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[Printing programformview_print

Description: 打印和预览CFormView -Printing and Previewing CFormView
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Dialog_WindowCFormView Class with Custom Background Color

Description: 有背景图的FORMVIEW-Background map FormView
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 邓华 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopPrintGrid

Description: MSFlexGrid是一种有用的用网格方式表达数据的方式,但打印它的内容时会发生什么?这里我提供了一个类, PrintGrid,它可以分页打印网格内容。它使用了第二个网格控件,必须把它额外地插入到你的CFormView 对话框资源中或你的对话框中上-MSFlexGrid is one kind is useful with the grid way expression data way, when prints its content what can have? Here I have provided a kind, PrintGrid, it may divide the page printing grid content. It used the second grid to control, had extra to insert it to in yours CFormView dialog box resources or in your dialog box on
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 王勇 | Hits:

[GUI Developinhabitants

Description: 实现视CView与CFormView之间的动态转换-achieve as CView and CFormView between the dynamic conversion
Platform: | Size: 2025472 | Author: ccs | Hits:


Description: 利用五分钟,给程序添加播放flash的功能flash的播放,是使用Macromedia的flash播放控件来播放flash步骤如下:建立一个单文档的程序,最后一步选择CFormView作为视图编辑视图的资源添加一个EditBox作为输入文件名,一个按钮播放。添加flash播放控件Project Add To Project Components and Controls Gallary选择:Registered ActiveX Controls文件夹下面的Shockwave Flash Object,它其实是指向c:\winnt\system32\macromed\Flash\Flash.ocx的。利用向导添加两个变量,分别对应输入的文件名和flash控件 CString m_filename CShockwaveFlash m_flash 添加播放按钮的事件,打开flash文件并且播放void CViewFlashView::OnPlay() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here //CShockwaveFlash UpdateData() m_flash.LoadMovie(0,m_filename) m_flash.Play() }-use five minutes, adds to the functionality flash player flash player is the use of the Macromedia flash player to player flash control steps are as follows : the creation of a single document the procedures, the last step CFormView choose Edit View View as the resources to add a EditBox as input file name, according to a NIU players. Adding flash player Control Project# 61664; Add To Project# 61664; Components and Controls Gallery options : Registered ActiveX Controls folders below the Shockwave Flash Object, it is actually pointing c : \ winnt \ system32 \ macromed \ Flash \ the user. Using Wizard adding two variables, corresponding to the input file name and flash control redeem m_filename CShockwaveFlash m_flash add players button, and open the document flash player void CViewFlashVi
Platform: | Size: 58368 | Author: 林风 | Hits:


Description: 实现了一个简单的个人事务助理的工具,主要介绍了VC数据库方面的编程,并且介绍了CFormView视图类的使用,CTabCtrl控件的使用,高级标签控件类的实现,建立ODBC数据源的建立,利用数据集访问数据库操作结果等。-achieve a simple personal assistant tool, introduced the VC database programming, and introduced the category CFormView View the use CTabCtrl control the use, control labeling senior category and that the realization of the establishment of ODBC data sources to create, access data set access to the database operating results .
Platform: | Size: 536576 | Author: 张伟 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopSplitterWndDemo

Description: 这是一个关于Splitter控件的文档程序,它利用CFormView类实现了不同视图间的数据交互和控件响应。-Splitter controls on the documentation procedures, it uses CFormView category achieved between different views of the data and control interactive response.
Platform: | Size: 1375232 | Author: 王王 | Hits:


Description: 本例实现了一个简单的个人事务助理的工具,主要介绍了VC数据库方面的编程,并且介绍了CFormView视图类的使用,CTabCtrl控件的使用,高级标签控件类的实现,建立ODBC数据源的建立,利用数据集访问数据库操作结果等。-the cases to achieve a simple personal assistant tool, introduced the VC database programming, and introduced the category CFormView View the use CTabCtrl control the use, control labeling senior category and that the realization of the establishment of ODBC data sources to create, access data set access to the database operation results.
Platform: | Size: 537600 | Author: 唐堂 | Hits:

