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[Streaming Mpeg4h.263编解码程序(VC)

Description: H.263算法的一个VC实现源码-H.263 algorithm of a VC-source
Platform: | Size: 951296 | Author: 王斌 | Hits:


Description: H.263的参考源代码-H.263 reference source code
Platform: | Size: 6920192 | Author: 朱林 | Hits:


Description: H.263协议中文版-H.263 Chinese version of the agreement
Platform: | Size: 267264 | Author: 李京津 | Hits:

[DSP programh.263压缩编码算法的研究及其dsp实现

Description: 硕士研究生论文关于H.263压缩算法-Graduate thesis on the H.263 compression algorithm
Platform: | Size: 2465792 | Author: 刘要强 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4H.263 Decoder TMS320C6000 Implementation (H.263 Ap

Description: H.263 Decoder: TMS320C6000 Implementation 介绍h.263解码,英文资料-H.263 Decoder : TMS320C6000 Implementation introduced H.263 decoding, English
Platform: | Size: 431104 | Author: lxl | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4H.263 Encoder TMS320C6000 Implementation (H.263 Ap

Description: H.263 Encoder TMS320C6000 Implementation (H.263 App note) h.263的编码文档,英文的-H.263 Encoder TMS320C6000 Implementation (H.263 App note) H.263 coding documents, in English
Platform: | Size: 605184 | Author: lxl | Hits:

[VOIP programITU-T h.263

Description: ITU-T编写的h.263协议文档,相当权威!对做视频编码解码有帮助!-ITU-T H.263 agreement prepared by the document, rather authoritative! Done right video codec help!
Platform: | Size: 303104 | Author: lxl | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4h.263编解码范例

Description: h.263的编解码程序。不过编码时只能编码I帧和P帧。解码时在Debug环境下会报错,在Release环境下能通过解码,但是以最快速度播放的。希望大家多多交流,对程序进行一下修改!-the H.263 codec procedures. But only when the coding frame coding I and P frames. Decoding the Debug environment will generate errors in the Release environment through the decoder, but with the fastest speed of the players. We want more, the procedures for amending what!
Platform: | Size: 1388544 | Author: 杨宁 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4263

Description: 采集和压缩视频,压缩算法H.263,采用VC编写,核心用DLL形式提供可以使用VC,Delphi,VB调试使用-video frequency collection and compress,the compress arithmetic used H.263,compile with VC,debugging the core useing DLL for VC,Delphi,VB
Platform: | Size: 347136 | Author: 风月无边 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4H.263源代码

Description: h.263+视频开发包的一个源代码实现,兼容所有的h.263标准,尤加拿大哥伦比亚大学开发。-H.263+ source code of video development package implement developed by University of Northern British Columbia, is compatible with all H.263 series of standards.
Platform: | Size: 598016 | Author: | Hits:

[Multimedia Developh.263编解码软件

Description: h.263编码、解码源代码,及一个小例子程序-H.263 encoder and decoder source code, and a small example of procedures
Platform: | Size: 1506304 | Author: 扬载伦 | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopH.263视频编码库version9.18

Description: H.263编码器SDK,包括动态连接库和静态连接库,欢迎广大视频编码工作者及爱好者测试使用。-H.263 Encoder SDK, including dynamic link libraries and static libraries, welcome video coding workers and lovers tested.
Platform: | Size: 404480 | Author: wgz | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopH.263++校验模型tmn3.2 tmn3.2

Description: H.263++校验模型tmn3.2 tmn3.2 学习H.263++校验模型tmn3.2的好材料-H.263 tmn3.2 tmn3.2 learning model calibration model H.263 tmn3 .2 good material
Platform: | Size: 246784 | Author: 要相同 | Hits:


Description: ITU-T H.263 视频编解码协议的最新标准文档.-ITU-T H.263 video codec standard agreement on the latest documents.
Platform: | Size: 1478656 | Author: 王博 | Hits:


Description: 视频图像压缩标准H.263的VC源码,此程序简单容易理解,可以帮助理解算法,且参考此程序,可以自己编.-video compression standard H.263 VC source, the procedures are simple and easy to understand, and can help to understand algorithm, which refer to this process, their own series.
Platform: | Size: 267264 | Author: 王阳 | Hits:


Description: h.263的测试模型1.5,其中给出了编码器和解码器的测试程序,另外希望有人将tmn8上传一下,不胜感激-H.263 test model 1.5, which is the encoder and decoder testing procedures, another hope someone will upload about tmn8 be grateful!
Platform: | Size: 487424 | Author: 周舟 | Hits:

[Multimedia programYUV2H.263

Description: H.263的编解码程序,VC++实现,可以对YUV图象序列编码,可以设置分辨率等,程序已经做了中文注释。-H.263 codec procedures, VC, right YUV image sequences coding, you can set resolution, procedures have been done in the Chinese Notes.
Platform: | Size: 935936 | Author: Mars | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopH.263(chinese)

Description: h.263标准的中文文档,比较准确-h.263 standard Chinese documents, a more accurate!
Platform: | Size: 737280 | Author: kuaiji_37 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsH.263

Description: H.263标准的c语言实现,包括了编码和解码,能帮助大家学习H.263标准-H.263 standard c language, including the encoding and decoding, can help everyone learn H.263 standard
Platform: | Size: 1517568 | Author: 杨涛 | Hits:

[DSP programH.263

Description: 基于ICETEK-DM642的视频图象处理-H.263 编码解码源码-ICETEK-DM642-based video image processing-H.263 codec source code
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 徐春伟 | Hits:
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