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Description: 在考虑平面上“点类”和“矩形类”的关系时,由于出发点不同,可以有多种方式,例如:可以认为一个矩形对象由两个点类对象组成(左上角和右下角),也可以认为矩形是在点的基础上加上宽和高构成的,-considering the plane "in category" and "rectangle" in the relationship, as the starting point will be different, a variety of forms, such as : a rectangle that can be targeted by the two types of objects composed points (upper left and lower right), could also be considered in rectangular points on the basis of added width and high consisting of,
Platform: | Size: 9632 | Author: 刘洁 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopRectangle

Description: 探讨了矩形件和任意形状图案的排样优化问题的遗传算法求解,提出了剩余矩形表示法和条形图表示法。对于矩形排样,剩余矩形表示法提高了板材利用率,更容易得到较优解。对于任意形状图案排样,条形图表示法直接利用位图排样,不对图案作任何限制(允许有孔洞),排样速度很快。该算法已应用于智能印花分色系统中。-on rectangular pieces of arbitrary shape and pattern layout of genetic optimization algorithm. the remaining rectangle said law and bar charts representation. For rectangular nesting, said the remaining rectangular plate method to improve the efficiency and easier to obtain a better solution. For arbitrary shape pictorial layout, bar charts, said the use of Direct bitmap nesting, pictorial not make any restrictions (to allow holes), the layout very quickly. The algorithm was applied dichroic Intelligent Printing System.
Platform: | Size: 346646 | Author: wayllen | Hits:

[assembly languageRectangle

Description: 设计并测试一个名为Rectangle的矩形类,其属性为矩形的左下角与右下角两个点的坐标,能计算矩形的面积-design and test a rectangular called Rectangle category, its attributes to the lower left-hand corner of the rectangle with 2 points lower right coordinates, which calculates the rectangular area
Platform: | Size: 8585 | Author: luyou | Hits:


Description: 1.设计并测试一个名为Rectangle的矩形类,其属性为矩形的左下角 //与右上角两个点的坐标,能计算矩形的面积。
Platform: | Size: 5930 | Author: 于洁 | Hits:

[Graph programcool picture editor

Description: 一个非常Cool的图像编辑软件,支持在图像中画椭圆、矩形、锥体、圆柱、不规则曲线,支持输入文本,使用橡皮擦,图像区域填充。- Extremely Cool image editing software, supports in the picture the picture ellipse, the rectangle, the cone, the column, the irregular curve, supports the input text, uses the eraser, the picture region packing.
Platform: | Size: 222208 | Author: none | Hits:

[Delphi VCL画矢量图的源码

Description: 矢量图源代码 包括直线文本矩形等等,可修改线条颜色,宽度等-vector source code, including straight text rectangle, etc., may revise the lines of color, width, etc.
Platform: | Size: 546816 | Author: 张旭 | Hits:

[Special Effectsgui16

Description: 本原代码集是我对计算机图形学的编程实践,包括画直线、反走样直线、画圆、画椭圆、画矩形、画多边形、矩形填充、多边形填充、3D变换、光照、贴图等-primitive code sets for my computer graphics programming practice, including painting line, anti-aliasing straight Circle, painted oval, rectangular painting, drawing polygon, rectangle filling, polygon filling, 3D transformation, lighting, textures, etc.
Platform: | Size: 2731008 | Author: 卢峰 | Hits:


Description: 3. 设计一个接口Shape,接口中包含方法:Draw和Resize。定义一些具体类,如:Point、Line、Circle、Rectangle等,每个类都实现接口Shape。Draw方法绘制图形,Resize方法改变图形大小。用Java实现这些接口和类,并用测试类测试它们。 注意:不需要真正绘制图形,如Line的Draw方法只需输出下面文本即可: “直线的起点是(x1,y1,),终点是(x2,y2)”-3. A Shape interface design, interfaces include : Draw and Resize. Some specific type definition, such as : Point, Line, Circle, Rectangle, each category are achieving Shape interface. Draw method of drawing, graphics Resize changed size. Using Java to achieve these interfaces and class, and use tests such testing. Note : no real drawing, such as the Draw Line method, only the following text can be output : "line is the starting point (x1, y1), and the ultimate goal is to (x2, y2)"
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:

[Graph program简易画图板

Description: 简易的画图板 实现画点线,曲线,矩形,圆形,以及色彩的变换,填充等,另外还加入一个小小的文本操作程式。 直接编译后就可以使用。-simple drawing board to achieve painting point line, curve, rectangle, circle, and the color transformation, fill in the blanks, in addition to the text by adding a small operation programs. Directly after the compiler can use.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 陈明 | Hits:

