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Description: Omethoate used to control the production process, suitable for windows2000 and xp systems, for the batch process is the role of control.
Platform: | Size: 6589892 | Author: 安然 | Hits:


Description: ... .... Port to re-
Platform: | Size: 211030 | Author: fallendevil | Hits:

[Other resourceomethoatecontrolsimulation

Description: Omethoate control process, using matlab programming, the use of fuzzy iterative learning control methods, good to realize Omethoate synthesis temperature control.
Platform: | Size: 627788 | Author: 安然 | Hits:


Description: Using VC to write an examination system, function is relatively simple reference for everyone
Platform: | Size: 162671 | Author: xiaomo | Hits:

[Develop ToolsAoACHM

Description: AoA: A Tutorial of Assembly Language
Platform: | Size: 3515103 | Author: Huang | Hits:

[Other resourceLwIP_OSE_1

Description: LWIP+ UCOS transplantation Thank you everyone use
Platform: | Size: 506134 | Author: kobe | Hits:

[Multimedia programMIC.ZIP

Description: MIC multimedia player. ZIP
Platform: | Size: 2213 | Author: 布冧 | Hits:

[OS programwenjian

Description: Used to modify the registry to study the
Platform: | Size: 33726 | Author: fallendevil | Hits:


Description: err
Platform: | Size: 346798 | Author: ymy | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCS-multithread(37KB).ZIP

Description: A classical client- server model, the use of a multi-threaded! Consistent with the standard socket
Platform: | Size: 37212 | Author: 王杰 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopIELink

Description: Simulated IE in the role of hyperlinks can be generated around the focal point in the text box
Platform: | Size: 3018 | Author: Baoge | Hits:

[OS programdsfn

Description: Check the system information to a small extent
Platform: | Size: 51668 | Author: fallendevil | Hits:
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