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[Other resourcedict

Description: 设计并实现解字典问题的O(nlogn)时间算法,对于给定的字典dict和文本text,找出text 中出现次数最多的不在字典dict中的单词
Platform: | Size: 2117 | Author: 高溪辉 | Hits:


Description: LINUX下的DICT.CN的客户端,C语言实现.
Platform: | Size: 11613 | Author: kevin lei | Hits:

[Crack Hackdict

Description: 解密字典生成程序 - Decipher dictionary production procedure
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: 这是我的中文信息处理的小作业,是一个自动分词系统。- This is my Chinese information processing 灏忎綔 industry, is an automatic participle system.
Platform: | Size: 3661824 | Author: 康珊 | Hits:


Description: 利用开源词典star-dict编写的一个小词典程序,使用方法仿照金山词霸-The use of open source dictionary star-dict prepared a small dictionary procedures, the use of modeled PowerWord
Platform: | Size: 7204864 | Author: 许可 | Hits:


Description: 用C++设计实现的具有基于数据库启动功能的电子辞典。-With C++ Realize the design of a database based on the start of the electronic dictionary.
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: 吕荣男 | Hits:


Description: 中文分词词典,可以用来进行中文分词。 一个比较全面的词库。-Chinese dictionary and can be used for Chinese word segmentation. A more comprehensive thesaurus.
Platform: | Size: 218112 | Author: 肖宪 | Hits:

[Data structsdict

Description: 设计并实现解字典问题的O(nlogn)时间算法,对于给定的字典dict和文本text,找出text 中出现次数最多的不在字典dict中的单词-Solutions to design and realize the problem dictionary O (nlogn) time algorithm, for a given dict dictionary and text text, identify the number of text appear in the absence of the word dictionary dict
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 高溪辉 | Hits:


Description: LINUX下的DICT.CN的客户端,C语言实现.-Dict.CN under LINUX client, C language.
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: kevin lei | Hits:


Description: 利用 excel vba做的网络字典,可以从日文网站,三省堂 取词, 功能很简单.可以作为编程练习.-Use the network to do excel vba dictionary from Japanese website, taking the word Church in the three provinces, the functional is very simple. Can serve as a programming exercise.
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: xu | Hits:


Description: mtk 字典,适应mtk 25 .26 平台-MTK dictionary adaptation platform mtk 25 .26
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 姓名 | Hits:

[Data structsdict

Description: 设∑={α1, α2…… αn }是n个互不相同的符号组成的符号集。 Lk={β1β2…βk | βiЄ ∑,1≤i≤k}是∑中字符组成的长度为k 的全体字符串。 S是Lk的子集,S是Lk的无分隔符字典是指对任意的S中元素a1a2…ak, b1b2…bk. {a2a3…akb1, a3a4…akb1b2, ……, akb1b2… bk-1 }∩S=Φ。该算法算法,对于给定的正整数n 和k,计算 Lk的最大无分隔符字典。 -Set Σ = [α1, α2 ... ... αn] are n个separate symbols symbol set. Lk = [β1β2 ... βk | βiЄ Σ, 1 ≤ i ≤ k] Σ Medium characters are composed of all k length strings. S a subset of Lk are, S are non-Lk separator dictionary refers to the arbitrary element S Medium a1a2 ... ak, b1b2 ... bk. [A2a3 ... akb1, a3a4 ... akb1b2, ... ..., akb1b2 ... bk-1] ∩ S = Φ. The algorithm algorithm, for a given positive integer n and k, calculated Lk largest free dictionary separator.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: yxd | Hits:

[Windows Developstardict-3.0.1

Description: This useful dict with "click and see" (IE,Doc,most editor)-This is useful dict with "click and see" (IE,Doc,most editor)
Platform: | Size: 2426880 | Author: dai | Hits:


Description: 给定一本字典dict和一段文本text,现在要统计文本text中不在字典dict中的单词,且希望找到text 中出现次数最多的不在字典dict 中的单词。 设计并实现解字典问题的O(nlog n)时间算法,对于给定的字典dict和文本text,找出text中出现次 数最多的不在字典dict中的单词。-Given a dictionary and a dict text text, text text now in the statistics is not the word in the dictionary dict, and the hope of finding a maximum number of text appear in the dict dictionary is not the word. Dictionary is designed and implemented the issue of solution O (nlog n) time algorithm, for a given dict dictionary and text text, identify the number of text appear in the dict dictionary is not the word.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 林建 | Hits:


Description: Dictionary example for linux
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: davidlagua | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDict

Description: It s a simple dictionary VCL component. Can translate from input text file (only words, not sentences) and generates the translated (output) file. It is under GPL licence. I included a test English-Hungarian dictionary.
Platform: | Size: 951296 | Author: ajoubert | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDICT

Description: binary dictionary which can store the words with there meanings n then words can be searched and if found than its meaning would be displayed
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: sunny | Hits:


Description: 在手机访问dict.cn一部分功能的应用程序源码。基于kjava,里面有编译的jar文件。 比如: http://bbs.dict.cn/auth.php?user=mobiletest&pass=123456 获得用户mobiletest的认证码 http://bbs.dict.cn/mobile.php?action=dict&word=cool&auth=lUbSHkSnEHKfVqHyyCpHzOVqPDNZIaD 查询单词“cool”的解释 http://bbs.dict.cn/mobile.php?action=history&auth=lUbSHkSnEHKfVqHyyCpHzOVqPDNZIaD 查询用户查词历史 http://bbs.dict.cn/mobile.php?action=vocabulary&auth=lUbSHkSnEHKfVqHyyCpHzOVqPDNZIaD 查询用户的单词记忆提示 http://bbs.dict.cn/mobile.php?action=podcast&auth=lUbSHkSnEHKfVqHyyCpHzOVqPDNZIaD 查询用户订制的Podcast是否有更新-Dict.cn mobile phone to access the application source code. Based on kjava, which has compiled jar file
Platform: | Size: 732160 | Author: sun | Hits:


Description: 用java来实现电子词典,类似于金山词霸,用的字典库是星级译王的字典-Use java to implement electronic dictionaries, similar to Kingsoft, using a dictionary library is a star of King dictionary translation
Platform: | Size: 1319936 | Author: 郑景静 | Hits:


Description: 已处理过的中文分词词典Chinese Word Segment Dictionary,you may need to use it in your CWS program-Chinese Word Segment Dictionary,you may need to use it in your CWS program
Platform: | Size: 634880 | Author: zhaoyilin | Hits:
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