[Graph Drawing44757463

Description: 丰富的图形类型(直线,平行四边形,矩形,多边形,圆角矩形,圆,椭圆,二次均匀B样条曲线,三次参数样条曲线,贝齐埃曲线)      丰富的图形操作(属性设置,拖动,放大/缩小,删除,拷贝,旋转,图形切割,图形填充,编辑等)软件通用功能(撤消/恢复,打印,文件操作)架构较好,欢迎试用!-rich graphics types (linear, parallelogram, rectangle, polygon, rounded rectangle, circle, oval, secondary uniform B-spline curves, the three parameters spline curves, curve gemfibrozil Egypt) rich graphics operations (attribute settings, drag and enlarge/reduce, to delete, copy, rotate, graphics cutting, filling graphics, editing, etc.) common software functions (withdrawal/recovery, printing, and file manipulation) architecture better, welcomed the trial!
Platform: | Size: 353280 | Author: | Hits:

[Graph Drawing184526345

Description: 本原代码集是对计算机图形学的编程实践,包括画直线、反走样直线、画圆、画椭圆、画矩形、画多边形、矩形填充、多边形填充、3D变换、光照、贴图等。出于简化编程的考虑,许多地方指定了常数,未做通用处理。解压缩后建立gui16目录,在其下有原代码和工程文件。在gui16下建立release目录,其下有一可执行文件及其所须的位图及模型文件。如在release目录之外执行程序,必须复制所需位图及模型文件。内含r-primitive code of computer graphics programming practice, including painting line, anti-aliasing straight Circle, painted oval, rectangular painting, drawing polygon, rectangle filling, polygon filling, 3D transformation, lighting, textures, etc.. To simplify programming for consideration, in many places designated constant, GM declined to handle. Decompress gui16 established after the catalog under the original code and engineering documents. Established in gui16 release directory, under which an executable file and the necessary bitmap, and model documents. If the release catalog implementation procedures, must copy the necessary bitmap and model documents. R intron
Platform: | Size: 269312 | Author: 万方 | Hits:


Description: MFC画图,可以画直线,圆角矩形。矩形。-MFC drawing, painting straight lines, rounded rectangle. Rectangular.
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: 李三 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopRectangle

Description: 探讨了矩形件和任意形状图案的排样优化问题的遗传算法求解,提出了剩余矩形表示法和条形图表示法。对于矩形排样,剩余矩形表示法提高了板材利用率,更容易得到较优解。对于任意形状图案排样,条形图表示法直接利用位图排样,不对图案作任何限制(允许有孔洞),排样速度很快。该算法已应用于智能印花分色系统中。-on rectangular pieces of arbitrary shape and pattern layout of genetic optimization algorithm. the remaining rectangle said law and bar charts representation. For rectangular nesting, said the remaining rectangular plate method to improve the efficiency and easier to obtain a better solution. For arbitrary shape pictorial layout, bar charts, said the use of Direct bitmap nesting, pictorial not make any restrictions (to allow holes), the layout very quickly. The algorithm was applied dichroic Intelligent Printing System.
Platform: | Size: 346112 | Author: wayllen | Hits:


Description: 一个GUI程序。在一个一定长、宽的区域内,随机分布有一定数量的矩形(边与区域的边平行,并且一定在区域内),当鼠标在该区域内任意一点按下左键,找到所以矩形中,某个边到该点的距离最近的那个矩形,并相对其他矩形特殊的显示出来-A GUI program. In a certain length, width of the region, a random distribution of a certain number of rectangular (side edges parallel with the region, and certainly in the region), when the mouse in the region at any point by pressing left, to find so rectangular, the a certain edge to the nearest point of the rectangle, and compared with other special rectangular display
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: 李皓 | Hits:


Description: 矩形类定义C++代码,包括常用的矩形操作-Rectangle class definition C++ Code, including the commonly used rectangular operation
Platform: | Size: 260096 | Author: wzr | Hits:


Description: 1.设计并测试一个名为Rectangle的矩形类,其属性为矩形的左下角 //与右上角两个点的坐标,能计算矩形的面积。 -1. Design and testing of a rectangular Rectangle class, its properties for the lower-left corner of rectangle// and the upper right corner of the coordinates of two points to calculate the area of rectangle.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 于洁 | Hits:


Description: 用matlab编程绘制矩形窗函数的幅频特性,窗函数形状的长度为10,20,50,100.-Programming using matlab draw rectangle window function of the amplitude-frequency characteristics, the shape of window function of length of 10,20,50,100.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: hithit | Hits:

[Special EffectsRECTANGLE

Description: 一种快速的多边形和矩形检测算法,可以广泛的应用于各种目标识别领域-A fast polygon and rectangle detection algorithm can be widely used in various areas of target identification
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: chendong | Hits:

[Special Effectsdetected-rectangle

Description: 利用opencv测量矩形的C++程序,可以直接检测出矩形,即使背景很复杂-Measured using a rectangle opencv C program, you can directly detect the rectangle, even if the background is very complex
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: azure | Hits:


Description: rectangle example for C language
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: vinylrecordz | Hits:
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