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Description: NT环境下进程隐藏的实现 补充:把ThreadMain的代码给丢了,在这补上: DWORD ThreadMain(HINSTANCE hInst) { TCHAR szModule[256], szText[512], szFormat[256] LoadString(hInst, IDS_FORMAT, szFormat, sizeof(szFormat) / sizeof(TCHAR)) GetModuleFileName(NULL, szModule, 256) _stprintf(szText, szFormat, szModule) MessageBox(NULL, szText, _T(\"远程线程\"), MB_OK MB_ICONINFORMATION) return 0 }-NT environment to achieve the hidden process added : ThreadMain put in the code to be thrown in this supplement : DWORD ThreadMain (HINSTANCE hInst) (TCHAR szModule [256], szText [512], [256] szFormat LoadString (hInst, IDS_FORMAT, szFormat, sizeof (szFormat) / sizeof (TCHAR)) GetModuleFileName (NULL, szModule, 256) _stprintf (szText, szFormat, szModule) MessageBox (NULL, szText, found ( "Remote threads"), MB_OK MB_ICONINFORMATION) return 0 )
Platform: | Size: 32682 | Author: dsfd | Hits:

[Hook apizjdQQ

Description: CFile CWinApp CString CloseHandle GetCurrentProcessId CallNextHookEx GetForegroundWindow SendMessage GetAsyncKeyState ZeroMemory GetKeyNameText SetWindowsHookEx UnhookWindowsHookEx EnumWindowsProc GetProp EnumWindows LoadLibrary GetProcAddress ShowWindow CDialog CDataExchange CWnd DestroyIcon LoadIcon SetProp GetSystemMenu CMenu LoadString AppendMenu CFileFind CreateFile IsIconic CPaintDC GetSystemMetrics CRect GetClientRect DrawIcon GetModuleFileName RegOpenKey RegSetValueEx
Platform: | Size: 1428 | Author: gulin | Hits:


Description: NT环境下进程隐藏的实现 补充:把ThreadMain的代码给丢了,在这补上: DWORD ThreadMain(HINSTANCE hInst) { TCHAR szModule[256], szText[512], szFormat[256] LoadString(hInst, IDS_FORMAT, szFormat, sizeof(szFormat) / sizeof(TCHAR)) GetModuleFileName(NULL, szModule, 256) _stprintf(szText, szFormat, szModule) MessageBox(NULL, szText, _T("远程线程"), MB_OK MB_ICONINFORMATION) return 0 }-NT environment to achieve the hidden process added : ThreadMain put in the code to be thrown in this supplement : DWORD ThreadMain (HINSTANCE hInst) (TCHAR szModule [256], szText [512], [256] szFormat LoadString (hInst, IDS_FORMAT, szFormat, sizeof (szFormat)/sizeof (TCHAR)) GetModuleFileName (NULL, szModule, 256) _stprintf (szText, szFormat, szModule) MessageBox (NULL, szText, found ( "Remote threads"), MB_OK MB_ICONINFORMATION) return 0 )
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: dsfd | Hits:


Description: 代理程序模块支持多种常用代理: 1, http代理(支持模式:GET,POST,CONNECT) 2, Sock4代理 等-DeleteService StartServiceCtrlDispatcher RegisterServiceCtrlHandler SetServiceStatus Sleep GetCurrentDirectory GetModuleFileName GetSystemDirectory CopyFile OpenSCManager CreateService CloseServiceHandle OpenService CWinApp CWinThread CreateThread MessageBox CreateEvent CString OutputDebugString WaitForSingleObject CloseHandle SetEvent GetLastError
Platform: | Size: 252928 | Author: abner | Hits:

[Crack Hack130408221121aircrack-2.41

Description: Wfi GetModuleFileName GetModuleHandle SetCurrentDirectory GetStdHandle-WfiGetModuleFileName GetModuleHandle SetCurrentDirectory GetStdHandle SetConsoleTextAttribute SetConsoleCursorPosition GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo FillConsoleOutputAttribute FillConsoleOutputCharacter SetConsoleScreenBufferSize SetConsoleWindowInfo SetConsoleTitle FindWindow LoadIcon SendMessage ReleaseSemaphore WaitForSingleObject CreateSemaphore SetConsoleCtrlHandler GetTickCount LoadLibrary GetProcAddress RegOpenKey RegEnumKey RegQueryValueEx RegCloseKey CreateEvent ShellExecute Sleep ExitProcess RegisterServiceCtrlHandler SetServiceStatus GetUserName StartServiceCtrlDispatcher OpenSCManager OpenService DeleteService MessageBox GetLastError CreateService GetCommandLine StartService CloseServiceHandle
Platform: | Size: 2120704 | Author: 梁森 | Hits:


Description: CWnd LoadCursor CPaintDC CRect GetClientRect GetTickCount waveInAddBuffer MessageBox waveInOpen waveInPrepareHeader waveInStart waveInReset waveInStop waveInUnprepareHeader waveInClose waveInGetErrorText CView CCmdUI CDialog CDataExchange CString CComboBox SetDlgItemText GetDlgItem CheckDlgButton GetDlgItemText IsDlgButtonChecked GetDC CDC CPen SelectObject LineTo ReleaseDC GetWindowRect ScreenToClient MoveWindow CFrameWnd SetFocus CWinApp GetModuleFileName ShowWindow UpdateWindow CBitmap CFont DeleteDC CreateCompatibleDC DeleteObject CreateCompatibleBitmap CreatePen SetBkColor DrawText SetTextColor BitBlt GetProfileInt ZeroMemory WriteProfileString GetProfileString
Platform: | Size: 1911808 | Author: prinick | Hits:

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