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Description: 基于随机过程的莱斯表达式产生窄带随机过程: 2、掌握窄带随机过程的特性,包括均值(数学期望)、方差、相关函数及功率谱密度等。 -Rice random process based on the expression of narrow-band random process generated: 2, grasp the characteristics of narrow-band random process, including the mean (mathematical expectation), variance, correlation function and power spectral density and so on.
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: kevin | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineMTM_PSD_subspec

Description: 基于多窗谱法功率谱估计的谱减法语音增强程序,多窗谱功率谱估计比传统的周期图法方差效果更好,抑制音乐噪声效果更佳。 该程序对语音增强入门的研究者有参考意义。-Spectrum method based on multi-window power spectral estimate of spectral subtraction speech enhancement procedures, multi-window spectral power spectrum estimation than the traditional periodogram variance better suppress noise better music. The procedure entry on speech enhancement researchers have reference value.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 武月 | Hits:


Description: 数字信号处理基于matlab 文件内容 /conv(卷积部分) dupconv 重叠保留法 freqcirconv 频域圆周卷积 freqconv 频域卷积 timecirconv 时域圆周卷积 timeconv 时域卷积 /fft(频域分析部分) d2fft 基2FFT dft DFT最简化程序 dtft DTFT演示 /fir(fir滤波器设计) fir 得到fir滤波器hn getwindow 得到fir滤波器窗函数wn idealfilter 理想滤波器(低通,高通,带通)hdn idealhd 理想低通滤波器 /fir gui(fir滤波器GUI设计) gui_top 总图 gui_fir fir滤波器GUI gui_sigout 选择信号GUI /power caculate(功率谱分析) directpower 直接谱分析 indirectpower 间接谱分析(估计谱分析) noise 噪声谱分析 /sigout(常见信号产生) sigout 离散信号产生-Digital signal processing matlab based on the content of the document/conv (convolution part) dupconv law of reservations freqcirconv overlapping frequency domain circular convolution freqconv frequency domain convolution timecirconv time-domain circular convolution timeconv time-domain convolution/fft (frequency domain analysis part) d2fft base 2FFT dft DFT the most simplified procedure dtft DTFT demo/fir (fir filter design) fir be fir filter hn getwindow be fir filter window function wn idealfilter ideal filter (low pass, high pass, band-pass) hdn idealhd ideal low-pass Filter/fir gui (fir filter GUI design) gui_top general layout gui_fir fir filter selection GUI gui_sigout signal GUI/power caculate (power spectrum analysis) directpower direct spectral analysis indirectpower indirect spectral analysis (spectral analysis estimated) noise noise spectrum analysis/sigout (common signals) sigout discrete signals
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: 芦达 | Hits:

[Special EffectsFIR

Description: 数字信号处理基于matlab 文件内容 /conv(卷积部分) dupconv 重叠保留法 freqcirconv 频域圆周卷积 freqconv 频域卷积 timecirconv 时域圆周卷积 timeconv 时域卷积 /fft(频域分析部分) d2fft 基2FFT dft DFT最简化程序 dtft DTFT演示 /fir(fir滤波器设计) fir 得到fir滤波器hn getwindow 得到fir滤波器窗函数wn idealfilter 理想滤波器(低通,高通,带通)hdn idealhd 理想低通滤波器 /fir gui(fir滤波器GUI设计) gui_top 总图 gui_fir fir滤波器GUI gui_sigout 选择信号GUI /power caculate(功率谱分析) directpower 直接谱分析 indirectpower 间接谱分析(估计谱分析) noise 噪声谱分析 /sigout(常见信号产生) sigout 离散信号产生-Digital signal processing matlab based on the content of the document/conv (convolution part) dupconv law of reservations freqcirconv overlapping frequency domain circular convolution freqconv frequency domain convolution timecirconv time-domain circular convolution timeconv time-domain convolution/fft (frequency domain analysis part) d2fft base 2FFT dft DFT the most simplified procedure dtft DTFT demo/fir (fir filter design) fir be fir filter hn getwindow be fir filter window function wn idealfilter ideal filter (low pass, high pass, band-pass) hdn idealhd ideal low-pass Filter/fir gui (fir filter GUI design) gui_top general layout gui_fir fir filter selection GUI gui_sigout signal GUI/power caculate (power spectrum analysis) directpower direct spectral analysis indirectpower indirect spectral analysis (spectral analysis estimated) noise noise spectrum analysis/sigout (common signals) sigout discrete signals
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: 李文 | Hits:


Description: 模拟数字基带系统在matlab下的实现,包括输入输出信号的码型,功率谱密度,眼图及误码率-Analog-to-digital base-band system in the realization of matlab, including the code input and output signal type, the power spectral density, eye diagram and bit error rate
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张飞 | Hits:


