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[Other resourceC8051F与80C51系列单片机的不同初始化

Description: C8051F与80C51系列单片机的不同初始化-C8051F and 80C51 microcontroller series of different initialization
Platform: | Size: 140944 | Author: 王 一民 | Hits:

[Other resource80C51汇编语言程序设计

Description: 80C51系列单片机汇编语言设计教程-80C51 microcontroller series Language Design Guide Series
Platform: | Size: 54455 | Author: 海盗 | Hits:


Description: 介绍80C51的基本使用,以及如何用C语言编程
Platform: | Size: 49633 | Author: 刘恒 | Hits:

[Other resource80C51

Description: 周立功的< 增强型80C51单片机速成与实战>> 高清
Platform: | Size: 9644310 | Author: guanming | Hits:

[Other resource设定80C51串行异步通讯的波特率

Description: 设定80C51串行异步通讯的波特率-set 80C51 serial asynchronous communication baud rate
Platform: | Size: 158368 | Author: 董沙瓤 | Hits:

[Other resource自动检测80C51 串行通讯中的波特率

Description: 自动检测80C51 串行通讯中的波特率-automatic detection 80C51 Serial communication baud rate
Platform: | Size: 172767 | Author: 江南 | Hits:

[Other resource80c51

Description: 单片机,嵌入式系统实时操作系统rtos及基于80C51单片机源码
Platform: | Size: 219354 | Author: jiabin_01 | Hits:

[Other resource基于80C51单片机源码公开的Small RTOS 1.12.1版

Description: 基于80C51单片机源码公开的Small RTOS 1.12.1版-80C51 microcontroller based on the open source version 1.12.1 Small RTOS
Platform: | Size: 215320 | Author: zxf | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopKeil C51语言使用技巧及实战(中文资料)

Description: 这是一本关于 Intel 80C51 以及广大的 51 系列单片机的书 这本书介绍给读者一些的技术 使你的 8051 工程和开发过程变得简单 请注意 这本书的目的可不是教你各种嵌入式系统的解决方法
Platform: | Size: 973274 | Author: liuz2004 | Hits:


Description: 80C51系列单片机汇编语言设计教程-80C51 microcontroller series Language Design Guide Series
Platform: | Size: 54272 | Author: 海盗 | Hits:


Description: 周立功的< 增强型80C51单片机速成与实战>> 高清-Ligong weeks of
Platform: | Size: 9644032 | Author: guanming | Hits:


Description: 单片机,嵌入式系统实时操作系统rtos及基于80C51单片机源码 -Single chip, embedded systems and real-time operating system rtos source based on 80C51 microcontroller
Platform: | Size: 219136 | Author: jiabin_01 | Hits:


Description: 80C51 C 语言 学习的书 周立功单片机出的。比较详尽。-80C51 C language learning books
Platform: | Size: 952320 | Author: ma ang | Hits:


Description: 80C51单片机内部的16位可编程定时器-80C51 microcontroller' s internal 16-bit programmable timer
Platform: | Size: 193536 | Author: ZQL | Hits:


Description: 80C51的例程exam文件夹:收录了书中各章的例子。这个文件夹中又有 ch02~ch11 共 10 个文件夹,-80C51 routine exam folder: contains examples of the various chapters of the book. This folder there ch02 ~ ch11 total of 10 folders,
Platform: | Size: 290816 | Author: mary | Hits:


Description: 它是关于80C51单片机的原理介绍和使用其开发的过程,有具体的实例。-It was introduced on the 80C51 microcontroller and use the principle of its development process, with specific examples.
Platform: | Size: 2581504 | Author: 小白 | Hits:

[DSP program80c51

Description: 单片机的40个实验,这对初学单片机的人来时绝对是好东西来的。-80c51
Platform: | Size: 2430976 | Author: dashu | Hits:

[Other Embeded program80C51-IO

Description: 80c51 的 IO口初始化程序,已经调试,可以运行。-80c51' s IO port initialization procedures are debugging, you can run.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: QIQI | Hits:

[assembly language第3章80C51单片机汇编语言概述

Description: 可在Matlab上实现的80C51单片机汇编语言概述(An overview of the assembly language of 80C51 single chip microcomputer)
Platform: | Size: 1033216 | Author: liu1996 | Hits:


Description: 可在Matlab上实现的80C51单片机C语言程序(80C51 MCU C language program that can be implemented on Matlab.)
Platform: | Size: 405504 | Author: liu1996 | Hits:
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