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Description: bcb 6.0写的打开串口读写卡,bcb6.0调用 vs2008 c#调用例子-bcb 6.0 serial read and write cards to write the open, bcb6.0 call call vs2008 c# example
Platform: | Size: 418816 | Author: william | Hits:


Description: 本實驗主要是利用主從式架構,connection-oriented連結方式,撰寫一個多群組聊天室。本實驗為了解主從式網路應用程式架構的基本實驗,為求了解透徹,請勿使用如 BCB6, VC++, C#中現成的網路元件,用戶端和伺服器端間之通訊要自己寫。-This experiment is the use of master-slave architecture, connection-oriented link mode, writing a multi-group chat rooms. In this study, to understand the client-network applications basic experimental framework, for the sake of a thorough understanding, do not use such BCB6, VC++, C# in the existing network components, client and server communication between client to write your own.
Platform: | Size: 5843968 | Author: cheng xun | Hits:


Description: 我自己写的关于BCB6自带的TeeChart完整的,具有实用价值的,可用于实时监视实时曲线的例子-I have written about BCB6 TeeChart that comes complete with practical value, can be used for real-time monitoring real-time example of the curve
Platform: | Size: 500736 | Author: 夏哉 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopTools_for_ucGUI_FontLib_Select

Description: 属性:用BCB6.0编写的PC应用程序。 功能:完成针对ucGUI引擎中hzk12.c全字库库的个人选择性裁剪。 目地:减少嵌入式应用的代码空间。 说明:程序是我个人工作用的工具,没有完成输入界面,要到源程序内部输入,输出是MyFontHZ12.c文件。你可以在这个基础上修改成适合自己的工具,以便在其他字库文件中提取。希望能帮到你。-Attributes: PC with BCB6.0 written application. Function: Complete all for ucGUI engine hzk12.c selective cutting personal font library. Head to: reduce the code space of embedded applications. Description: The program is my personal work with the tools, did not complete input interface to the source to the internal input and output is MyFontHZ12.c file. You can modify this to fit in on the basis of their own tools to extract the font file in the other. Hope you can used.
Platform: | Size: 558080 | Author: lzz | Hits:

[Com PortCommTest

Description: 串口数据传输测试程序,BCB6.0源码。-Comm data transfer
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 寸草心 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLRaize.Components.v4.1.for.Delphi.BCB

Description: Raize 控件,内含源码等,适用于delphi Raize 控件,内含源码等,适用于delphi-Raize control, containing source code, apply to delphiRaize control, containing source code, apply to delphiRaize control, containing source code, apply to delphi
Platform: | Size: 32355328 | Author: 朱明伟 | Hits:


Description: 字模提取的源程序,利用bcb6编写的。可能对大家有帮助-Font extraction of the source, use bcb6 prepared. May be helpful
Platform: | Size: 979968 | Author: 陈彦英 | Hits:

[Windows Developcppunit.bcb6.gui0.0.2

Description: CppUnit 的CBuilder 6图形界面,含使用方法与例子-CppUnit GUI
Platform: | Size: 1412096 | Author: bloodmud | Hits:

[Graph programBCB6-JPEG-coder-decoder-study

Description: I wrote this program for my university study. It realizes JPEG coder-decoder mathematical algorithm and support save/load function (in its own format, not standart JPEG!). Sorry for my english.
Platform: | Size: 802816 | Author: player259 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopBCB6-Math-graphs-study

Description: I wrote this program for my study. It demonstrates working with mathematical graphs and matrixes. It also draws result on canvas and supports editing. Sorry for my english.
Platform: | Size: 1232896 | Author: player259 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopBCB6-Signal-spectrum-analisys-study

Description: I wrote thhis program for my study. It shows signal with specified parameters and mathematically calculates spectrum and corellation.
Platform: | Size: 887808 | Author: player259 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopBCB6

Description: 介紹C++ Builder基本操作說明,及簡單圖片影像處理實例-C++ Builder introduces the basic operating instructions, and simple image processing instances of picture
Platform: | Size: 408576 | Author: jason | Hits:

[Delphi VCLiocomp

Description: 一组开源的工控控件delphi编写,支持BCB6,Delphi,Vs等-A set of open source industrial control delphi prepared to support BCB6, Delphi, Vs, etc.
Platform: | Size: 8979456 | Author: jiangnan | Hits:

[Windows Developzhengxuanbo

Description: bcb写的用chart显示正选波的小程序。BCB6编译通过。-bcb written election with the chart shows waves are small program. BCB6 compile.
Platform: | Size: 373760 | Author: jiangnan | Hits:

[GPS developTestGPS

Description: 读取GPS信号的测试小程序。BCB6编译通过。-Read the GPS signal test applet. BCB6 compile.
Platform: | Size: 3148800 | Author: jiangnan | Hits:


Description: 该文档是一本BCB6.0的入门书,很好的,对于初学者是一本很好的入门书。-This document is a BCB6.0 introductory book, good for beginners is a good primer.
Platform: | Size: 5214208 | Author: 王嘉 | Hits:


Description: //BCB6写的freescale单片机S19文件的加密 软件 //加密后的文件可以通过串口按16进制传给单片机,单片机里的程序负责解密、编程 //加密文件有些特性,比如任意改变一位,都会导致解密不出原文;密钥可以半路变化, //加密后数据大体格式是 //长度减一(明码)+编程地址(加密)+编程数据(加密)+全部数据的校验和反码(明码)-S19 type encrypt file transmit through serial port the file encrypted can be transmitted to MCU ,the program in MCU can decrypt and lead to program
Platform: | Size: 1617920 | Author: 华晓明 | Hits:

[Com Portuart

Description: BCB6下完整的UART通信程序,多线程机制,封装成独立的类,从Win95时代用到XP,主要配合单片机用,遇到实际问题就修改、记录,能抗住单片机的频繁上电,可用于1Mbps以上高速的虚拟串口,并具备直接控制RTS/DTS输出信号的功能。-BCB6 UART communication program under the complete, multi-thread mechanism, packaged as a separate class, use the times from the Win95 XP, the main with the microcontroller to use, to modify the practical problems encountered, record, withstood the frequent power microcontroller, can be used virtual serial port over 1Mbps speed and have the direct control of the RTS/DTS output signals.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopFontPicker

Description: 完整的点阵字库提取、修改源程序,BCB6下可编译。支持批量提取、单字修改、转换为C语言文件,是单片机做LCD、LED显示的必要工具。-Complete extraction of dot matrix font, modify the source code, BCB6 under compilation. Support batch extraction, word modified, converted to C language file, do the microcontroller LCD, LED display the necessary tools.
Platform: | Size: 1272832 | Author: | Hits:

[Video CaptureBCB6

Description: 摄像头开启程序,支持笔记本自带的摄像头-Camera on the program, support the notebook comes with camera
Platform: | Size: 1783808 | Author: bxt | Hits:
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