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[File Operatelzw_ya_suo_jie_ya

Description: 文本文件压缩解压工具,采用lzw算法,是数据结构课程的作业,使用环境为vc6.0,使用了mfc.-text file compression decompression tool used lzw algorithm, the data structure course operations, vc6.0 use of the environment to use the mfc.
Platform: | Size: 3689472 | Author: 张三 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsLZW111

Description: 用C++语言编译的LZW压缩算法,自我感觉编写不错,根据提示输入要压缩的文件名即可-C language compiler of the LZW compression algorithm, and feel good preparation, When prompted to input compressed file can be
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: caohan12 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsCompressCode(Many)

Description: N多的压缩解压源代码,包括compress、LZW、LZ77、RLE、哈夫曼-N number of codecs source code, including compress, LZW, LZ77, RLE, Huffman, etc.
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: 张 虎 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmscompress11

Description: 这是lzw算法源程序代码,纯c语言编程实现,希望对您有用。-lzw algorithm source code, pure c programming language, and I hope to you useful.
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: zc | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmscompress123

Description: LZW程序源代码,c语言实现。可能不是很全,我有好的版本,会继续给大家。-LZW source code, c language. May not be all, I have a good version, we will continue to.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: zc | Hits:

[Crack Hackclzw

Description: c描述的lzw算法,完整的可以在tc下运行!-c described lzw algorithm, the integrity of the tc can run!
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 肖志文 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmslzwdemo

Description: 我最近写的一个LZW的压缩与解压缩程序。可能有个别地方尚有缺陷,望请指正。 -I recently wrote an LZW compression and decompression procedures. Some individual places are still shortcomings, look please correct me.
Platform: | Size: 637952 | Author: spyware | Hits:

[Crack Hackcodearithmetic

Description: 单钥密码算法 AES DES IDEA LZW RC5-single-key DES Cipher AES IDEA LZW RC5
Platform: | Size: 5498880 | Author: 王向平 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithms39709574c-LZW

Description: 压缩解压缩代码,使用的是霍夫曼算法,是很好的一个初学者的试例-decompress compressed code, the use of the Huffman algorithm, is a good beginners trial cases
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: xxx | Hits:


Description: tradition LZW alogrithm of image proce-tradition of image proce
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: keith | Hits:

[Data structswujun2

Description: 一种经典的LZW编码算法,在TURBOC中可以运行实现-a classic LZW coding algorithm, which can run TURBOC achieve
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: wujun | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmslzw5

Description: lzw,主要实现了压缩算法,代码比较精炼,大家可以下载,编译运行-lzw, the main compression algorithm, code more refined, we can download, compile operation
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wei | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithms8.14LZWCompress

Description: LZW是一个很著名的压缩解压缩设计方案,在很多数据结构书中都作为例子讲解,此程序完整的实现了基于LZW的压缩解压缩-LZW is a very famous decompress compressed design scheme, Many data structures in the book are as examples to explain that the integrity of the process based on the realization of the LZW compression decompress
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsyarrow-full.ps

Description: an improving lzw algorithm
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: di_jin | Hits:


Description: 自己制作的关于lzw压缩的程序,采取了最先进的方法 -produce their own lzw compression on the procedures taken to the most advanced methods
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: | Hits:

[Game ProgramImageProcessingProficientinVisualC++Programming.ra

Description: 请将您需要的文件或目录拷贝到硬盘中。当\Source目录下的源文件被拷贝到硬盘上时,源文件的属性可能变为只读的,在编译之前应该将它们的属性改为可读写的。 \Source目录中的vcip.dsw包含了全书的所有项目,在Visual C++中打开它就能控制全部的代码。 光盘中各目录的内容如下所示: \Bin 本书所有示例的可执行文件,可直接在光盘中运行 \Images 用于图像处理测试的图像文件 \Source\ShowDIB 第2章2.5节示例的源程序 \Source\ViewDIB 第3章3.4节示例的源程序 \Source\EffectShow 第4章4.10节示例的源程序 \Source\TransformShow 第5章5.7节示例的源程序 \Source\ColorProcess 第6章6.10节示例的源程序 \Source\ImageProcess 第7章7.14节示例的源程序 \Source\Huffman 第8章8.1节示例的源程序 \Source\LZW 第8章8.1节示例的源程序 \Source\RLE 第8章8.1节示例的源程序 \Source\ViewImage 第8章8.7节示例的源程序 \Source\ImageLib 第9章9.1节图像工具库ImageLib的源程序 \Source\ImageBoard 第9章9.2节图像处理工具ImageBoard的源程序 -I would be grateful if you need to copy files or directories to your hard disk. When \ Source directory of the source file is copied to a hard disk, the file may become read-only attribute. the compiler should be before they can attribute to read and write. \ Source directory vcip.dsw the book contains all the items Visual C open it can control all of the code. CD-ROM directory of all the contents are as follows : \ Bin book example of all executable files, directly run the CD \ Images for image processing test image file \ Source \ Sho wDIB Chapter 2 2.5 Example of the source \ Source \ ViewDIB Chapter 3 3.4 advised cases of the source \ Source \ EffectShow Chapter 4 4.10 example of the source \ So urce \ TransformShow Chapter 5 5.7 Examples of the source \ Source \ C Chapter 6 olorProces
Platform: | Size: 49998848 | Author: 王笑 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsLDSToolkit1.1

Description: Lossless Data Compression Toolkit Version 1.1 of the lossless data compression toolkit by Nico deVries. The C sources in this toolkit include an LZW compressor, AR002 archiver, a PPM like compressor using arithmetic compression, Huffman compressor, splay tree program, and LZRW1. Quite a variety. -Lossless Data Compression Toolkit Versio n 1.1 of the lossless data compression toolkit b y Nico deVries. The C sources in this toolkit inc lude an LZW compressor, AR002 archiver. PPM like a compressor using arithmetic compres sion, Huffman compressor, splay tree program, and LZRW1. Quite a variety.
Platform: | Size: 96256 | Author: jason.. | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsLZWcompression

Description: lzw数据压缩算法的源代码,使用c语言实现的-lzw data compression algorithm source code, the use of the C Language
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 张珊 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsLZW_example

Description: mfc下的LZW算法,可实现压缩和解压缩 界面友好-mfc the LZW algorithm can achieve compression friendly interface
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: yiyo | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsfsafsdfsd

Description: 实现对数据的LZW的方法进行压缩和解压缩 fs-realization of the LZW data compression method for reconciliation compression fs
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 张满 | Hits:
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