信,将主机信号传到从机-Single-chip microcomputer serial port to send and receive the code, the realization of the master-slave machine communication
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 王攀龙 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSBUF

Description: 这是关于sbuf的一份软件,利用单片机做的有各种功能。-This is about a sbuf software, using SCM to do a variety of functions.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 拥抱一夏天的风 | Hits:

[File Formatuartcommunication

Description: /*说明:AVR串口是通过UDR发送出去的,类似于51单片机的SBUF*/ /*程序功能:能够通过串行数据发送给PC机0x12数据,接收上位机数据并且+1后发送回上位机*/-uart communication implement
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: vic luo | Hits:


Description: 单片机接收从电脑串口发送出来的一串字符串,却只能接收到第一个字符,其他的都丢失了或者是接收到的是乱码,却不知道是什么原因。其实,那是因为,虽然单片机的是全双工串口,但是串口的缓冲区(SBUF)却一般只有一个字节,即1Byte,远没有像电脑串口的缓冲区以KB计算那么大,并且,单片机的处理速度是很有限的,试想一下,假如要求一串字符串以9600bps的速率,一个起始位,一个结束位,无校正位,相当于960Byte/s传输到单片机,单片机要是能够全部接收的话,那么单片机接收和处理一个字节的时间仅为约1ms的时间。这说明了,如果单片机的处理速度不够快,还没有将接收到的上一帧数据及时转送到单片机的RAM中,而电脑串口又传输过来一帧新的数据,这帧新的数据就会把单片机的串口输入缓冲区的SBUF给刷新掉,或者说单片机压根就没有接收到新的一帧数据,造成了数据的丢失或接收到乱码。 如果需要单片机接收到从串口发送过来的一段很长的字符串,并且能够都正常接收和显示-TX&RX FUNCATION between PC and MCU
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: weiping | Hits:


Description: 单片机接收从电脑串口发送出来的一串字符串,却只能接收到第一个字符,其他的都丢失了或者是接收到的是乱码,却不知道是什么原因。其实,那是因为,虽然单片机的是全双工串口,但是串口的缓冲区(SBUF)却一般只有一个字节,即1Byte,远没有像电脑串口的缓冲区以KB计算那么大,并且,单片机的处理速度是很有限的,试想一下,假如要求一串字符串以9600bps的速率,一个起始位,一个结束位,无校正位,相当于960Byte/s传输到单片机,单片机要是能够全部接收的话,那么单片机接收和处理一个字节的时间仅为约1ms的时间。这说明了,如果单片机的处理速度不够快,还没有将接收到的上一帧数据及时转送到单片机的RAM中,而电脑串口又传输过来一帧新的数据,这帧新的数据就会把单片机的串口输入缓冲区的SBUF给刷新掉,或者说单片机压根就没有接收到新的一帧数据,造成了数据的丢失或接收到乱码。-Method for realizing computer to receive the string sent to the single chip machine
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 李文俊 | Hits:


Description: Copy data sbuf to a normal, straight buffer Don t update the sbuf rptr, this will be done in sbdrop when the data is acked. -Copy data sbuf to a normal, straight buffer Don t update the sbuf rptr, this will be done in sbdrop when the data is acked.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: pnszqai | Hits:
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