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Description: CefSharp-63.0.3.zip can be compiled by itself. The native compiler passes through.
Platform: | Size: 1289216 | Author: 随便随便x | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsProgram3_1

Description: Huffman coding and decoding process
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: lurwww | Hits:


Description: Forward modeling of magnetic anomalies based on combined cuboid model,Programming based on MATLAB language
Platform: | Size: 440320 | Author: Keep running | Hits:


Description: Learning and classification of MNIST data sets based on BP neural network written by MATLAB
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: filament | Hits:

[Graph program基于二次多项式的RLS校正算法

Description: The quadratic polynomial is used to simulate the noise, and the RLS algorithm is used to correct the image noise.
Platform: | Size: 225280 | Author: 潇洒清 | Hits:


Description: nfineon BMS solutions C language program source code
Platform: | Size: 8803328 | Author: 姜2018 | Hits:


Description: Comparing with DSP 28335 and 28377, the DSP data included in it are the explanatory data of TMS320F28335, TMS320F28377 and tms320f28377s.
Platform: | Size: 56430592 | Author: 小小菜鸟A | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsBasicOpenFOAMProgrammingTutorials-master

Description: A collection of source programs that can be used to learn openfoam programming
Platform: | Size: 568320 | Author: zjuzzc | Hits:

[Shot Game15_ShootGame

Description: A simple shooting game, with a simple UI interface and an end interface, using the Unity3d engine.
Platform: | Size: 15466496 | Author: 班尼姆特 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSIS_AODB_Full_Events

Description: SIS AODB Full Events
Platform: | Size: 408277 | Author: myusername5081@163.com | Hits:

[Special Effects14、字典学习

Description: The classic KSVD image dictionary learning, matlab code, include notes, test available
Platform: | Size: 6264832 | Author: wlz_aa | Hits:


Description: There are 9 chapters in this book, and the first chapter is MATLAB basic knowledge; Chapter 2 is an introduction to Simulink simulation; Chapter 3 introduces the power system component model and model library. Chapter 4
Platform: | Size: 2359296 | Author: 帅1点点 | Hits:
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