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[Graph programtexture

Description: 图像的纹理分析,共生矩阵等-Image texture analysis, such as co-occurrence matrix
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: 张磊 | Hits:

[OpenGL program纹理映射Texture

Description: 本程序在窗口中显示了一个加入纹理的场景,使得该场景更加真实,平滑,是基于单文档的MFC应用程序。 在本程序中,纹理场景是通过SetCheckTexture()函数生成的,然后通过DoTransform()函数 将—个顶点从物体坐标系转换到窗口坐标系,利用openGL进行矩阵计算,通过UpdateModelView()函数和InitMatrices()函数实现。-the procedures in the window shows a scene by adding texture, making the scene more real, smooth, is based on the MFC single document applications. In this process, the texture scene through SetCheckTexture () function generator, and then through DoTransform () function to-vertex from the object coordinate system conversion to the window frame, using openGL for matrix calculation, UpdateModelView () function and InitMatrices () Function.
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: 陈康 | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture-identify

Description: 图像的纹理识别方法,纹理分割、合成以及识别仍是机器视觉的研究热点.-Image Recognition texture, texture segmentation, synthesis and recognition machine vision is the research focus.
Platform: | Size: 440320 | Author: 闫东 | Hits:

[Industry researchtexture-review

Description: The Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision 第二版,第二章部分,比较全面的介绍纹理分析的资料。-The Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Co. mputer Vision 2nd edition, Chapter II, a more comprehensive analysis on the texture information.
Platform: | Size: 332800 | Author: shifenghit | Hits:

[OpenGL programtexture-projection-1

Description: Opengl 实现投影纹理特殊效果。纹理投影并不容易,这是一个简单的例子,对学习有帮助。-Opengl Projection texture special effects. Texture projection is not easy, this is a simple example, to learn helpful.
Platform: | Size: 711680 | Author: 林林 | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture

Description: 一个很不错的纹理分析程序,里面有纹理分析多个参数的计算-A very good texture analysis procedures, there are a number of parameters of texture analysis calculating the
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: yixin | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture

Description: 一个纹理分析的实例,可以在windows下编译通过-Examples of a texture analysis can be compiled under windows through
Platform: | Size: 440320 | Author: | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture

Description: 灰度共生矩阵提取图像纹理特征,采用matlab实现,包括模糊c均值实现分类-Gray-level co-occurrence matrix texture features extracted images using matlab realize, including the realization of fuzzy c-means classification
Platform: | Size: 7992320 | Author: 刘丽 | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture

Description: 在vtk中实现纹理映射功能,-In VTK achieve texture mapping function,
Platform: | Size: 1975296 | Author: jacky | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture

Description: 主要的纹理分析方面的,纹理特征,频谱法,不变矩等方面.-The main aspects of texture analysis, texture characteristics, spectrum method, the same moment and so on.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:

[Special EffectsTexture

Description: 纹理生成程序.根据导入的样本纹理,可生成任意大小的纹理图案.当生成尺寸较大时,时间会稍慢.-Texture generation process. According to import a sample texture, can be of any size to generate texture patterns. When the generation of a larger size, the time will be slower.
Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: 戴磊 | Hits:

[Special EffectsTexture

Description: 计算四个方向的灰度共生矩阵,将其作为纹理特征,是一种纹理特征提取算法。-Calculation of the four directions of Gray Level Co-occurrence matrix as texture features, is a kind of texture feature extraction algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Owenli | Hits:

[3D Graphictexture

Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: acana | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture

Description: 纹理特征提取的经典论文,研究图像处理与分析的工作人员必备-Texture Feature Extraction classic papers, research image processing and analysis of the staff necessary
Platform: | Size: 1671168 | Author: 陆铖 | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture

Description: 为进一步进行纹理特征分析,从纹理的方向性人手,给出了纹理方向的数学定义式,合理选择差异函数, 构造了具有物理意义的纹理方向描述特征向量.数据处理方面,运用模糊贴近度的概念,结合改进后的属性均值聚 类算法,对一类具有方向性的纹理图象进行分类与分割实验,取得了较好的结果.试验表明,该方法对纹理的方向 性有很好的描述能力. 关键词 图象分割 纹理方向 纹理分割 神经网络 模糊聚类 -Texture features for further analysis, staff from the texture direction, given the direction of the mathematical definition of texture type, a reasonable choice of the difference function, structure with a physical meaning to describe the direction of the texture feature vector. Data processing, the use of the concept of fuzzy nearness degree, combined with improved properties means clustering algorithm for a class of directional texture image classification and segmentation experiments, achieved good results. Tests show that the method of directional texture has a good description of the capacity. Keywords Image segmentation, texture segmentation texture direction fuzzy clustering neural network
Platform: | Size: 291840 | Author: wgn | Hits:


Description: 一个图像的纹理分析应用实例,提取图像的纹理特征,进行图像识别。-An image of the application of texture analysis, image texture feature extraction for image recognition.
Platform: | Size: 3538944 | Author: 田佳 | Hits:

[OpenGL programTexture

Description: 使用纹理映射,做的一个小小的天空盒,方便大家使用哈-The use of texture mapping, to do a little sky box, to facilitate the use of U.S. and Kazakhstan
Platform: | Size: 2951168 | Author: 宋丽芸 | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture+synthesis

Description: 纹理合成是为了解决纹理映射中存在的接缝走样等问题而提出的 也就是无缝贴图 可以用photoshop搞定,这个是编程序实现 生成无缝贴图是搞3D设计或是开发必备 开发工具Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 express(VC++ 2008 express) 注意:1 算法部分是C++ 实现,没有用unicode,所以图片路径和文件名不能有中文,否则会自动退出 -Texture synthesis texture mapping is to solve existing problems such as joints aliasing is proposed seamless mapping can be used to get photoshop, this is programmed to achieve a seamless texture generation is engaged in 3D design or development of the necessary development tools Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 express (VC++ 2008 express) Note: part 1 algorithm C++ realized, did not use unicode, so picture the path and file name can not be Chinese, or else they will automatically withdraw from the
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: wsky | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture

Description: 这个matlab程序是基于纹理的图像检索源码,纹理特征是图像的基本特征特征之一,所以基于纹理的图像检索是图像处理的热点。-The matlab program is based on the source texture image retrieval, texture image is characterized by one of the characteristics of the basic features, so texture-based image retrieval is a hot image processing.
Platform: | Size: 660480 | Author: GuanXin | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture

Description: 可以对图象的纹理进行分析,包括图象的能量,熵,惯性矩,局部平稳性等-On an analysis of texture images, including images of energy, entropy, moment of inertia, partial stationarity, etc.
Platform: | Size: 3551232 | Author: 蒋海波 | Hits:
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