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[Other resource3D_Game_Engine_Programming

Description: 3D 游戏引擎编程的源代码,游戏开发者必看。吐血推荐!-3D game engine programming source code, game developers watched every game. Hematemesis recommended!
Platform: | Size: 16869199 | Author: collector | Hits:

[Game Engine3D_Game_Engine_Programming

Description: 3D 游戏引擎编程的源代码,游戏开发者必看。吐血推荐!-3D game engine programming source code, game developers watched every game. Hematemesis recommended!
Platform: | Size: 16869376 | Author: collector | Hits:

[Game Engine3D_Game_Engine_Programming

Description: 3D Game Engine Programming Chapter
Platform: | Size: 5565440 | Author: twright | Hits:

[Game Engine3D_Game_Engine_Programming(Src)

Description: 【作者】Zerbst, Stefan / Duvel, Oliver 【出版社】 Course Technology Ptr 从头开始教你开发一个3D游戏引擎。全书按照DirectX的各个功能逐渐完善和集成一个游戏所需要的完整3D引擎。书中还包括一些技巧和优化的内容。-【Author】 Zerbst, Stefan/Duvel, Oliver Press】 【Course Technology Ptr teach you to start from scratch to develop a 3D game engine. DirectX book in accordance with the gradual improvement of the various features and integration required by a game full 3D engine. The book also includes some optimization techniques and content.
Platform: | Size: 10614784 | Author: yehuanyuan | Hits:


Description: This is a book introduce some tech about Game Engine 3D
Platform: | Size: 11126784 | Author: sang | Hits:

[Game Engine3D_Game_Engine_Programming

Description: Are you interested in learning how to write your own game engines? With "3D Game Engine Programming" you can do just that. You ll learn everything you need to know to build your own game engine as a tool that is kept strictly separate from any specific game project, making it a tool that you can use again and again for future projects. You won t have to give a second thought to your engine. Instead, you ll be able to concentrate on your game and the gameplay experience.
Platform: | Size: 6275072 | Author: piradom | Hits:

[Game Engine3dgepsm

Description: 3D_Game_Engine_Programming源代码更新文件-3D_Game_Engine_Programming source code update files
Platform: | Size: 395264 | Author: 许多 | Hits:

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