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Description: 关于ARM汇编的非常好的教程,让你快速进入入门。值得一看。-It s a turorial for ARM assembler programming. It s worth reading to induct beginner to grasping knowledge.
Platform: | Size: 812032 | Author: 刘欢 | Hits:


Description: ARM汇编指令集(宛城布衣) ,大家一起学习吧:)-Instruction set of ARM
Platform: | Size: 964608 | Author: | Hits:

[ARM-PowerPC-ColdFire-MIPS21IC ARM微控制器LPC210X的LCD接口技术

Description: 摘要:本文分别以GPI0口直接连接、串行转换连接、CPLD分部连接三种方法阐述了无外部总线的Philips ARM微控制器LPC210X与点阵图形液晶显示器的接口设计,并给出硬件电路框图和主要程序。 -Abstract : GPI0 I were to directly connect a serial link, connecting CPLD Division three methods described without external bus Philips LPC210X ARM microcontroller and graphics dot-matrix LCD interface design, hardware and circuit diagram is given and the main proceedings.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 小陈 | Hits:


Description: ARM体系下ARM状态和THUMB状态相互转换的汇编代码-ARM ARM under state and state mutual THUMB compilation of code conversion
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: skyge | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop基于ARM 的PDA拼音输入法源程序

Description: 基于ARM 的PDA拼音输入法源程序,c语言编写,方便移植-A phoneticize input method for PDA. Based on ARM, coded in C. It is facility for porting.
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 甘鹏 | Hits:


Description: arm开发资料,关于arm指令集。熟悉arm开发的好方法-arm development, information on arm instruction set. Familiar with the development arm of a good method
Platform: | Size: 147456 | Author: ttb | Hits:

[OtherARM SoC体系结构_11106354

Description: arm书籍,很不错的介绍一本arm内核及其体系结构-arm books, a very good arm on one core and Architecture
Platform: | Size: 6628352 | Author: 张无痕 | Hits:

[ARM-PowerPC-ColdFire-MIPSStudy ARM Step by Step

Description: 一步步教你如何学习ARM,从引导代码到应用编程。-a step by step teach you how to learn ARM, from guide to the application programming code.
Platform: | Size: 1986560 | Author: 朱先伟 | Hits:

[Windows Developarm-fdisk-3.0.6.tar

Description: arm磁盘工具,可以格式化flash盘,分区等-arm disk tool that can flash disk formatting, partitioning
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: 李发 | Hits:


Description: 本文详细介绍了嵌入式平台上用C 语言编写统软件和应用软件的方法。虽然是针对ARM平台介绍的,但基本经验和算法也适合于其他嵌入式平台的软件设-This paper describes a platform embedded C language EC software and application method. Although ARM platform is introduced, but the basic experiences and algorithms are suitable for embedded in other software-based platform
Platform: | Size: 140288 | Author: john163john | Hits:


Description: 该程序为ARM实现的MEPG2解码器全套资料,包括boot文件.大家可以试着调一下!-procedures for the realization of the ARM intrigued decoder complete information, including documents boot. We can try to stress!
Platform: | Size: 439296 | Author: 南郁星 | Hits:


Description: ARM书籍一本,学过此书是学习arm的基础,具体讲到arm的内核与结构,arm指令编程-an ARM books, learned of this book is the basis for learning arm, specifically the arm with the core structure, arm programming instructions.
Platform: | Size: 12001280 | Author: 张无痕 | Hits:

[Linux-UnixARM ADS 程序示例interrupts

Description: ARM ADS 程序示例 interrupts-ARM ADS program examples interrupts
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 刘彬斌 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxARM Boot 程序源码 1.1.0armboot-1.1.0

Description: ARM Boot 程序源码 1.1.0armboot-1.1.0 希望给你带来方便-ARM Boot procedures 1.1.0armboot source-1.1.0 want to give you the convenience of
Platform: | Size: 652288 | Author: 周海涛 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxARM芯片S3C2410内存管理单元MMU基础实验及源代码

Description: ARM芯片S3C2410内存管理单元MMU基础实验及源代码-S3C2410 ARM chip memory management unit MMU experimental basis and the source code
Platform: | Size: 97280 | Author: 周海涛 | Hits:


Description: ARM指令集及汇编,主要介绍ARM7结构的指令集,和详细的指令解释,此为中文版-ARM instruction set and compilation, introduced ARM7 structure of the instruction set, and detailed instructions, such as the Chinese version
Platform: | Size: 974848 | Author: uhu | Hits:

[CSharpARM Boot 程序源码

Description: ARM处理器BOOTLOADER程序的设计,比较详细的讲了如何实现程序的加载-ARM processor BOOTLOADER process design, detailed how the stresses of loading procedures
Platform: | Size: 637952 | Author: 刘万瑾 | Hits:


Description: MPEG4编解C源代码-已移植到ARM和DSP上-MPEG4 Solutions C source code-have been transplanted to the ARM and DSP
Platform: | Size: 155648 | Author: 邓修涛 | Hits:

[ARM-PowerPC-ColdFire-MIPSarm source code

Description: arm的源码,里面有一些开发例程的源码哈-arm of the source code, there are some routines in the development of Kazakhstan-source
Platform: | Size: 9495552 | Author: 贾湘兴 | Hits:


Description: 经典的arm相关论文-学ARM者不可不看-classic arm-related papers-ARM school who can not see
Platform: | Size: 3885056 | Author: 11 | Hits:
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