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图像重建中投影建模算法对二维图像进行投影值计算的程序-projection image reconstruction algorithm for modeling 2D projection images calculation procedures
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.08kb Publisher : 古大

DL : 0
图像重建中投影建模算法对二维图像进行投影值计算的程序-projection image reconstruction algorithm for modeling 2D projection images calculation procedures
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 古大

通过将三维图像投影成2维ddr图像来实现2D-3D图像配准-By three-dimensional image projection into 2-D images ddr to achieve 2D-3D Image Registration
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 106kb Publisher : 张旭

本程序实现了CT系统在锥形束等距投影情况下,2D图像的重建-This procedure achieved a cone-beam CT system in the case of isometric projection, 2D image reconstruction
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : hh

最小邻域均值投影函数及其在眼睛定位算法.提出一种投影函数:最小邻域均值投影函数.该函数通过计算每条投影线上各像素点邻域均值的最小值 来跟踪图像中的低灰度特征.与传统的积分投影函数和方差投影函数相比,它以求最小值的局部选择性代替传统投 影函数的全局累加性,因此具有对片状噪声不敏感的特点、此外,在计算过程中,它还能记录最小值点的二维位置信 息,是一个二维的搜索算子、最小邻域均值投影函数的这些特点使其非常适合于眼睛定位.它对眼睛,特别是瞳孔,总 能够产生精确、鲁棒的响应通过在CAS—PEAL数据库和BioID数据库上的实验表明,其定位正确率与精确度均高 于传统的投影函数.-A projection function called minimal neighborhood mean projection function(MNMPF)is proposed. The projection function calculates and stores the minimal neighborhood mea1]of each pixel on each projection line, SO that it is able to trace the low grayscale features in image.Compared with traditional projection functions,i.e. integral projection function(IPF)and variance projection function(VPF),MNMPF is insensitive to sheet noise,due to the local selectivity of its mimmum operation.During the computation of MNMPF,the image locations of minima are recorded at the same time.This makes MNMPF a 2D operator.All these properties of MNM PF are very suitable for eye location.It can bring precise and robust response to eyes,especially pupils.Experiments on CAS—PEAL and BioID databases show its excellent correct rate and precision over traditional projection functions.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 426kb Publisher : 郭事业

二位图像投影到一维通过imrotate指令完成。可以选择投影的任意角度。同时包括基于一维投影完成重构图像。-Using imrotate commond line to realize the projection of image from 2D to 1D for any view angle. And also include the reconstruction process
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : tianya

DL : 0
一个用二维反投影算法计算SAR程序的matlab程序,可以运行。-generate back-projection 2D SAR image for general configurations
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : xiapeng

Motion estimation is the process of determining motion vectors that describe the transformation from one 2D image to another usually from adjacent frames in a video sequence. It is an ill-posed problem as the motion is in three dimensions but the images are a projection of the 3D scene onto a 2D plane. The motion vectors may relate to the whole image (global motion estimation) or specific parts, such as rectangular blocks, arbitrary shaped patches or even per pixel. The motion vectors may be represented by a translational model or many other models that can approximate the motion of a real video camera, such as rotation and translation in all three dimensions and zoom.-Motion estimation is the process of determining motion vectors that describe the transformation from one 2D image to another usually from adjacent frames in a video sequence. It is an ill-posed problem as the motion is in three dimensions but the images are a projection of the 3D scene onto a 2D plane. The motion vectors may relate to the whole image (global motion estimation) or specific parts, such as rectangular blocks, arbitrary shaped patches or even per pixel. The motion vectors may be represented by a translational model or many other models that can approximate the motion of a real video camera, such as rotation and translation in all three dimensions and zoom.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 341kb Publisher : doniya

对输入图像进行判断是否为三维,若是则转化为二维,然后在用灰度图像进行水平和垂直投影-The input image is to determine whether the 3D into 2D, if it is, then the horizontal and vertical projection in gray image
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 921kb Publisher : pmk

Set of functions performing ct reconstruction tasks like a radon transformation, a simple backprojection, a filtered backprojection using a convolution in the spatial domain, a filtered backprojection using a 2D Fourier transformation, and a filtered back projection using the central slice theorem. It includes the function myCtRecontruction that should run out of the box and uses Matlab s Shepp Logan Phantom for demonstration. It is also possible to run the myCtReconstruction with an argument myCtRecontruction(anyCtDataSet) to perform image reconstruction on a custom data set.-Set of functions performing ct reconstruction tasks like a radon transformation, a simple backprojection, a filtered backprojection using a convolution in the spatial domain, a filtered backprojection using a 2D Fourier transformation, and a filtered back projection using the central slice theorem. It includes the function myCtRecontruction that should run out of the box and uses Matlab s Shepp Logan Phantom for demonstration. It is also possible to run the myCtReconstruction with an argument myCtRecontruction(anyCtDataSet) to perform image reconstruction on a custom data set.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : Kin

光线跟踪(ray tracing)(也叫raytracing或者光束投射法)是一个在二维(2D)屏幕上呈现三维(3D)图像的方法.-Ray tracing (ray tracing) (also called raytracing or beam projection method) is a three-dimensional (3D) image, the method presented on a two-dimensional (2D) screen.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : tim
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