Description: Low-pass filter of the VHDL code, need to take a look at the can down, I QQ147440013, have like-minded people can add me, oh Platform: |
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Author:黄建 |
Description: Simple call to the database, add, delete, friends can be familiar with this procedure to Database Programming Platform: |
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Author:肖颖 |
Description: Below how to introduce the next installation (Note: We are all on the server installation must use the authority). Platform: |
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Author:changlushun |
Description: 51 Series MCU serial port communication sample program, based on the KEIL preparation, which has a detailed description Platform: |
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Author:qlb |
Description: From the WIMAX system, CTC decoding algorithm of the simulation program, based on the ModelSim Platform: |
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Author:曹贺秋 |