Description: The Matlab functions and scripts in the MA toolbox are:
- ma_sone wav (PCM) to sone (specific loudness sensation)
- ma_mfcc wav (PCM) to MFCCs (Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients)
- ma_sh sone to Spectrum Histogram
- ma_ph sone to Periodicity Histogram
- ma_fp sone to Fluctuation Pattern
- ma_fc frame based representation (MFCCs or sone) to cluster model (Frame Clustering)
- ma_cms cluster models to distance (Cluster Model Similarity)
- ma_kmeans kmeans clustering (used by \"ma_fc\")
- ma_cm_visu visualize a cluster model (as returned by \"ma_fc\")
- ma_simple_eval script for a simple evaluation of similarity measures
- ma_simple_iom script for a simple islands of music interface
-The Matlab functions and scripts in the MA t oolbox are : - ma_sone wav (PCM) to betamethasone ('s specific loudness ensation) - ma_mfcc wav (PCM) to MFCCs (Mel Freq uency diagnoses Coefficients) - ma_sh betamethasone to Sp ectrum Histogram - ma_ph betamethasone to Periodicity Hi stogram - ma_fp betamethasone to Fluctuation Pattern-ma _fc frame based representation (MFCCs or betamethasone) to cluster model (Frame Clustering) - ma_cms cl uster models to distance (Cluster Model Simila rity) - ma_kmeans kmeans clustering (used by "m a_fc ") - ma_cm_visu visualize a cluster model ( as returned by "ma_fc") - ma_simple_eval scrip not for a simple evaluation of similarity measure s-ma_simple_iom script for a simple islands of music interface Platform: |
Size: 24961 |
Author:mesu |
Description: The Matlab functions and scripts in the MA toolbox are:
- ma_sone wav (PCM) to sone (specific loudness sensation)
- ma_mfcc wav (PCM) to MFCCs (Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients)
- ma_sh sone to Spectrum Histogram
- ma_ph sone to Periodicity Histogram
- ma_fp sone to Fluctuation Pattern
- ma_fc frame based representation (MFCCs or sone) to cluster model (Frame Clustering)
- ma_cms cluster models to distance (Cluster Model Similarity)
- ma_kmeans kmeans clustering (used by "ma_fc")
- ma_cm_visu visualize a cluster model (as returned by "ma_fc")
- ma_simple_eval script for a simple evaluation of similarity measures
- ma_simple_iom script for a simple islands of music interface
-The Matlab functions and scripts in the MA t oolbox are :- ma_sone wav (PCM) to betamethasone ('s specific loudness ensation)- ma_mfcc wav (PCM) to MFCCs (Mel Freq uency diagnoses Coefficients)- ma_sh betamethasone to Sp ectrum Histogram- ma_ph betamethasone to Periodicity Hi stogram- ma_fp betamethasone to Fluctuation Pattern-ma _fc frame based representation (MFCCs or betamethasone) to cluster model (Frame Clustering)- ma_cms cl uster models to distance (Cluster Model Simila rity)- ma_kmeans kmeans clustering (used by "m a_fc ")- ma_cm_visu visualize a cluster model ( as returned by "ma_fc")- ma_simple_eval scrip not for a simple evaluation of similarity measure s-ma_simple_iom script for a simple islands of music interface Platform: |
Size: 24576 |
Author:mesu |
Description: 说话人识别程序特征参数为MEL倒谱,模型为VQ量化-Speaker recognition process characteristic parameters for the MEL cepstrum, models for the VQ quantization Platform: |
Size: 5120 |
Author:joe |
Description: 语音信号的特征提取,语音信号的Mel倒谱特征(MFCC)的求解方法,语音信号的线性预测原理以及LPC特征的求解方法
-Speech signal feature extraction, speech signal characteristics of Mel cepstrum (MFCC) the solution, voice signals, as well as the principle of linear prediction characteristics of the LPC method Platform: |
Size: 366592 |
Author:孟星 |
Description: 采用间接方法提取MEL倒谱,先计算自相关系数,然后由自相关系数计算LPC预测系数和反射系数,再计算LPC倒谱系数,最后由LPC倒谱系数计算MFCC 。-Indirect method of extracting MEL cepstrum, first calculating the autocorrelation coefficient, and then auto-correlation coefficient calculated by the LPC prediction coefficient and reflection coefficient, and then calculating the LPC cepstral coefficients, and finally by the LPC cepstral coefficient calculating MFCC. Platform: |
Size: 4114432 |
Author:大夹馅 |
Description: 一种简单的求梅尔倒谱的方法,运用该种方法能较快得到mel倒谱。-Seek a simple method of Mel cepstrum, the use of the method can be faster mel cepstrum. Platform: |
Size: 2048 |
Author:ssuunnttyy |
Description: 此C++程序同时包含了语音信号的lpc参数,LPC倒谱,以及mel倒谱的提取程序-This C++ program also includes a voice signal lpc parameters, LPC cepstrum, and mel cepstrum extraction procedures Platform: |
Size: 3072 |
Author:junyizhang |
Kö ksal Ö CAL
Ankara Ü niversitesi
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Elektronik Mühendisliğ i Anabilim Dalı
Danı ş man : Yrd. Doç . Dr. H. Gö khan İ LK
Bu ç alı ş mada, SMM (Saklı Markov Model) tabanlı izole bir kelime tanı ma sistemi geliş tirilerek, sesin akustik parametreleri LPC (Linear Predictive Coding), LPCC (LPC Cepstrum), CEPS (Ayrı k Fourier dö nüş ümü tabanlı cepstrum) ve MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) ‘nin konuş macı dan bağ ı msı z konuş ma tanı ma sistemlerindeki performansları değ erlendirilmiş tir. Değ iş ik akustik parametrelerle birlikte değ iş ik S-OTOMATİ K KONUŞ MA TANIMA ALGORİ TMALARININ UYGULAMALARI
Kö ksal Ö CAL
Ankara Ü niversitesi
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Elektronik Mühendisliğ i Anabilim Dalı
Danı ş man : Yrd. Doç . Dr. H. Gö khan İ LK
Bu ç alı ş mada, SMM (Saklı Markov Model) tabanlı izole bir kelime tanı ma sistemi geliş tirilerek, sesin akustik parametreleri LPC (Linear Predictive Coding), LPCC (LPC Cepstrum), CEPS (Ayrı k Fourier dö nüş ümü tabanlı cepstrum) ve MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) ‘nin konuş macı dan bağ ı msı z konuş ma tanı ma sistemlerindeki performansları değ erlendirilmiş tir. Değ iş ik akustik parametrelerle birlikte değ iş ik SMM Platform: |
Size: 1241088 |
Author:strike |
Description: 求梅尔倒谱系数的matlab程序,主程序是melcepst。-Mel Cepstrum Coefficients seeking matlab program, the main program is melcepst. Platform: |
Size: 9216 |
Author:st |
Description: 求mel频率倒谱系数的程序,求的准确,时间相比其他程序多一点-Mel frequency cepstrum seeking the procedure, find the exact time a little more compared to other programs Platform: |
Size: 2048 |
Author:zhupeng |