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[GUI DevelopProWPFinCSharp2008

Description: The Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) changes all this by introducing a new model with entirely different plumbing. Although WPF includes the standard controls you’re familiar with, it draws every text, border, and background fill itself. As a result, WPF can pro- vide much more powerful features that let you alter the way any piece of screen content is rendered. Using these features, you can restyle common controls such as buttons, often with- out writing any code. Similarly, you can use transformation objects to rotate, stretch, scale, and skew anything in your user interface, and you can even use WPF’s baked-in animation system to do it right before the user’s eyes. And because the WPF engine renders the content for a window as part of a single operation, it can handle unlimited layers of overlapping con- trols, even if these controls are irregularly shaped and partially transparent.-The Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) changes all this by introducing a newmodel with entirely different plumbing. Although WPF includes the standard controls you refamiliar with, it draws every text, border, and background fill itself. As a result, WPF can pro-vide much more powerful features that let you alter the way any piece of screen content isrendered. Using these features, you can restyle common controls such as buttons, often with-out writing any code. Similarly, you can use transformation objects to rotate, stretch, scale, and skew anything in your user interface, and you can even use WPF s baked-in animationsystem to do it right before the user s eyes. And because the WPF engine renders the contentfor a window as part of a single operation, it can handle unlimited layers of overlapping con-trols, even if these controls are irregularly shaped and partially transparent.
Platform: | Size: 9681920 | Author: 邵云鹏 | Hits:

[Windows Developfloodfill

Description: the flood fill in you picture-the flood fill in you picture
Platform: | Size: 109568 | Author: anony | Hits:

[CSharpFlood Fill

Description: 基于种子蔓延的洪水淹没算法,基于C#语言编写而成,以数组为例,递归思想(The flood inundation algorithm based on seed spreading is based on C# language, and takes the array as an example)
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: GIOGIO | Hits:

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