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[Other resourceEGT_v1p3

Description: 书籍The Epipolar Geometry Toolbox (EGT)的MATLAB源代码
Platform: | Size: 3766686 | Author: Zhang xiaowei | Hits:

[2D GraphicRectifKitE

Description: Matlab code for recti cation of stereo pairs
Platform: | Size: 839218 | Author: KennethHsu | Hits:


Description: Matlab極線幾何工具箱 Epipolar Geomatry Toolbox 非常完整好用 適合學生使用學習 讓兩張影像合併的前置步驟
Platform: | Size: 3767728 | Author: ichiop | Hits:

[Graph program3dplane

Description: 利用矩特征可以从二维图像识别三维目标,4阶矩的图像峰值反映了目标的形状,为了使它具有平移、比例和旋转不变性,作者对其进行了归一化处理。-use Moments from the three-dimensional two-dimensional image recognition, four bands peak moments of images reflect the shape of the target, In order to give it scale, translation and rotation invariant, the author of its normalized treatment.
Platform: | Size: 142336 | Author: 王城 | Hits:

[Special EffectsStereoepipolargeometry

Description: 图像中的对极几何问题,是一个了解和学习外极线约束方法的不错代码-Image epipolar geometry problems, is a knowledge and learning outside the epipolar constraint method of good code
Platform: | Size: 3084288 | Author: 杜永凯 | Hits:

[source in ebookEGT_v1p3

Description: 书籍The Epipolar Geometry Toolbox (EGT)的MATLAB源代码-Books The Epipolar Geometry Toolbox (EGT) of the MATLAB source code
Platform: | Size: 3766272 | Author: Zhang xiaowei | Hits:

[Special EffectsFusiello_epipolarrectification

Description: 对立体视觉的双目图像进行极线校正,以实现双目致密匹配-Of three-dimensional visual image of the binocular epipolar rectification to realize dense binocular matching
Platform: | Size: 2319360 | Author: 李淼 | Hits:

[Special EffectskeypointExtraction

Description: 计算机视觉中极几何的一个工具箱,很好用的东西-Epipolar Geometry in computer vision of a tool box, very good things with
Platform: | Size: 351232 | Author: Zhang hongyan | Hits:

[Graph programEGT_v1p3

Description: 极几何工具箱,很好用,计算机视觉学习的好材料-Epipolar Geometry Toolbox, good use of good computer vision study materials
Platform: | Size: 4244480 | Author: Zhang hongyan | Hits:

[Delphi VCLStereoImage1.0

Description: 这是我用Delphi和Matlab写的一个程序,可以生成立体图像(3DS Max 脚本)、将平面图像立体化、基本矩阵计算、极线校正。作者保留所有权利。请勿用于商业用途。欢迎大家对它进行完善。-This is what I use Delphi and a program written in Matlab, can generate three-dimensional images (3DS Max script), will be three-dimensional planar images, the basic matrix calculation, epipolar rectification. Author All rights reserved. Do not for commercial purposes. Welcome to perfect it.
Platform: | Size: 972800 | Author: 刘然 | Hits:

[Special Effectslm-matlab

Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 张治国 | Hits:

[Graph programRectification_epipolar

Description: hartley弱相机标定的立体像对极线校正。输入是立体像对对应的匹配点,输出是已经校正好的图像 这里对图像的角度有要求,如果拍摄角度太大 可能校正不了 而且匹配点对的精确性也有要求,建议最好经过错误点剔除之后的匹配点作为输入-epipolar rectification
Platform: | Size: 2271232 | Author: 波波 | Hits:

[Special EffectsRectifKitE

Description: 用于对图像极线校正的matlab代码 基于Tutorial on Rectification of Stereo Images-matlab code for epipolar rectification
Platform: | Size: 839680 | Author: niuchuan | Hits:

[3D GraphicToolbox_Fundamental_matrix

Description: 双目视觉,基本矩阵工具箱,外极几何。matlab代码,包含一些小算法-Stereo vision, fundamental matrix Toolbox.Epipolar Geometry
Platform: | Size: 5603328 | Author: Young | Hits:

[Special Effectsstero

Description: 立体匹配,包括计算基本矩阵,极线校正,和SSD计算匹配点-Matching, including the calculation of fundamental matrix, epipolar correction, and SSD calculation of matching points
Platform: | Size: 1272832 | Author: gsd | Hits:

[Windows DevelopFRectifKitEo

Description: 用于对图像极线校正的matlab代码 基于Tutorial -Matlab code for image epipolar rectification-based Tutorial
Platform: | Size: 831488 | Author: fjk2002 | Hits:

[Video Capturenormalise-F

Description: make the epipolar line using matlab code.
Platform: | Size: 1078272 | Author: suminhong | Hits:

[Fractal programRectifKitE

Description: Fusiello极线校正的Matlab程序(program for Fusiello epipolar correction of Matlab)
Platform: | Size: 838656 | Author: 快乐的小猪1 | Hits:

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