[Home Personal application简单的个人事务助理的工具

Description: 实现了一个简单的个人事务助理的工具,主要介绍了VC数据库方面的编程,并且介绍了CFormView视图类的使用,CTabCtrl控件的使用,高级标签控件类的实现,建立ODBC数据源的建立,利用数据集访问数据库操作结果等。-achieve a simple personal assistant tool, introduced the VC database programming, CFormView and introduced the use of the View class, CTabCtrl control the use, senior Class labeling controls the realization of the establishment of ODBC data sources to create, access data set access to the database operating results.
Platform: | Size: 3983360 | Author: chen | Hits:

[Windows Developprintformview_src

Description: 一个关于CFormView类打印的例子,很有启发意义。-a category of Print CFormView example is instructive.
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: 马杰 | Hits:

[source in ebookMyAssistant

Description: 实现了一个简单的个人事务助理的工具,主要介绍了VC数据库方面的编程,并且介绍了CFormView视图类的使用,CTabCtrl控件的使用,高级标签控件类的实现,建立ODBC数据源的建立,利用数据集访问数据库操作结果等。-Realize a simple tool for personal assistants, mainly introduce the VC database programming, and introduced the use of CFormView view class, CTabCtrl control the use of advanced control tag category realize the establishment of the establishment of ODBC data sources, using data set to visit the results of database operations.
Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: lifan | Hits:


Description: CFrameWnd CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CCommandLineInfo ShowWindow UpdateWindow DragAcceptFiles CDialog CDataExchange CDocument CFormView CDC CPen CreatePen CBrush CreateSolidBrush -CFrameWnd CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CCommandLineInfo ShowWindow UpdateWindow DragAcceptFiles CDialog CDataExchange CDocument CFormView CDC CPen CreatePen CBrush CreateSolidBrush
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 陈赓 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopCViewTest

Description: 一个切换视图类的例子,可以自由切换两个CFormView-A switch view class example, you can switch the two CFormView
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: hedexin | Hits:


Description: 用MFC扩展dll导出CFormView类到单文档客户区-Dll using MFC extension of CFormView derived category to a single document customer zone
Platform: | Size: 79872 | Author: 咖喱 | Hits:


Description: 利用百叶窗式面板组可增大窗口的可利用面积,而且把常用工具放在窗口中比放在菜单中使用更方便,现在一些大型软件如Photoshop、Dreamweaver等都采用了这种方式。在这些软件中,百叶窗式面板组都做成了可停靠的窗口,我没有这种能力,只能做成固定位置的控件组,使用时只能用在对话框或具有CFormView的视图中,整个制作很粗糙,希望高手能加以改造。-The use of shutter panel group can increase the window area can be used, but the commonly used tools on the window rather than in the more convenient to use menu, and now some large-scale software such as Photoshop, Dreamweaver, adopted this approach. In these software, the shutter panel group that can be docked into a window, I do not have this ability, only lead to a fixed position of the control group, when used only in dialog or CFormView of view, the whole production is very rough, I hope you can be modified.
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: 王涛 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopSdiMulti

Description: SdiMulti 多文档应用程序,实现了CView、CTreeView、CListView、CScrollView、CEditView、CRichEditView、CFormView等视图和按钮、列表控件、静态文本等控件的透明背景显示。-SdiMulti multi-document application, achieved a CView, CTreeView, CListView, CScrollView, CEditView, CRichEditView, CFormView, etc. View and buttons, list controls, such as static text control transparent background shows.
Platform: | Size: 217088 | Author: 林秀国 | Hits:


Description: 用CFormView实现的对话框 用MFC实现文件拖放到编辑框-Implementation with CFormView dialog with drag and drop files to achieve MFC Edit box
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: listen_on | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCFormView

Description: 为CFormView类添加加速键,(CFormView本省不能进行编辑操作)-failed to translate
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: hr | Hits:


Description: 基于VC++6.0的,分割视图窗口,利用CFormView类来实现,可以直接运行。-Based on VC++6.0, the split view window, use CFormView class to achieve, can be directly run.
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: yangzhao | Hits:

[GUI DevelopCFormView

Description: mView类是用于窗体视图的基类。一个窗体视图是包含控件的基本视图,这些控件以对话模板资源为基础被放置好。如果在应用中想使用窗体,则可用CFormView。这些视图使用CScrollView的功能,支持滚动-MView class is used to form the base class view. A form is the basic view contains control view, these controls in dialogue template resource as the foundation is placed. If in the application of want to use a form, usable CFormView. These views of CScrollView use function, support the scroll
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 魔天尊主 | Hits:
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