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Description: RC500+AT89S52的读写源代码+原理图
Platform: | Size: 3970409 | Author: llkjlidejun | Hits:


Description: mifare rc500 读卡器源码-MIFARE reader source rc500
Platform: | Size: 326656 | Author: succxhy | Hits:


Description: Mifare RC500 API Code in Keil
Platform: | Size: 207872 | Author: Breeze To | Hits:

[OS Developrc500

Description: rc500的代码, rc500的代码-rc500 code rc500 code, the code rc5
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: | Hits:

[Program docMF-RC500

Description: 摘要:介绍基于MF-RC500芯片的通用射频卡读/写模块的设计和实现。该读/写模块具有和应用系统的多种通信接口方式,包括二线制通信模式 模块设计有用户高级读写指令,极大地简化了应用系统对射频卡的操作 应用系统和模块的通信基于二次握手的通信协议,保证了通信的稳定和可靠。 提要:函数的C语言定义以及定义函数的头文件。 描述:对函数及其目的进行叙述性描述。 例程:给出一个能说明该函数的应用例子。 数据类型:列出函数中使用的一些特殊的数据类型(如结构体等)的C语言定义。这些数据类型的定义包含在提要标题下列出的头文件中。 参阅:给出相关联的函数。 返回值: 如果函数有返回值,则在本标题下将给出返回值的类型和性质,同时还包括错误返回的信息。
Platform: | Size: 399360 | Author: windywu | Hits:


Description: 一个详细的介绍FM1702的程序,用户13.56MHZ mifare卡的读写.同时支持PHILIP RC500芯片-A detailed introduction FM1702 procedures 13.56MHZ mifare card users to read and write. PHILIP RC500 chip at the same time support
Platform: | Size: 192512 | Author: | Hits:


Description: RC500中文开发资料,快点下啊!~~RC500中文开发资料,快点下啊!-RC500 Chinese development of information, quickly, under ah! ~ ~ RC500 Chinese development of information, more quickly under the ah!
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: wangsai | Hits:


Description: PHILIPS MF RC500 高整合性ISO 14443A reader IC Datasheet-PHILIPS MF RC500 integrated high ISO 14443A reader IC Datasheet
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: Charles Chiang | Hits:

[Program docRC500(chinese2008)

Description: MF RC500-高集成ISO14443A 读卡芯片,该文档讲述了MF RC500 的功能包括功能及电气规格并给出了如何从系统和硬件的角度使用该芯片进行设计的细节-MF RC500-highly integrated chip card reader ISO14443A, the MF RC500 document describes the function, including functional and electrical specifications are given on how systems and hardware from the perspective of the use of the chip design details
Platform: | Size: 1425408 | Author: king | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopRC500

Description: 高集成度TYPEA读写器芯片MFRC500及其应用,包含RC500的应用程序-TYPEA highly integrated reader chip MFRC500 and its applications, including applications RC500
Platform: | Size: 1526784 | Author: 王杰 | Hits:

[assembly languageRC500-1

Description: 这是一个真正的RC500读卡程序,稍加修改就可以应用在你的程序之中。-This is a real card reader RC500 procedures, some modifications can be used in your procedures.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: gzjia | Hits:


Description: RC500的函数库,不过要自己修改一下!-RC500 library, but want to make some corrections!
Platform: | Size: 8082432 | Author: changying | Hits:


Description: 基于RC500的IC卡射频资料以及完整程序。-RC500 based on the IC card information as well as the integrity of the RF procedures.
Platform: | Size: 4236288 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopRC500

Description: RC500芯片详细说明,寄存器功能说明,各功能模块介绍。-RC500 chip details, register functions, each function module introduced.
Platform: | Size: 787456 | Author: Apo | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopRC500

Description: RC500的全部操作,读卡,写卡,存储,以及验证流程等-RC500 full operation, readers, writing cards, storage, and verification processes, such as
Platform: | Size: 76800 | Author: 春平 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopRC500

Description: RC500的中文资料,包括使用方法,指令的解释,以及硬件结构-RC500 Chinese information, including the use of methods, interpretation of commands, as well as the hardware structure
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: 春平 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developrc500

Description: 用于51单片机与rc500的通讯程序,有rc500的资料,-For 51 single-chip communication procedures with the RC500, RC500 has information
Platform: | Size: 240640 | Author: 蒙冠杰 | Hits:


Description: RC500 MF1 非接触读卡器 开发板 资料 -Demo board of philips rc500 chip hv Ev Kit of it and all datasheet
Platform: | Size: 6987776 | Author: panxr | Hits:


Description: rc500中文文档及在IC卡公交系统中的应用-rc500 Chinese documents and in the IC card public transportation system
Platform: | Size: 662528 | Author: liang | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopRC500

Description: RC500读卡源程序,可以对普通IC卡进行操作-Rc500
Platform: | Size: 103424 | Author: rilf | Hits:
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