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Description: 本人原创,用AVR单片机模拟SCCB接口,来读写OV9650的寄存器。
Platform: | Size: 75623 | Author: mc34063a | Hits:


Description: 详细介绍了OV9650的驱动程序的配置方法 和步骤
Platform: | Size: 2780 | Author: longman_lee | Hits:

[SourceCodeOV9650 裸机驱动

Description: 亲自测试 ov9650裸机在上s3c2440上的程序
Platform: | Size: 11804 | Author: daining7230@yahoo.com.cn | Hits:


Description: 关于摄像头ov9650的驱动
Platform: | Size: 9099 | Author: 50857489@qq.com | Hits:

[Develop ToolsOV9650

Description: 介绍了OV9650摄像头的调试经验和相关的寄存器配置信息
Platform: | Size: 23040 | Author: zhoubingzhang4539@163.com | Hits:


Description: 开发板上用的ov9650测试源码,可直接用
Platform: | Size: 9099 | Author: e2256778 | Hits:


Description: linux2.6.12下OV9650摄像头LCD显示演示-err
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 刘欣 | Hits:

[GUI Developov9650

Description: ov9650的硬件、寄存器datasheet,130万像素,1280*1024分辨率-ov9650 hardware, register datasheet, 130 ten thousand pixels, 1280* 1024 resolution
Platform: | Size: 867328 | Author: jhj | Hits:


Description: OV CMOS 图像传感器,单芯片方案。OV9650是市面上130万手机模组用的最多的芯片。-OV CMOS image sensor, single-chip program. OV9650 is available in the market with 1.3 million mobile phone module of the largest chip.
Platform: | Size: 353280 | Author: 杨阳 | Hits:

[Special EffectsTE2440-ov9650-drive-code-LINUX

Description: arm系统LINUX环境下TE2440开发板ov9650 CMOS 摄像头驱动源码及测试程序,在触摸屏上得到实时的视频图像-arm the system LINUX environment TE2440 development board ov9650 CMOS camera driver source code and test procedures, the touch screen get real-time video image
Platform: | Size: 2434048 | Author: winn | Hits:


Description: dirve for OV9650 camera on the mtk 6225 platfrom
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: lzh | Hits:

[Graph programOV9650

Description: ov9650 Datasheet Implementation Guide SCCB Specification-ov9650 Datasheet Implementation Guide SCCB Specification
Platform: | Size: 1112064 | Author: weng | Hits:

[Driver Developov9650

Description: ov9650的驱动程序,拿出来大家分享。主要是对传感器的配置!-failed to translate
Platform: | Size: 762880 | Author: lzy | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxOV9650

Description: OV9650开发的所有资料,较全,对于摄像头驱动开发的研究,有一定帮助!-OV9650 development of all the information, than the whole, the camera driver development for the research, will definitely help!
Platform: | Size: 1436672 | Author: 丁丁 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developov9650-SCHMETIC

Description: OV9650应用电路,可以用来参考~~ 特别是模拟部分-OV9650 scheatic circuit~
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: 李东 | Hits:


Description: OV9650 DRIVER EXAMPLE
Platform: | Size: 865280 | Author: rit | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxOV9650

Description: OV9650 应用程序源代码,TQ2440上运行测试过-OV9650 application source code, TQ2440 tested on the run
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: lhh | Hits:

[Windows CEOV9650-320240

Description: 基于FL2440的OV9650摄像头wince应用程序,能有效地预览照片和拍照,请大家多多指教!-The OV9650 camera based FL2440 wince application, can effectively preview photos and pictures, please exhibitions!
Platform: | Size: 4349952 | Author: longhong | Hits:


Description: ov9650 linux环境下的驱动,vidio for linux 2-ov9650 camera driver for linux
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: ygf | Hits:


Description: mini2440上使用OV9650进行拍照(take photo on the mini2440)
Platform: | Size: 260096 | Author: 冷丶颜 | Hits:
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