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[Hook apiGetPass

Description: 获取输入框密码(Windows98下通过),会在SysTray上显示一双始终盯着鼠标的眼睛,能将密码复制到剪贴板的一个例子-Access to the password input box (Windows98 through), will be displayed on SysTray always a pair of eyes staring at the mouse, the password can be copied to the clipboard, an example of
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopgetPara

Description: 从同目录下的配置文件中获取参数,传给其他程序调用,这是习惯上的unix获取参数方法-From the same directory access configuration file parameters, to call other procedures, it is customary to obtain the parameters of the unix method
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zheng | Hits:

[Windows Developgetpass

Description: 破解WINDOWS登陆密码,采用的是穷取法,为了加快破解效率,本程序利用了多线程技术, 在此仅以一线程为例,其它线程调用的是相同函数,只不过传递的参数不同罢了。-WINDOWS landing crack password, using the取法poor, in order to speed up the cracking efficiency of the procedures used in this multi-threaded technology, only one in this thread as an example, the other thread call the same function, just pass the parameters of a difference in terminology .
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: chen | Hits:

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