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Description: 在CListCtrl增加可编辑的CComboBox和Edit控件
Platform: | Size: 99682 | Author: powerzone@yeah.net | Hits:

[GUI DevelopHow to Create a Full-Colored CListCtrl

Description: How use VC to Create a Full-Colored CListCtrl
Platform: | Size: 108544 | Author: 崔振峰 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopMFC的增强CListCtrl控件

Description: MFC的增强CListCtrl控件-MFC strengthen controls CListCtrl
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 代科学 | Hits:

[Windows Develop美化CListCtrl中显示的焦点行

Description: 美化CListCtrl中显示的焦点行-landscaping CListCtrl indicate the focus of trip
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: chengm03 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopFileDropList test(Enhanced CListCtrl)

Description: 强化CListCtrl的下拉列表Demo-strengthen the drop-down list Demo
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 库琼 | Hits:


Description: 严格说来本文是别人成果的集合,加入了本人使用的一点心得,而且文章内容是本人在 实际开发中试验过可以使用的。这只是初稿,还有很多内容没有加入,原因是没有经过 验证,以后会陆续加入,形成一个CListCtrl的使用完全指南。 -Strictly speaking this is the outcome of the other pool, I joined the experience of 1:00, but the contents of my article in the actual development can be tested to use. This is only the first draft, there are many which are not included because there was no verification, will be added in the future, forming a CListCtrl complete guide to the use.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 张达 | Hits:


Description: 一个CListCtrl控件的示范程序,程序很简单,有兴趣的朋友可以看一下-a CListCtrl Control Model procedure is very simple, interested friends can look at!
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: 潘明 | Hits:


Description: listdemo可设置单元格颜色的ClistCtrl类,定制单元格颜色,能得到多彩效果-listdemo cells can be set to the color of ClistCtrl category, customized cells color effect can be colorful
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 该代码例子提供如何创建CListCtrl控件的多行标题。-The code examples for how to create more CListCtrl Control trip heading.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 张连成 | Hits:


Description: CListCtrl 使用演示的例子,比较简单,适合初学者阅读-CListCtrl using demo example, relatively simple, suitable for beginners to read
Platform: | Size: 660480 | Author: 刘奉 | Hits:


Description: CListCtrl控件编程实例,很不错,推荐新手使用-CListCtrl control programming examples, very good for newbie
Platform: | Size: 3671040 | Author: mmk | Hits:


Description: 严格说来本文是别人成果的集合,加入了本人使用的一点心得,而且文章内容是本人在实际开发中 试验过可以使用的。这只是初稿,还有很多内容没有加入,原因是没有经过验证,以后会陆续加入, 形成一个CListCtrl的使用完全指南。-Strictly speaking the results of this paper is a collection of other people by adding a point to use my experience and my article is in the actual development of tests that can be used too. This is just the first draft, there are many elements have not joined, why is not the result of verification, will be added, forming a complete guide to the use of CListCtrl.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: liu | Hits:


Description: clistctrl的扩展,可更改行的背景色和文字的颜色-clistctrl the expansion of firms can change the background color and text color
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: ee | Hits:


Description: 利用VC编程过程中 CListCtrl 的风格、扩展风格、插值或删除数据、选中取消一行、得到checkbox的状态等等.........,很多很实用的操作-VC programming course using CListCtrl style, extended style, interpolation, or delete data, select Cancel and his party, the state of checkbox ........., so a lot of very practical operation
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 李章林 | Hits:


Description: CListCtrl例子,很详细,里面有他的各种用法.是在VC6.0环境下用的.-CListCtrl examples in great detail, which he has a variety of usage. VC6.0 environment in use.
Platform: | Size: 704512 | Author: TangP | Hits:

[Printing programCListCtrl-Print

Description: 打印类,可以将CListCtrl的内容输出,预览并打印-Print category, the content can be CListCtrl output, preview and print
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: 代华 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopCListCtrl

Description: VC6.0、MFC下使用CListCtrl控件的例子-VC6.0, MFC use CListCtrl control examples
Platform: | Size: 688128 | Author: 黄郭 | Hits:


Description: CListCtrl控件子项文本的编辑方CListCtrl控件子项文本的编辑方-CListCtrl subkey controls the text editor side CListCtrl control subkey text editor side
Platform: | Size: 130048 | Author: 张海廷 | Hits:


Description: CListCtrl控件使用详解,编程环境VC,-CListCtrl
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: chenjianlin | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCListCtrl

Description: 对MFC的CListCtrl的描述,详细列出了属性的设置和修改-MFC' s CListCtrl on a description of the attributes listed in detail the settings and modify the
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: huangys | Hits:
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