Description: 为了提高通信系统的信息传输速率,人们提出了UWB通信系统,即Ultra-Wideband 通信系统。在UWB系统中,信号的带宽一般都在GHz的量级,这么宽的带宽造成了UWB系统和现有的通信系统频谱的重叠。为了降低对现有通信系统的影响,UWB信号的设计需要满足一定的频谱模板。如果一个信号的频谱基本满足频谱模板的规定(即在绝大部分频段内功率小于规定区间的上限),我们可以认定其为一个UWB信号。-In order to improve communication systems, information transmission rate of UWB communications systems have been proposed, namely, Ultra-Wideband communication systems. In the UWB system, the signal bandwidth will generally be in the order of GHz, caused such a wide bandwidth of UWB system and the existing communications system spectrum overlap. In order to reduce the impact of the existing communication systems, UWB signal design needs to meet certain spectral mask. If a signal spectrum can basically meet the spectral mask (that is, in most of the provisions of band power is less than the maximum range), we can assume it as a UWB signal.
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 张晓风 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringHW6

Description: White noise is a random signal (or process) with a flat power spectral density. In other words, the signal contains equal power within a fixed bandwidth at any center frequency. White noise draws its name from white light in which the power spectral density of the light is distributed over the visible band in such a way that the eye s three color receptors (cones) are rather equally stimulated, so the white Gaussian noise the values that the noise can take on are Gaussian-distributed.-This file includes matlab source and explanation report
Platform: | Size: 83968 | Author: 林虎 | Hits:


Description: 扩频通信,从电磁波利用来看,与一般现有的常规通信方式完全不同。扩频通信利用伪随机编码把信息数据(窄带信号)的频谱进行扩展,形成宽带的低功率谱密度信号发射,使用不同的伪随机序列编码,不同通信用户可在同一频段、同一时间工作,互不影响或干扰极小地进行通信。-Spectrum, from the electromagnetic waves used term, and the general existing conventional means of communication is entirely different. Spread spectrum communication using pseudo-random code to the information data (narrowband signal) to extend the spectrum, the formation of low-power spectral density broadband signal transmission, using different pseudo-random sequence of coding, different communication users at the same frequency band, at the same time work, mutual does not affect or interfere with a very small way to communicate.
Platform: | Size: 1416192 | Author: clinfeng | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsHDB3

Description: 详细的HDB3码的产生,编译码,经带通滤波器,高斯白噪声信道后的功率谱密度 -Detailed HDB3 code generation, encoding and decoding, by the band pass filter, Gaussian white noise channel power spectral density after
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: annytan | Hits:


Description: Energy and Power Spectra It is frequently useful to study the distribution and power of a signal in the frequency domain. For example, we may wish to have estimates for how the power in a signal is distributed with frequency, so that we can quantitatively state how much power is in a particular band of interest relative to other fre- quencies. Given a power spectral density function, the power is then given by the integral of the function over the band of interest.
Platform: | Size: 330752 | Author: wag | Hits:


Description: 对录音信号集 中的某一语音,利用BATLAB设计一美尔例谱算法,并实现。 取信号集 中的一个语音信号:“xxxxxx”,将它作为输入的语音信号来为设计一个美尔倒谱算法,在该算法中,主要设计了以下环节: 1.读入一个语音信号;2.对这个信号归一化;3.对归一化的信号进行加窗处理(这里的矩形窗长度必须为257,重帧长64);4.进行预加重处理,即通过一个高通滤波器: ;5进行512点的FFT;6.分别取模平方得到功率谱;7.在设计的mel滤波器组中,我采用了25个带通滤波器;8.将得到的功率谱信号通过mel滤波器组,得到相应的25个功率值;9.对这些功率值取自然对数;10.对这些值取离散作弦变换;11.将得到的值去掉直流分量,取其它值作为MFCC参数。 -Concentrated on recording a voice signal, using BATLAB designed Mayer cases spectral algorithm, and implementation. Get a voice signal signal focus: "xxxxxx", will it as input for the design of a voice signal to Mel Cepstrum algorithm in the algorithm, the main design of the following links: 1. Read a speech signal 2. On the signal normalized 3. Of the normalized windowed signal processing (here, rectangular window length must be 257, re-frame size 64) 4. For Pre-emphasis processing through a high-pass filter: 5 for 512 points of FFT 6. modulo square were obtained spectrum 7. in the design of mel filter banks, I use a 25 band-pass filter 8 . will be the power spectrum signal by mel filter bank, corresponding to the 25 power values 9. on the power to take the natural logarithm value 10. to take these values as strings of discrete transform 11. will be of value to out DC component, to take other values as MFCC parameters.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 赵欣 | Hits:

[Windows Developchapter6

Description: WideBand Source Localization in the AlphaStable-In this chapter we study the problem of localizing wideband sources in the presence of noise modeled as a complex isotropic stable process We consider the frequencydomain representation of the sensor outputs and show that the spectral density of complex stable processes plays a role in array processing problems analogous to that played by the power spectral density of secondorder processes
Platform: | Size: 384000 | Author: 陈鹏 | Hits:


Description: 基于MATLAB的GMSK和基带信号功率谱密度仿真实验开发 -Experiments development of GMSK and power spectral density of base-band signals based on Matlab simulation
Platform: | Size: 673792 | Author: guoying | Hits:


Description: 用m序列过低通滤波器模拟产生带限高斯白噪声,m序列的长度足够长时功率谱特性接近高斯白噪声的特性。-M-sequence low-pass filter with analog band-limited white Gaussian noise generated, m length of the sequence is long enough the power spectral characteristics close to Gaussian white noise characteristics.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李冰 | Hits:


Description: 利用matlab对随机过程课程的仿真 1、利用matlab绘制随机过程的谱密度G_x (ω)=2αβ/(β^2+ω^2 ) (α、β为正数)的图像。 2、绘制白噪声的功率谱密度函数G_x (ω)=N/2和自相关函数R_N (τ)=N/2 δ(τ)的图像。 3、分析低通白噪声和带通白噪声的功率谱密度函数和自相关函数的性质并举例同时绘制其图像。 -1, drawn using a random process matlab spectral density G_x (ω) = 2αβ/(β ^ 2+ ω ^ 2) (α, β positive) image. 2 for the white noise power spectral density function G_x (ω) = N/2 and the autocorrelation function R_N (τ) = N/2 δ (τ) of the image. 3, the analysis of low-pass white noise and band-pass white noise power spectral density function and autocorrelation function of the nature and the examples at the same time to draw its graphics.
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: 王明 | Hits:


Description: A closed-loop power control system having both fixed-step and adaptive-step power control algorithms and incorporating with multitap RAKE receivers was proposed. Simulations were performed for wide-band radio channels having path loss, slow fading, and fast fading. As the measurement of the received power and the bit energy-to-interfkrence power spectral density ratio play an important role in a CDMA power control system, a scheme to estimate these two parameters was proposed. For a Rayleigh fading channel and a Rician fading channel having a K factor of 6dB, a three-tap RAKE receiver is desirable.
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: nani | Hits:

[Program docETSI-Ultra-Wide-Band

Description: Ultra Wide Band (UWB) is a technology for the transmission of data using techniques which cause a spreading of the radio energy over a very wide frequency band, with a very low power spectral density. The low power spectral density limits the interference potential with conventional radio systems, and the high bandwidth can allow very high data throughput for communications devices, or high precision for location and imaging devices.
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: mimansa | Hits:

[assembly languagewhite-noise-low-pass

Description: 分析低通白噪声和带通白噪声的功率谱密度函数和自相关函数的性质,并举例同时绘制其图像。-Analysis of white noise low-pass and band-pass white noise power spectral density function and the nature of the autocorrelation function and example to draw its image at the same time.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 王肖 | Hits:


Description: 用Matlab产生一个频率为1Hz、功率为1的余弦信源,设载波频率为10Hz,并画出: 1.DSB调制信号及其功率谱密度; 2.将已调信号解调,在时域内将解调后的波形与原信号进行对比; 3.A=2的AM调制信号及其功率谱密度; 4.SSB调制信号及其功率谱密度; 5.在信道中各自加入经过带通滤波器后的窄带高斯白噪声,功率为0.1,解调各个信号,并画出解调后的波形。 -Matlab produce a frequency for 1 hz, power for 1 cosine source, a carrier frequency for 10 hz and draw the: 1. The DSB modulation signal and power spectral density 2. Will be modulated signal demodulation, in the time domain waveform and the demodulation of the original signal are compared 3. A = 2 AM modulation signal and power spectral density 4. SSB modulation signal and power spectral density 5. In the channel of each join after bandpass filter after the narrow band gaussian white noise, power is 0.1, each signal demodulation, and draw the demodulation of waveform.
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 江晨城 | Hits:


Description: 根据伪随机序列理论,由混合同余法产生均匀分布的随机数,进而根据中心极限定理来产生高斯噪声。 分析所产生的均匀分布和高斯分布随机信号的均值、方差、自相关等数字特征,估计其概率密度函数并进行分析,估计其功率谱密度并进行分析。说明该高斯噪声是否符合白噪声特性。 对该高斯噪声进行FIR低通滤波,估计输出低通型限带白噪声的功率谱、相关时间等,并结合白噪声通过线性系统相关理论来进行分析。 -According to the theory of pseudo-random sequence, a uniformly distributed random numbers by mixed congruential method to generate Gaussian noise, and then according to the central limit theorem. Produce a uniform distribution of the analysis and the mean of the Gaussian distribution random signals, variance, since the digital characteristics of the correlation, the probability density function is estimated and analyzed, it is estimated that its power spectral density, and analyzed. The Gaussian noise is in line with the characteristics of white noise. FIR low pass filter of the Gaussian noise, the estimated output of low-pass type band-limited white noise power spectrum, time, etc., combined with the white noise to be analyzed by linear system theory.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Lee | Hits:
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