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[Modem programymodem_file

Description: Nanjing Tong Guan 朋 C 编的串口 Department of sputum only 的 ymodem 的 Shilu Kuang 件传 thirst are 码.
Platform: | Size: 3182 | Author: redvfp | Hits:

[Other resourcegpseep

Description: Micro-program controller using ATMEL AVR MEGA162, the MCU to dual serial port, 16 k-byte system programmable FLASH, 512 bytes EEPROM and so on. MCU workflow: (1) power-on reset, initialize the input and output ports, tim
Platform: | Size: 67970 | Author: redvfp | Hits:

[Other resourcejiaotongdengEDAsheji

Description: This is a design using EDA traffic lights. Cross the entrance sub-trunk road and branch roads
Platform: | Size: 9830 | Author: 雾里雾 | Hits:

[assembly languagedianyaceliang

Description: The use of assembly language to achieve voltage measurement and reality, the program can run to generate HEX or BIN file
Platform: | Size: 9316 | Author: 吴敏 | Hits:

[assembly languageclock

Description: asm source code under dos digital clock, see the procedure to use
Platform: | Size: 6094 | Author: hermit | Hits:


Description: Web page source code, a simple introduction to some of the embedded development process of growth and personal ideas
Platform: | Size: 4145 | Author: chjh | Hits:

[WEB CodeCSSstylesheetmanual

Description: Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets basis. All kinds of selectors, pseudo classes, pseudo-elements and cascading order of entry. Cascading Style Sheets level of various attributes of a valid description.
Platform: | Size: 532253 | Author: 舒马赫 | Hits:

[Other resourcens2fforsimulation

Description: Very useful things, to combat assured download it, heap Learning NS2 is helpful
Platform: | Size: 2305625 | Author: mmdzxz | Hits:


Description: This is a learning SQL2000 the PPT, a very good use, I would like students to learn things with this database, everyone grasping gold to the chin
Platform: | Size: 2489119 | Author: mmdzxz | Hits:


Description: This is used to study the examples of SQL2000 U.S. and see it, well used, simple to learn what can be better learning complex
Platform: | Size: 3247 | Author: xzsmmdzxz | Hits:

[OpenGL programFireworks8

Description: Fireworks Tutorials Fireworks design example based on the use of techniques Fireworks Tutorials Fireworks popular article Fireworks application page sections explain
Platform: | Size: 10049097 | Author: 舒马赫 | Hits:


Description: This is the programming source is the procedure, we can look at, although simple, but is helpful for beginners
Platform: | Size: 2994 | Author: xzsmmdzxz | Hits:
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